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Main points: 1) Electromagnetic waves carry transverse vibrations in electrical and magnetic fields, not vibrating particles.

2) Electromagnetic waves do not need matter to travel through- they can travel through empty spaces. 3) A laser is a concentrated high energy beam of light. A carbon dioxide laser is used to treat tumors. An argon laser is used to repair damage to the retina of the eye. An argon laser is also used to remove birthmarks. 4) X-rays pass through soft body tissue but are absorbed by dense bones in the body. X-rays darken an unexposed photographic film. They are used to detect breaks in bones- the break showing up as a dark line on a photographic film while the bone appears white. 5) Gamma rays are produced by tracers taken into the body and detected using a gamma camera 6) Ultraviolet radiation is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. Ultraviolet radiation is also used to sterilize equipment because it can kill harmful bacteria. Too much exposure to ultraviolet rays may produce skin cancer. 7) Infrared radiation is another term for heat. Infrared radiation is used to treat strained muscles and tissue. Infrared radiation is also used to diagnose tumors. This works because a tumor emits more infrared radiation than healthy tissue does. This radiation can be detected on a thermo gram-a photography taken using infrared radiation.

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