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DAWM_OF THE DEAD written Ry James Gunn rewrite by Michael Tolkin Based on the original screenplay by George Romero FULL WHITE April 24, 2003 FADE IN: INT. SAINT DOMINIC'S HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM-LATE AFTERNOON 1 CLOSE UP: SOMETHING STRANGE, WHAT IS IT? A SUNSET? POLLUTION? THERE'S LIGHT, BUT ONLY A MURKY PATTERN. ‘As the camera pulls back the image congeals: the X-RAY OF A SKULL. SOUND COMES UP and we know faster than can be described on the page that we're in a hospital. DOCTOR ALAN ROSEN, 35, is studying the x-ray while handling a cell phone while looking at a chart held by a nurse, CORA WILLIAMS, 40's, kind of worn, kind of sexy. DR. ROSEN No, no, not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, right... you, me, Gary, Brad, we'll tee off at ... well I Like’ Gary... CORA, Dr. Rosen? DR. ROSEN We're teeing off seven-thirty and if you're not there because of Gary, come on, you know? I gotta go. (puzzled by the x-ray) Huh. CORA What? DR. ROSEN Radiology, how long? CORA, Couple hours? DR. ROSEN You're the best. He hands it to her, she leaves the room and goes into: w THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2003 - FULL WHITE 2. INT. HOSPITAL HALL - LATE APTERNOON 2 An ordinary day at an ordinary well run hospital. Cora walks down the hall, turns a corridor and finds ANA CORTEZ, 4 sweetly attractive nurse in her 20's, organizing a meds wagon down the hall. Ana concentrates on what she's doing while they talk. We MIGHT HEAR an ambulance siren, nothing exceptional at a hospital, and down the hall we MIGHT SEE the entrance to the ER, and the ambulance arrive. CORA, Ana? ANA Hmm? CORA Could you take my shift on Sunday afternoon? ANA (hadn't paid’ attention) What? : CORA If you take my shift on Sunday afternoon, I'll give you a three day weekend at the end of the month. ANA Saturday Sunday Monday? CORA Friday off Monday off. Whatever. ANA Monday off. Stores are empty. Lemme check with Luis, but I don't think we're doing anything Sunday. CORA Stokay if you can't, I'm like, stuff around the house, time to get it done. You know? ANA Don't worry about it. CORA You're the best.

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