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Enjoy a friendship celebration at your home.

Choose one evening when your child can invite a special friend over for dinner and the evening. Ask your child to help select the menu, decorate the table, and plan any simple activities. As the friend arrives, take his/her coat, present the kids with a special beverage, call them by name and share the plan for the evening with them. As everyone sits down together for dinner, thank God for special friends. Enjoy your meal, ask questions, share jokes and celebrate being together. Enjoy a simple game or craft, and then leave plenty of time for your kids to play and talk together. Affirm their friendships with one another. As they leave, thank them for coming. As a family, close your evening in prayer, thanking God for friends.

Jesus began to tell people about God. He knew He had lots of work to do, so He went to find some helpers. As Jesus was walking along the seashore, He saw some fisherman. Jesus called to them, Come and follow me. I will make you fishers of people. Right away, they left their boats and followed Jesus. Their names were Peter, Andrew, James and John. Later, Jesus asked a tax collector named Matthew to follow Him, and Matthew did. Jesus also asked Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, another James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas to join Him. They were Jesus disciples and friends. Jesus taught them about Gods love and they taught others. Luke 5:1-11; Luke 6:12-16

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