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Helvetica, Gary Hutski, Swiss. Informational or promotional: I think its both informational and promotional.

It educates people how Helvetica is created, how it is developed and how it is so widely used today on various graphic design works. Primary audience: graphic/visual designers How is it related to class: typography is an important part of graphic design. It also explains why Helvetica as a font type owns its advantages of creating unity, order and organization in all kinds of visual designs. The video also shows how new typography can be created and the consistency is maintained. How type affects life: Type affects our mood, readability and enjoyment when we look at a piece of art work. It also helps us to make things organized and make things pop up when we want to emphasize it. Type is art more than science. Type also defines identities. A specific type design will be recognized whenever people see it. Its highly related to branding.

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