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Dolphin boat rides 28th jan2012 By Sashi Prabhu(zeauoxian)

These wooden meant to for all season, Blue painted motored boats beacon, Us to calm green sea waters, To sail on and thats all that matters.

The calm green waters dolphin rides, Deep inside when the tide subsides. Eight pals and two sailors sailed on On a boat with the rent haggled upon.

Two and a half miles have gone, Into the waters we sail on, Squealing and giggling in delight, Adrenalin pumped up and over excite.

The motor the sailor cuts off, Over and over with a bit of scoff, The dolphins they say swim and are gone By the dull sounds of the motor whirr &drone.

Waves they splash frothy sprays On the bodies bathed in hot sunrays, Shrills cries of joy erupt, From us sightseers eight on a glimpse of dolphins seen abrupt.

The wet bath suits and sun tans, Some with hand held beer cans, Watch the dolphins frolic in the sea Cavorting in graceful curves both she and he.

The sailor maneuvers you to the place Of marine life ,pelagic birds his boat with grace, The sight of these magnificent mammals, Feeding and playing their bodies look coated with enamel.

The thrill so great just to watch, These mammals is just top notch This pod of dolphins swim away, We watch through misty sea sprays.

Salty breeze seep in our hair, Smiling sun shines on our burnt backs bare, The dull sounds of engine power, The enchanting sounds of rythimic waves in my ears still hover.

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