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Tribute Writer

In the 1960s, America experienced civil unrest and change. Some of those changes involved giving more rights to African Americans, women, and other minorities. Also during this time, several influential leaders have been assassinated because of their beliefs and efforts to encourage change. Your job is to write a tribute to post outside the memorial of one of our famous Civil Rights leaders.
Choose one person/friend to write about. President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. Your tribute should be in paragraph form and include: 1. Title 2. A picture of your person 3. How/Why the leader died (hook) 4. 3 Achievements 5. A quote from your person

Tribute Rubric: Use of Good Writing/Grammar skills Accuracy and thoughtfulness of information Required information was included Project is neat and attractive Directions were followed Creativity Use of class time Turned in on time TOTAL POINTS EARNED /20 /10 /10 /20 /10 /10 /10 /10 /100

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