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Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Physical Mobility related to decreased muscle strength and control NANDA: Cause Analysis:

Defining Characteris tics


Intervention s
: Exercise Therapy, Joint Mobility: Use of active and passive body movement to maintain joint flexibility



Subjective Cues:



NIC: Perform developme nt assessment and record age of achieveme nt of milestones (e.g., reaching for objects, sitting) Plan activities to use gross and fine motor skills (e.g., holding pen or eating utensils, toys positioned to encourage reaching and rolling over) Allow time for the child to

Delayed development milestones are common with cerebral palsy. Once one milestone is achieved, interventions are revised to assist in the next skill necessary. Many activities of daily living and play activities promote physical development. The child may perform tasks more slowly than most children. Promotes mobility and increased circulation, and decreases the risk of contractures. A regular and frequently reevaluated rehabilitation program assists in promoting development. Adaptive devices are often necessary to maximize physical mobility.

NOC :Suggested Outcome: Joint MovementActive: Range of motion of joints with self-limited Movement.

The child reaches maximum physical mobility and all developmental milestone

complete activities Perform range-ofmotion exercises every 4 hours for the child unable to move body parts. Position the child to promote tendon stretching (e.g., foot plantar flexion instead of dorsiflexion, legs extended instead of flexed at knees and hips) Arrange for and encourage parents to keep appointme nts with a rehabilitatio n therapist. Teach the family to maintain appropriate brace wear.

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