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QTP notest 1. RGB tolerance in bit map check point 2.

External file for user defined environment varaible - XML Format 3. How you can user monitors to cause to test to fail - define a monitor limit 4. Call to copy of actions - steps, checkpoints , params, action params, OR are all going to be copied over 5. Which statement type you can use in your test to wait for a condition to be m et and fail the test if it times out before meeting the condition - standard checkpoint 6. ToDO - a. Assign tasks to others b. export todo comments in xml format, comma separated 7. Analog : record mouse and keyboard operations, Low: record exact co-ordinates , standard:object level 8. Local data table : default Test folder 9. which status is shows at Test Results if no check point was there - DONE ---------------1. quality Center- connect to the server, authenticate user, select the project 2. Dot indicates - child object and method ( not property ) 3. Which QTP tool uses the Object Repository Merge Tool: Update from Local Repos itory Tool 4. When inserting a call to a resuable action, how are data resources in that ac tion handled: tester has option to copy or refer to the original data 5. Which tab in debug pane allows you to view or change variables or properties : Watch 6. Email is saved propertly : Database check point 7. Any area (boundaries) of your application - Virtual Objects 8. DataTable.Export("c:\abc.xls") .... for all sheets to export 9. How to generate steps: 1. Use a step generator 2. Insert thourgh KV 3. drag o bjects from available keywords 10. resources: function libraries, actions, recovery scenarios ( .qrs ) 11. Object Repository Merge Tool detect: 1. Same name different description 2. S ame description and different name 3. Similar descriptions 12. How to access quickly specific item in OR : locate in repository 13. First Time QC: Save as 14. View methods and prorperties of objects in ur application - Object Spy ---Action1 folder has Script: .mts resource: .mtr object repository: .bdb folder: snapshots ( used for Active Screen ) In default folder local data table: Default.xls parameter file:

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