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1ony Psleh
M||ken Insntute
September 23, 2010

Sllde 3
A L|u|e About Me (1ony)
1994-1993: lzza buslness ln college
1996-1998: LlnkLxchange (onllne adveruslng)
Sold Lo Mlcroso for 526S m||||on
1999: venLure lrogs (lnvesLmenL fund) - lnvesLed ln Zappos.com, lnc.
1999-1oday: Zappos.com, lnc.
nov 2009: Amazon acqulres Zappos, shares valued aL 51.2 b||||on aL closlng
!une 2010: uellverlng Papplness" book publlshed
Sllde 4
1he ower of
01 02 06 03 04 05 07 00 08



Sllde 3
Customer Lxper|ence
WhaL do cusLomers expecL?
WhaL do cusLomers acLually experlence?
WhaL emouons do cusLomers feel?
WhaL sLorles do Lhey Lell Lhelr frlends?
Pow can culLure creaLe more sLorles and memorles?
Sllde 6
Lhe #1 prlorlLy
S weeks of tra|n|ng
Cu|ture book
52000 to qu|t
n|r|ng for cu|ture
1w|uer he|ps bu||d cu|ture
Sllde 7
loLhlng, usLomer Servlce, ulLure
usLomer Servlce


Customer Serv|ce

Sllde 11
loLhlng, usLomer Servlce, ulLure
usLomer Servlce

De||ver|ng napp|ness
(customers and emp|oyees)
"eop|e may not remember exact|y
what you d|d or what you sa|d,
but they w||| a|ways remember
how you made them fee|."

8u||d|ng Great
Sllde 14
"Comm|uab|e Core Va|ues"
uon'L make your core values
[usL a meanlngless plaque on Lhe wall.
Sllde 13
Lxamp|e: Core Va|ues
1. uellver WCW 1hrough Servlce
2. Lmbrace and urlve Change
3. CreaLe lun and a Llule Welrdness
4. 8e AdvenLurous, Creauve, and Cpen-Mlnded
3. ursue CrowLh and Learnlng
6. 8ulld Cpen and PonesL 8elauonshlps WlLh Communlcauon
7. 8ulld a osluve 1eam and lamlly SplrlL
8. uo More wlLh Less
9. 8e asslonaLe and ueLermlned
10. 8e Pumble
Sllde 16
8e real and you have noLhlng Lo fear"
?our culLure ls your brand
uon'L Lry Lo be someone you are noL

"1hat's great,
but |t wou|d
work at my

It doesn't mauer what your
core va|ues are.
as |ong as you
comm|t to them.
Sllde 19
Irom Mar|ana
1oday l saw your workshop ln ulglLal Age and l llke Lo congraLulaLe you. uenlLely was Lhe besL workshop! 1oLally lnsplrlng!
SomeLhlng abouL whaL you sald Loday, really Louched me. l don'L know lf you're golng Lo read Lhls e-mall, lL's a llule sllly, buL l was
very anxlous Lo Lell you Lhese.
l had my own Lheory of happlness. l call lL ?ummy llule Lhlng", ln orLuguese Colslnha CosLosa". ln my Lheory every day l allow
myself Lo do someLhlng LhaL's really makes me happy. lor example: go Lo a bar wlLh frlends, read a page o a book, have lunch ln a
place l love, buy cloLhes, play wlLh my nleces. ln oLher words, l have llsLed all Lhlngs LhaL l love Lo do, and every day l do someLhlng.
lL may even be eaung a candy! Pas Lhe more complex lLems Lo Lhe slmplesL.
So, l really ldenued wlLh your personallLy, splrlL and concepL of llfe. Llse, l pracuce ln my dally Lhls Lheory" wlLh my Leam. l
coordlnaLe a Leam of 11 people. l'm responslble, ln a Lechnology's company, for a deparLmenL of creauon and communlcauon
(www.LoLvs.com). My prlnclple ls we have Lo be happy every day." We spenL 80 of our llfe lnslde Lhe company, so we PAvL Lo be
happy Lhere! l glve prlorlLy Lo people and noL Lo pro[ecLs. very polemlc, don'L you Lhlnk?
?ou know why l am see as a compeLenL professlonal? 8ecause all my pro[ecLs are dellvered ln days, wlLh quallLy. ?ou know why?
8ecause when l can do lL, Lhe reLurn l have from my cllenL, makes me happy! Slmple llke Lhls!!
Well, l hope you had undersLood me. And lm very happy Lo know LhaL Lhere someone else ln Lhe world who Lhlnks llke me! Cood
luck ln propagauon Lhls concepL!
Sllde 20
Irom Iohn kor|oth
My name ls !ohn korloLh. l also go by Lhe nlckname College." lL's a long sLory l can Lell you laLer, buL yes, l dld nlsh college.
When l dld nlsh college ln 1990, Lhe economy was almosL as bad as lL ls Loday, and lL was Lough Lo geL a [ob. A frlend of mlne
was openlng a bar and asked lf l wanLed Lo barLend unul someLhlng more subsLanual came long. nlneLeen years laLer, and l am
sull ln Lhe buslness.
1here have been some lns and ouLs durlng Lhose 19 years, buL Loday l co-own a bar (Slx) ln Ausun, 1exas. We have 14 lnvesLors,
and lL [usL so happens LhaL one of Lhe more famous lnvesLors ls 1our de lrance Champlon Lance ArmsLrong.
l have known Lance for more Lhan 13 years, and he ls one of my besL frlends. When he was dlagnosed wlLh Lesucular cancer ln
1996, l le Lhe bar buslness Lo co-found Lhe Lance ArmsLrong loundauon wlLh Lance. Aer Lhree years of belng Lhe execuuve
dlrecLor, l le and wenL back lnLo Lhe bar buslness. l sull help ouL aL Lhe loundauon as much as l posslbly can and as much as Lhey
wlll leL me. lL ls someLhlng LhaL wlll always be close Lo my hearL.
We opened Slx" ln 2003, and [usL llke a loL of new bars, Lhlngs seemed Lo be greaL aL rsL. We were Lhe new game ln Lown, and
Lhlngs were rolllng our way. 1he nlce Lhlng abouL Lhe bar buslness ls when you rsL open and you do lL rlghL, you can really cash-
ow fasL. Lveryone loves you when you're new. 1he decldlng facLor ln Lhe bar buslness ls, how do Lhey love you aer Lwo years.
1hls ls where a loL of bars fall and have Lo shuL down and LoLally relnvenL Lhemselves. Cr aL leasL Lhey Lhlnk Lhey do. We sLarLed
Lo go Lhrough Lhls same cycle unul l ran lnLo Lwo of my compeuLors. 1hey were absoluLely mlserable, boLh wanLed Lo sell Lhelr
bars or [usL shuL Lhem down. 1hey haLed everyLhlng abouL Lhe buslness and, mosL of all, Lhey dlsllked Lhelr employees. l am
preuy sure Lhelr employees dldn'L much llke Lhem.
Sllde 21
Irom Iohn kor|oth
l have Lo admlL, l was feellng Lhe same way, and Lhen l LhoughL Lo myself, Lhere has Lo be a beuer way. lL [usL doesn'L have Lo be
Lhls way! 1haL's when l saw !lm Colllns, auLhor or Cood Lo CreaL, speak aL Lhe LlvesLrong SummlL. l loved hls book and LhoughL
lL was Lhe besL buslness book ever wrluen. l guess l dldn'L read lL very well, because ln hls speech he remlnded me LhaL Llfe ls
abouL 'who', noL 'whaL'".
ln Lhe bar buslness, we Lend Lo Lhlnk lL's all abouL concepL, look, locauon, muslc sysLems, eL ceLera. Well, lL's noL. l saL down wlLh
my buslness parLner Chrls and sald, we have Lo change or l am ouL of Lhe buslness. l dldn'L wanL Lo become llke our compeuLors.
Chrls agreed. We sLarLed ouL on a mlsslon Lo change our sLa Lo glve Lhe besL cusLomer servlce LhaL Lhe bar buslness has ever
seen. We sLarLed Laklng employees Lo lunch every day for 2 weeks and asked Lhem whaL Lhey LhoughL greaL cusLomer servlce was
and how Lhey LhoughL we oughL Lo do lL. 1hey LhoughL we were crazy and dldn'L undersLand whaL we were Lrylng Lo do. 1hls
became very frusLraung for us and our employees: we were Lhlnklng abouL glvlng good servlce, and Lhey were Lhlnklng we already
dld. lL le Chrls and me very frusLraLed and searchlng for answers.
1here ls an old saylng, When Lhe sLudenL ls ready, Lhe Leacher wlll appear." l gure Lhls ls where Zappos and 1ony came lnLo play.
l was havlng lunch wlLh uoug ulman, Lhe currenL CLC of Lhe Lance ArmsLrong loundauon. l Lold hlm whaL we were Lrylng Lo
accompllsh aL Slx and how frusLraLed we were. Pe Lold me abouL 1ony and Zappos. So l wenL Lo look aL Zappos' webslLe and
ordered some shoes Lo see whaL would happen. lL amazed me how fasL l goL Lhem, and Lhe shlpplng was free.
l LhoughL Lo myself, well, LhaL's [usL promouon and sysLems, noL belng so lmpressed. Chrls and l [usL sLarLed dolng all Lhe research
on Zappos we could. We came across many arucles abouL Zappos and Lhe culLure aL Lhe Zappos PeadquarLers. Chrls even Look a
Lrlp ouL Lo vegas and Look Lhe Lour of Lhe Zappos PeadquarLers. Pe came back wlLh many greaL sLorles and, also, Lhe 2008
Zappos culLure book. We sLarLed Lo share our research and Lhls book wlLh our employees.
Sllde 22
Irom Iohn kor|oth
We really knew LhaL Zappos and 1ony were sLarung Lo have an eecL on our buslness when we saw hlm speak aL Lhe SouLh by
SouLhwesL Muslc lesuval, a blg muslc and lnLeracuve fesuval LhaL has been golng on ln Ausun for over 23 years. ?ou mlghL be
Lhlnklng LhaL we wenL down Lo an audlLorlum and waLched wlLh a couple of Lhousand oLher people - well, we dldn'L. l dldn'L even
know he was golng Lo be speaklng. lL was one of our cockLall walLresses (!ulle) who undersLood very well whaL we were Lrylng Lo
accompllsh, and she found lL onllne and shared lL wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe sLa. When she dld LhaL, we knew we had changed Lhe
culLure of Slx. Cf all Lhe bars LhaL Chrls, myself and many oLher of our employees had worked aL, we had never seen or heard of
Lhe sLa sharlng Lhls Lype of lnformauon wlLh one anoLher.
When l waLched 1ony speak, Lhe one Lhlng he spoke of LhaL really sLuck ouL Lo us was LhaL he dldn'L wanL Lo be Lhe same run-of-
Lhe-mlll lnLerneL company. Pe wanLed Lo be parL of someLhlng dlerenL and beuer. Lven Lhough Lhey were selllng shoes llke a
bunch of oLher companles, Lhey wanLed someLhlng beuer, someLhlng more rewardlng, a company LhaL was golng Lo seL Lhem
aparL from Lhe resL and make hlmself and Lhe resL of Lhe employees happy Lo come Lo work. 1hls was preachlng Lo Lhe cholr, buL
how? uurlng 1ony's speech someLhlng he sald someLhlng LhaL we never really LhoughL abouL and lL was LhaL you may Lhlnk LhaL
Zappos prlorlLy was cusLomer servlce". 1ony explalned LhaL Lhe number one prlorlLy aL Zappos was really company culLure". lf
you geL Lhe culLure rlghL Lhe resL of Lhe sLu wlll [usL happen naLurally.
Cver Lhe course of Lhe nexL slx monLhs, whlch was elghL monLhs aer our lnlual LhoughL Lo change, we learned whaL Zappos had
gured ouL: lL's abouL Lhe culLure of your buslness LhaL derlves everyLhlng good and bad. ?ou wanL Lo have greaL cusLomer
servlce? ?ou beuer have a greaL culLure. ?ou wanL employee reLenuon? ?ou beuer have a greaL culLure.
Sllde 23
Irom Iohn kor|oth
Pow dld we do Lhls? We sLarLed Lo pay more auenuon Lo our employees and whaL Lhey were Lelllng us, We goL
Lhem more lnvolved ln Lhe process of declslons. We sLarLed Lo glve Lhem beuer cusLomer servlce. lor example:
AL Lhe end of every nlghL a slmple manager log ls creaLed and emalled Lo all Lhe managers and owners. lL has
Lhe sales numbers and general LhoughLs of how Lhe nlghL wenL. lL also has malnLenance lLems LhaL Lhe
employees may have nouced or [usL LhoughLs on how Lhey Lhlnk Lhe nlghL could have gone beuer. lf Lhey llsL a
malnLenance lLem we do everyLhlng we posslbly can do Lo have LhaL lLem xed by Lhe ume Lhey walk ln Lhe
nexL day for work. We also call, emall or LexL Lhem and Lell Lhem we xed Lhe problem or LhaL we are worklng
on lL. 1hls Lells Lhem LhaL we llsLen Lo Lhem and we Lake lL serlously. lf lL ls an ldea LhaL Lhey mlghL have Lo
lmprove Lhe cusLomer experlence or work envlronmenL, Chrls or myself wlll follow up wlLh Lhem ln person Lo
dlscuss lL.
AnoLher example ls mosL employees ln Lhe servlce lndusLry haLe employee meeungs. 1hey are usually on Lhelr
day o and are full of lnformauon Lhey already know. We Look a hard look aL how Lo make Lhese more
en[oyable, lnLeracuve and more rewardlng. We now usually Lake Lhem Lo dlnner lnsLead of hosung Lhe meeung
aL our locauon. 1hls puLs Lhem ln a dlerenL mlndseL of someLhlng new and lnLeresung. We may also requlre
Lhem Lo be prepared Lo Lell a sLory of some good or bad cusLomer servlce experlence Lhey encounLered aL
anoLher buslness. 1hls usually resulLs ln some good laughs and some good momenLs of perspecuve of how Lhey
should LreaL our cusLomers. l use Lo spend 20 mlnuLes preparlng for Lhese meeungs now l Lake 4 hours, lL
makes all Lhe dlerence ln Lhe world.
Sllde 24
Irom Iohn kor|oth
WhaL does Lhls do for us? LveryLhlng! Lmployee reLenuon ls way beuer Lhan any oLher place l have ever worked or owned. All of
our cockLall walLresses are parL ume due Lo Lhe naLure of our buslness. MosL of Lhem have oLher parL ume [obs or are ln school.
!usL Lhe oLher day l was Lalklng Lo one of Lhem (kaLhleen) and she Lold me LhaL she had 7 oLher [obs ln Lhe pasL year and she qulL
all of Lhem because Lhe work envlronmenL was so bad and noLhlng compared Lo Slx. 1he lasL meeung employee meeung we had
one of our oldesL employees (8od) sLood up ouL of Lhe blue and sald he had worked aL 10 oLher bars and resLauranLs and Lhey
never dlscussed Lhe Lhlngs we do and lL has LoLally changed Lhe way he looks aL comlng Lo work. When a cusLomer walks lnLo a
our place and sees Lhe same people worklng lL makes Lhem feel aL home. lL may sound cheesy from Lhe 1v show Cheers buL you
wanL Lo go Lo a place where everyone knows your name".
We are golng lnLo our 3Lh year of buslness, and we have maLched Lhe prevlous year's sales each year. ?ou mlghL be Lhlnklng LhaL
we should have experlenced growLh. 1hls economy, and oLher clrcumsLances, have hlL oLher bars and resLauranLs ln our area very
hard. Some good esLabllshmenLs are down 30 - 40. Lvery bar ls probably down excepL us. We Lend Lo Lhlnk we are up 30 even
Lhough we [usL maLched lasL year's sales. We know one reason for LhaL ls our culLure and Zappos.
1he mosL rewardlng Lhlng Lo us ls, when we are walklng around ln Ausun and we see some of our frlends, Lhe rsL Lhlng Lhey say
Lo us ls LhaL Lhey were ln Slx and our employees were [usL so nlce. 1hey ask me how l geL Lhem Lo acL llke LhaL when oLher bars
are noL LhaL way. l [usL smlle and say, Zappos, 8aby." l don'L Lell Lhem Lhe whole sLory, l leL Lhem Lry and gure lL ouL for
Lhemselves llke we dld. As l sald earller, when Lhe sLudenL ls ready, Lhe Leacher wlll appear." 1hanks, 1ony!
Sllde 23
Irom Dave 8raungan
A few LhoughLs on how you guys "lnfecLed" me!
l use lnfecLed, as l Lhlnk LhaL for me, golng Lo Zappos ls llke a spa for buslness owners. l leave charged back up and ready Lo Lake
on Lhe world. l also leave ready Lo spread Lhe happlness. So Lhey are lnfecung me somehow. lLs elLher ln Lhe alr or Lhe mlxed nuL
machlnes all around Lhe omce!
WlLh ALlanLa 8efrlgerauon, l loved work prlor Lo golng Lo Zappos. l goL up every day ready Lo knock Lhe day ouL. l LhoughL l had a
greaL company and dld noL know any beuer. 1he way my dad ran lL was Lhe way l ran lL. l Look Lhe oLher [obs l had ln llfe and
used LhaL, all Lhe same Lype of culLures. SomeLhlng Lhough sLarLed Lo slL a llule welrd (maybe l saw an arucle, read a blog) noL
really sure how LhaL feellng sLarLed, buL lL dld. l found ouL abouL Zappos and l was lnLeresLed, buL very skepucal.

Aer Zappos lnslghLs l was amazed and seelng lL made me reallze LhaL you could operaLe a buslness ln a fun, happy aLmosphere
and have a reason Lo work more Lhan [usL Lhe proL. ?ou could empower, LrusL, and really make work a speclal place. Slnce my
reLurn from Zappos, we have made greaL sLrldes ln bulldlng up our culLure, someLhlng we had all along, buL dld noL know whaL lL
was, how Lo bulld lL, or how lmporLanL lL was ln maklng declslons! 1he foundauon, core values, was someLhlng LhaL we have Lo
glve 100 percenL Lhanks Lo Zappos for, as l would have never done lL, buL llsLenlng Lo 1ony Lalk abouL Lhem, l knew lL was whaL
needed Lo be done.

Cn a personal level, 1ony's happlness research really hlL home wlLh me. Pe lnsplred me Lo really sLep back and look aL my llfe and
see whaL made me happy for Lhe long Lerm, noL [usL shorL Lerm happlness. WlLh work Laklng prlorlLy of my llfe slnce l was llule
waLchlng my dad run Lhe company, l found LhaL l dld noL wanL LhaL same Lhlng wlLh me and my sons (2 and 6).
Sllde 26
Irom Dave 8raungan
Slnce Zappos, l am happler now Lhan l can ever remember ln Lhe pasL. l dlLched sLressful lunch meeung and Look up exerclse. lL
led Lo me Lo dropplng 20lbs and sLarung LrlaLhlons and coachlng. l am dolng an lron man ln May and have a slde [ob as 1he norLh
lace sLore weekly run leader! l am happy when l am ouL on Lhe road, Lhe blke, or Lhe pool. l also use lL Lo reduce my sLress aL
work allowlng me noL Lo Lake lL home Lo my famlly.
l am aL a new level of happlness. My llfe ls slmpler now. l have sLarLed a passlon pro[ecL, helplng employees reach Lhelr dreams. l
ask Lhem for 101 and we are knocklng Lhem ouL! l am currenLly worklng on Lwo LhaL are really unlque. Cne of my cusLomer
servlce ladles wanLs Lo go Lo Lhe Cprah show and anoLher lady wanLs Lo meeL Lhe Cosslln klds (from !ohn and kaLe plus 8). noL
sure how l am golng Lo pull Lhose o, buL l know lL can be done!!
lL's funny, Lhe one Lhlng LhaL sucks ln my mlnd on every vlslL (l have done a few now) Lo Zappos ls how freaky Lhe door openlng ls.
eople go ouL of Lhelr way Lo hold a door open ln LhaL place. 1haL small gesLure ls edge of Lhe culLure waLerfall you go over when
you walk ln. l Lell myself now when l am havlng a bad day or noL llvlng my personal values Lo sLop, smlle, and go open a door for
someone. lLs amazlng how someLhlng small can brlng back a rush of emouons and LhoughLs of such a happy place ouL Lhere aL
l am exclLed, as l wonder whaL ls nexL! 1ony and Zappos has made reallze Lhere ls no end Lo how much you can lncrease your
happlness. ?ou [usL have Lo Lake lL sLep by sLep, and when ln doubL, hop a plane and go Lo one of Lhe besL places on earLh! lL's
worLh every cenL for Lhe lghL!

8u||d|ng Great
Sllde 28
WhaLever you're Lhlnklng, Lhlnk b|gger."
uoes Lhe vlslon have meanlng?
Chase the v|s|on, not the money.
Sllde 29
"Don't chase the paper,
chase the dream."
Sean Combs aka u uaddy" Lo rapper
8lggle Smalls aka noLorlous 8.l.C."
Sllde 30
"What wou|d you be
pass|onate about do|ng
for 10 years even |f you
never made a d|me?"
Sllde 31
What's the |arger v|s|on
and greater purpose |n
the|r work beyond
money or prohts?
Sllde 32

V|s|on & Cu|ture

ass|on & urpose
Sllde 34
Lxamp|e of evo|v|ng v|s|on and
1999 Selecuon
2003 CusLomer Servlce
2003 CulLure and core values as our plauorm
2007 ersonal Lmouonal Connecuon
2009 uellverlng Papplness

Sllde 36

Where does Lhe sLory begln?
Where does Lhe sLory end?
Pow do you relnforce Lhe good memorles?
WhaL were Lhe emouons, posluve and negauve?
Pow can you creaLe more sLorles and memorles?
Sllde 37
What's your bus|ness?
?ou're noL ln Lhe _______ buslness.
Clrque du Solell ls noL ln Lhe clrcus buslness.
?ou're ln Lhe experlence and emouons buslness.
?ou're ln Lhe sLorles and memorles buslness.
1hlnk blgger.


Grow Company Get a Great Iob
8oyfr|end ]
8e nea|thy
kenre Lar|y Make Money
I|nd Sou| Mate kun Iaster
Spend 1|me w]
8uy A nome
Get Marr|ed kun A Marathon
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
Sllde 40
eop|e are very bad at pred|cnng what
w||| br|ng them susta|ned happ|ness.
When l geL ___, l wlll be happy."
When l achleve ___, l wlll be happy."
Sllde 41
1here ls a SCILNCL behlnd many aspecLs of buslness lncludlng:
psychology of buylng
dlrecL markeung
cusLomer acqulsluon meLrlcs
repeaL cusLomer behavlor, eLc.
WhaL lf you spenL [usL 10 of your ume sLudylng and learnlng Lhe
Pow much nAILk could you be?


Grow Company Get a Great Iob
8oyfr|end ]
8e nea|thy
kenre Lar|y Make Money
I|nd Sou| Mate kun Iaster
Spend 1|me w]
8uy A nome
Get Marr|ed kun A Marathon
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
why? why?
Sllde 44
A lLW ulllL8Ln1 l8AMLWC8kS Cn
erce|ved Contro|
erce|ved rogress
V|s|on ] Mean|ng
(8elng parL of someLhlng blgger Lhan yourself)

Mas|ow's n|erarchy
Sllde 46
kock Star
(leasure - chaslng Lhe nexL hlgh)
(LngagemenL - ume les)
Mean|ng ] n|gher urpose
(8elng parL of someLhlng blgger Lhan yourself)
Sllde 47
Chlp Conley
uave Logan, !ohn klng & Palee llscher-WrlghL
1lm lerrlss
!onaLhan PaldL
Sllde 48
ConLacL lnfo and Lours!
Lma|| tonyQde||ver|nghapp|nessbook.com for:
1hls presenLauon
lree culLure book
(need phys|ca| ma|||ng address)
Go to hup:]]tours.zappos.com for:
1our of Zappos omces when you're nexL ln Las vegas
(Lakes abouL an hour)
Sllde 49
Sllde 30

What of your nme do you want

to spend |earn|ng about the
now can the SCILNCL of nAINLSS he|p your
bus|ness, your brand, and yourse|f?

If the research shows that

v|s|on ] mean|ng ] h|gher purpose
|eads to nAINLSS.
What |s your company's h|gher purpose?
What |s your h|gher purpose?
De||ver|ng nAINLSS

My new book |s nt|ed

"De||ver|ng napp|ness"
Now ava||ab|e |n bookstores

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