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Ciphers and codes usually used during war to send a secret massage.

The massage cannot be understood by the enemy as it used code that only knows by the sender and receiver. The sender and the receiver have agreed to use the code before they encipher and decipher the massage. As the use of ciphers and codes was fast developed, many mathematicians put a huge effort to form a formula or way to breaks the codes. Classical cipher is the easiest cipher to break. It is also called as monoalphabetic cipher as its only use one cipher alphabet per massage. Monoalphabetic cipher can be divided into two types which are transposition ciphers and substitutions ciphers.

In transpositions ciphers, the letters of the massage are simply rearranged. It is the basic to the ciphers development.

While in substitutions cipher a replacement is made for each letter by another letter or symbol.

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