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What is a community? What shapes its identity? Is it morally permissible to resist authority in certain situations?

Is it ever morally obligatory to resist? Is indifference morally wrong? What keeps people silent in the face of moral wrongs? How does knowledge of past wrongs affect our moral responsibilities? Do we have a moral obligation to help others? Who has the power to forgive oppressors? Is forgiveness always possible? What is courage? What is a choiceless choice? What are the conditions that lead to genocide? What can we learn from the experiences of Holocaust survivors? How is it that people living in the same place at the same time could have completely different responses to moral crimes? How does knowledge of the Holocaust affect our moral responsibilities? Psychological and Ethical Egoism 1. What is the difference between psychological and ethical egoism? 2. There is a very simple arguement for psychological egoism? What is it? 3. Do you think that all of our actions are motivated by selfish desires? Why one might argue that they are? 4. If you are a psychological egoist, does that mean that you must be an ethical egoist? 5. If you are an ethical egoist, does that mean you are a psychological egoist? 6. We know our own desires better than those of others. Does this mean that qe should only attempt to satisfy our own desires?

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