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ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, WE PRINT Language Activities 1.

Read the newspaper in the target language to practice the language and keep up with events.

AS THE activities Watch a soap opera every day them to most suitable Below is a list ofWORLD choose at least 5 per sheet and matchto practice understanding 2. TURNS the target language. learning strategy 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. BRAINSTORM BREAK-DOWN CANNED TALK CHECK-UP CINEMA CITY COLOURS CUISINE DATING GAME FRAIDY CAT GETTING IT ALL TOGETHER GOOD OLD SHERLOCK GOSSIP GUESS WHAT HANDOUTS HELP! Brainstorm with other language learners so possible topics for writing in the new language Break down into parts any long words and expressions in the new language that you find overwhelming Learn some common canned routines by heart in the new language so you can rattle them off easily when you need them in social conversation. Check yourself to see the kinds of errors you make in the new language and then try to figure out why. Go to a foreign film festival to get more exposure to the new language. Colour-code your language notebook so you can find things easily. Read and follow recipes in the target language. To meet a person of the opposite sex, read the computer dating company advertisement in the newspaper in the target language of course. Make positive statements to yourself in order to feel more confident and be more willing to take risks. When preparing to give a talk in the new language, figure out the requirements, your own capabilities, and what else you will have to do in order to give a good talk. While reading the new language, constantly look for clues to the meaning. While a friend is telling you some juicy gossip in the new language, listen carefully so you can get it right when you tell it to someone else. While listening to a politicians TV speech in the new language, guess what the politician will say next. Send off for free items advertised in target language magazines and newspapers. When you cant seem to find the word to say in the new language, ask for help from somebody else. Look for native speakers who can help you practice speaking the new language or who can explain things to you about the new culture. Read a hymn book, bible, prayer book etc in the new language. See if there is anything similar to what you know from your own background. When you dont understand something, guess. Ask someone else for feedback on whether you have understood, said, or written something correctly in the new language.






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