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Last year when we receive our report cards, there s a tai-chi belt raise being held at Langda.

Im so excited to join that because i miss that tai-chi belt raise twice when i join tai-chi kungfu. Because of that raise, i skip my schedule to pick up my report, but that s okay. There s my parents to represent me on that occasion.

At 7a.m , we move from Barana to Art Center to gather with other tai-chi member of Toraja branch to go there to Langda together. When we re arrived at Langda, in a hurry we change our suit with tai-chi uniform and enter the field of battle.we practice a little bit and read the rules of belt-raise. The rules said that we re ready and accept all the conditions that our senior give to us. The opening ceremony is finally finished and i thought that we will do our activity at our first site, but we were ordered to take a line and then run into a very quiet site, like in the middle of the forest. When we re arrived, before we re enter the main site, we were ordered to duck and . but before that, we re being kicked at our bottom, some are being hit by stick.

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