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Good evening, I'm Fernando Lopez and this is today we have important information The National Defense Secretariat

(SEDENA), according to the EFE news agency had reported that a commander, an officer and 12 soldiers of the Mexican Army had been sentenced to between 16 and 40 years in prison by a military court, to be involved in the killing of five civilians and injured three others in the northern state of Sinaloa, according to the National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA), according to EFE Without giving the names of those convicted, the court-martial had said they had been sentenced for the crimes of homicide and injury The commander and officers had been punished with the removal of employment and disqualification for 10 years for belonging to the army again, explained EFE. military victims or perpetrators? what do you think? Send us your comments in our twitter @ bbnoticiasoficial Now we go with our correspondent in complejo cultural universitario in the city of Puebla maybe you ask, what is ciudad de las ideas? it is an international festival that brings together humanists, scientists and philosophers to strengthen the citizen s and increase their creative potential.

The festival La Ciudad de las Ideas 2011 will be held at the Cultural Complex of the Autonomous University of Puebla on 10 to 12 November, with new themes, and stunning conferenciastas more questions. View Speakers 2011.

The City of Ideas is a space where citizens participate in person, an interactiv e forum through television and the internet where they acquire new tools to play a prominent role in the formulation of proposals for the welfare of society thr ough of our social networking website. Admission to all lectures, a welcome kit and artistic activities of the three-da y event: Thursday 10, Friday 11 and Saturday November 12, 2011. like michio kaku said "what a greatconference 3,000 people cant be wrong. one of the best themes of science and society. we need more of them."

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