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Assignment 5 WRITI G ASSIG ME T

Playing Truant At School

( Circle the correct answer and rewrite the essay )

Truancy is / are a problem sweeping not only Malaysia, but the entire world. Every day millions of students play / plays truant. In recent years, Malaysia has / have been experiencing a surge in / on social problems involving teenagers. They are involved in house break-ins, car jacking, smoking, drugs, prostitution, pre-marital sex, bully, playing truant from school etc. Most alarming of them all is / are school truancy. There are / is many reasons why a student chooses to play truant. One of them is / was to escape bullying at / on school. Schools now have / has become a breeding ground for bullies. These bullies like / likes to prey on students who are / were physically weak or mentally weak. They try / trying to usurp power or authority over them / they through physical, mental or emotional abuse. The more common form of bully in / at Malaysian schools are emotional and verbal abuse. Victims of bully go / goes through a great deal of / in stress and tension until they are / were not able to concentrate in class anymore. The constant fear of being / been bullied causes them / they to choose to play truant just to escape from the / an emotional and verbal torment. For some, boring classes and hard lessons give / gives them an excuse to play / playing truant. Some lessons like Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics etc are / is hard for students who are weak to grasp or understand. They loose / lost interest in their studies and school. This gives / give them a reason to play truant. Another reason is students bad relationship with their / them teachers. Teachers who are / were too strict or use harsh and insensitive words towards their students cause / causes students to hate them / they and harbor bitterness in / at their hearts. Once they dislike / disliking a teacher, they also loose / loosing interest in the subject taught by the particular teacher. As a form of retaliation / retaliations, students will skip class and play truant. In conclusion, bullies, boring classes and insensitive teachers only provide a / the stressful and tormenting environment for students / student. schools need / needs to provide a conducive and safe environment for students to study in order to curb truancy among students.

Copyright 2011 Prepared by : Mr. Luke Gabriel

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