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August 16, 2011 Mr. Bernardo

ACROSS undetermined material

DOWN 2. thought that element was some called apeiron and postulated that

this substance is eternal and indestructible 1. an Italian physicist and astronomer who thought that the world consisted of countless atoms separated by a quantitatively infinite vacuum 4. thought that each of the elements (earth, air, fire, water) consists of particles that are composed of simple right triangles 6. believed that the formative substance of the universe was the one, an infinite,motionless mass that contained no empty space 9. regarded the universe as infinite and eternal and as consisting only of bodies and space 11. suggested everything consists of fire or some other single material and that is changed by eternal flux 14. suggested that the world is essentially complex and divisible seeds controlled by mind 16. a scientist who was the early proponent of the scientific method 17. discovered a new gas and described its role in the processes of combustion and respiration and called it dephlogisticated air 19. thought that the world has four elements (earth, fire, water, air) 20. discovered al-qili maning ashes of the saltwort

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