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Finally started ...

P187 (1) Mana Island Twelfth Night cake , "Li Diya wife, tonight is the traditional Twelfth Night cake when baked." Her maid Kelly, in order to clean up the refreshments table from. From the beginning Lidi Ya just tea with her father, Kelly from chipped. "So, to put the beans it?" "Yes, really worthy of a distinguished lineage of Earl. this time, certainly not less in the Twelfth Night cake habit. for Li Diya, in Twelfth Night do Twelfth Night cake, probably since his mother died after a long time did not do. to meet the Earl married into a family after Christmas Lidi Ya, although family life was strange to adapt to count, but a hearing to do Twelfth Night cake , I felt very nostalgic, but when the cake-to-face, I recall many happy memories, but so has felt very excited. several cases by the twelfth day of Christmas, after tonight, Christmas really at an end. Back to careen were: first, this "Kelly worried about is whether what is heard from Li Diya." that what is then quotes the sentence, that is fantasy Li Diya Kelly would ask her children about health Yu woman thing. Therefore, the "what" is the thing about having children, but did not write the original sentence is what happened. Followed by "smiling whispered.", That is Kelly, you look back, "Li Diya shocked, confused, but Kelly just feel shy." Knew, but I also agree to add back Kelly will be a little better: "Kelly said smiling softly," then this "From the beginning Lidi Ya just tea with her father, Kelly from chipped," is written with the original sentence, twisting a long time ... or not fluent with ... ... If I had known then I do not fix "Li Diya is tea with her father, Kelly from chipped. I think the Japanese may not understand sometimes by the tone the speaker ( sentence unless there are written, then the name, not to mention both are women), sometimes the two (Japanese and Chinese) should see the sentence. The people who make up words, I would like to ask the previous version of the Peter Green demon There are not added to the speaker, and some words I can use this as reference. do not understand, you can see for reference the following sentence: Kelly put beans on the Twelfth Night cake not quite understand this point, but know that there is give and beans descendants of the mean. Lidi Ya Twelfth Night cake was done (probably to help his mother busy that). I think this will help you understand the speaker, all in all, the two pages who speak only Kelly and Li Diya . you look at my blog know that I play complex characters, right? give you two tips: where is the will to use traditional characters where? I used CangJie. This term than on a hard turn Debu ... If I really fluent, but please advise. P189 [not worry. Although married couples have children immediately after, but there are a number of years to his wife and other children. ] You two just get married it. " But Li Diya in the gift of God, please have a problem before. even if not with anyone, even her husband Edgar to discuss, but Li Diya may have heard that they have the impact of ancient magic and can not have children, because do not know that thing is not true, so I do not know how to do. Therefore, if they really want is a curse Come on it. Twelfth Night cake is better to pray about it? "If in the" Li Diya has Kelly said so on, but Li Diya child, would say "must be in", and then pumping in a bean cake. my mom said the goblin like to have beans bean cake. even for a long time not seen ten nights cake, it must be very easy ballot. "Madame, I think the pack here, began to prepare dinner. Please wait a moment. " Kelly finished and went out. Lidi Ya stand up in the window overlooking the scenery outside. Twelfth Night cake beans are also within the meaning of spring. but spring is still very far away, outside the house but also the strong winds blowing snow mixed . the scenery outside is gray sea, because it is standing on the cliff of the castle. Lidi Ya Earl now staying home territory, Mana Island mansion. 190 from a balcony window to see the ships sailing in the waves. Only relatively small waves around there, I feel incredible while also understand that the mermaid is protecting vessels. Trustee of the fish's blessing, which 300 years, has been abandoned due to rough the island, but also because the halfway point into a safe route and get busy. Speaking this way two years ago, inhabit the island mermaid, meet new lord and admitted that he was the Green Knight Earl. To inherit this country has a goblin lord Earl Edgar status of the Green Knight. Barton in the name of Hans Eichel, the establishment of the human and goblin tribe's commitment to mutual respect. After the establishment of this contract, even in the face of this bad weather, close to Mana Island Mermaid vessels continue to be protected from disaster, successfully reach the port. "Li Diya Lady." Kelly's voice calling with a special, Li Diya turned around to respond to her. "Something with me to discuss it?"

stand in front of the steward Tomkins. The fat half-old housekeeper, has been flowing without guard Earl of territory owners, Merlot blood. "What thing?" Li Diya asked. She left the window, and then went to drawing room in the middle of a chair to sit down. Tomkins is not looking for Edgar, but to find Li Diya discuss the case, I am afraid that with the monster on it. Dr. Li Diya as fairies, that deal with the monster implicated Earl is her job to do. I read Translator's Note to explain the word only, but also in the book is not written in the dispositif in (font will be smaller than the main text) I just turned 11 the seventh volume chapter only, not my turn in front of those, not very concise, but I can not read short, this page I added a speaker. P191 Tomkins is not looking for Edgar, but to find Li Diya discuss the case, I am afraid that with the monster on it. Dr. Li Diya as fairies, that deal with the monster implicated Earl is her job to do. "I want to prepare for dinner and the Twelfth Night cake, but the beans gone gold and silver." housekeeper said, while with a wonderful look, opened a small box wrapped in velvet show Lidi Ya see. Which of course is empty. "Earl from generation to generation of the beans is made of both gold and silver beans, Tomkins has been kept by me. Having said that, as far as you know, these beans do not use more than 300 years ... last year owners to participate in other places because of the relationship between the parties, capitalists Twelfth Night dinner is not ready this year finally ready, and opened the box, beans disappeared, so I do nothing. " Twelfth Night of the main course than ten nights cake. Although beans are important, but the beans to Twelfth Night is Earl this well-known treasure, Li Diya is just to know. Perhaps as a master Edgar do not know. "Uh ... will not be run out of beans 300 years ago, after Earl, forgot to go back?" Li Diya asked to guess the tone. "No, each family would check the count of items." Tomkins said with certainty. "So, when it was stolen?" Li Diya again asked Tomkins. you have to do a few Austrian practice? And the number of Austrian teachers are not recommended to participate in it? P192 is really stolen, then do not discuss with Li Diya had. Tomkins to head a strange look to continue that roll. "Heard of the legendary fairy gold and silver are beans, so sometimes missing or perhaps even so, they are said to be in order to fulfill the duties back to Twelfth Night, but they have not come back now, in the end is how it happened?" "bean is a fairy?" Li Diya was surprised to stand up and ask. "Yes, they are said to be King and Queen of beans." Tomkins answered truthfully. "So this is ah Well, they may be out of whim, forgot today's responsibilities." Lidi Ya try again speculate that they will go. "This trouble ..." Tomkins said very upset, and looked with eyes in reliance Lidi Ya. "Li Diya adults, there is no way to call them back? Headed Twelfth Night party is a grand event and they can be said to harvest the earth's kings and queens, its strength dependent on the Twelfth Night cake, headed this year by a commitment the gift of the earth. Twelfth Night, then without them, there is no party like a VIP as well. " custom stick Earl Tomkins Li Diya eager to help. I do not think necessary, but that did not careen plus the speaker were not read, I'll take "fusion fit" method to add the phrase (because I do not want to write directly XX said) P193 can not think of not wishing beans , Li Diya Tomkins nodded his head to say. Furthermore, the Green Knight Earl is very origins of the family with the fairies. And if it has a Twelfth Night Elf, but can not come in handy at parties can cause trouble. Lidi Ya think the wedding commotion, it was held that ignore beans fairy party is folly. "I understand, I try to look around to see." Lidi Ya Tomkins received the commission. This is located in Mana Island, as the Earl's mansion house, built 300 years ago the castle was converted. Edgar became Earl, he will be renovated into a residence for the modern comfort and luxury villas. Then this winter, Li Diya this territory with Edgar plans to spend Christmas, he left London, staying in this mansion. Clear in the fair-weather days, her first experience fishing this event, with Edgar to walk the vast garden, the garden is also considering new plans. Edgar once said, occasionally leaving London's bustling downtown, to the countryside life is good. P194 has a vast territory for the estate in the residence, he grew up, the nobility of life may have been the outskirts of this life. Lidi Ya liked nature. Of the fairy, the Mana Island is the best place to stay, but as a fairy, she is concerned that Dr. Libilundui more lively. She agreed Edgar's statement, but Lidi Ya really do not know if there will be a result of the day while away a smile instead. Can spend with him so the years ahead it? Lidi Ya think there is no obstacle to married life, suddenly uneasy. Her that this marriage may have flaws. In order to rid his thoughts, depression, her out of the room, start looking at home with the beans about fairy clues. If the realization of the aspirations of the Twelfth Night cake was really the magic of fairies, including the attachment, it is more like a bean

cake will get their hands on. Even fairy magic as the basis for Lidi Ya can not take it lightly, she must find the monster before dinner time. "To be honest, where Nicole in the end?" Li Diya thought, and asked the fairy fairy thing is most apposite. She edge partners to find her fairy cat side complain. "Oh, when he is always looking for something but not a cat." today, forgot to finish the first paste 195, has changed along with 196 stickers .. P195 Nicole is very greedy, so find a place to eat will surely find him. But still could not find him in the end he goes to play it? "bean goblin it ... in fact, what is amazing is not magic. no big deal even if not found." Lidi Ya look around the house, do not see anyone, But even behind closed doors and also hear the sound. She once again look back and found the window black hair men standing there. "Grew over." Lidi Ya Grew ratio approached and surprised him. Although Grew than with the magic of the aquatic horror horse, but he is relatively close to the monster with Li Diya. But the field of Mana Island is Mello, if known than here Grew, then they may anger the sky. "Not like you said can come here? Are Merlot, it's terrible to see. " " They do not see on the line before the retreat. " Although the ratio is so Turkoglu said. "You hear what I have to say with the housekeeper is not it? When did you start to hear!?" Is this thing has spread out? Li Diya seemed anxious. "When did you start ... there is gold and silver bean is the monster began to hear ah." Lidi Ya hear his answer suddenly relieved. "They will not seek to achieve aspirations. Lidi Ya Do not reason those beans, go out with me in the snow Mercedes-Benz is the best!" P196 do not take the preferences of aquatic horse par. The wind out of the window to see snow, Lidi Ya feel very cold and shivering. "Grew than, in short, I now want to be able to count a part to play at home, even if just to Twelfth Night customs as long as there is a need I will help." This is the husband and wife get along. Lidi Ya fervent hope of the future to bring a little light. See Li Diya such serious eyes, relax the shoulders than Turkoglu to give up her out. "Just seeing the cat with a crown of gold and silver to bring the monster to go along." Turkoglu finished disappeared than the left. "Li Diya keen for everyone's future, that the dawn of" P197 (2) Silu memory where David Duke at home in imitation of a large Gothic church hall, place a very tall, like a Christmas tree to the top days. Fir tree was moved from the middle of the room when the Christmas tree forest arrangement. Hanging above the different colors of candy, baked snacks, fruit, etc., in the eyes of children the same as magic trees. Edgar is coming this year, thirteen years old, has been a kind of innocent times. Even children know that they have not, but still excited to see this tree feeling. Silu where David Duke family tree is more pleasing than the palace of the trees, hear from relatives who praise this tree this tree even more expansive. But this year's tree is the last time I saw. After a Twelfth Night, Christmas is the end. Christmas trees, decorations and this room will be removed. Twelfth Night the evening almost started. Adjourned to tomorrow ... P198 Although Edgar had the innocent age, but he has not yet party to participate in adult age, except for family parties. Tonight Edgar wear formal evening wear, holding a candle watch that tree. Christmas tree lights shining at night is gorgeous is not. So Edgar let his followers to follow, while not yet opened the hall lights, Christmas tree alone in there to see. "It is magnificent tree it. Really worthy of the Duke family." someone from the channel to the second floor went to Edgar's side whisper. Edgar looked back, a shy, blond women, smiling to Edgar. "Like the Silu where David home? Nuoli repair viscountess." Edgar also respond with a smile. Viscountess smile suddenly tense up. "You know my name? The young Duke." clearly just the first meeting of the President, but if she is tonight's guest, Edgar will be heard about. This woman is, the current Duke of parents know the child slightly, presumably to Silu David Duke family who have investigated it before. "Because tonight's faces only viscountess and family, Mr. Leighton Ge teachers only." Edgar replied. articipate in the Twelfth Night party who has the Duke family, relatives and several tutors. Although Edgar knew nothing of the adult society, but he knew a lot of people. "Really observant, then you should have heard the rumors about me, right?" of course heard. Because she is a gathering of relatives here, the most topic of women. I recently told her family member of the Duke of Seoul Wen Fude Nuoli repair Viscount married this year is the first time she held the Duke family Twelfth Night party. But Viscount have an age, but I heard also ill in bed. His marriage with the beautiful young woman is the third time, perhaps because a certain love of the royal family want to get care. Panlongfufeng way to enter the palace of the senior whore, this noble woman in the eyes of his wife in name only.

Even if in the future become a widow, may have the property for their own identity and run around in society. Ailing the Viscount of course can not come, so long as his wife, I visited Seoul Wen Fude separate the Duke family. Yes, she is only 25 years old. There may be reasons, or a viscount wanted her to temporarily stay at his side ... but these are only relatives strange guess. "For those rumors, I can ask you a question?" "You ask what?" Speaking of water, trees ... her beauty when the main character in Heartcatch light, the enemy is actually the strongest boss Edgar (Green River Light) P200 "you are not a father's love?" Edgar raised the issue directly. She is close to Edgar ear, whispered to tell him the real reason to come here not for the rumors. She did not shake, just find it interesting and with a smile. "You want to know what to do? " " Do not you think I am more attractive than his father do? " The curiosity and her smile became a little childish. She felt Edgar have a crush on her. "Do you not think I ask is when you love it?" "Do not make fun of when I was a child-like." "I just did not think there is also precocious child just my age you this time, has also long been into the adult world of. " "I see. boy like me can not meet you right? " " No, the young Duke, you are more than attractive men I know. " believed she had been confused a lot of men, right? She looked glamorous teenager. Although she is not beautiful, but she was confident, and has a seductive eye. Speaking in Edgar's eyes, she looks like an intention to play a sexy woman only. P201 "very pleased to meet you, Ms. Connolly repair. " " call me Rui Qier on it, which is a symbol as a friend. " " I feel very honored to do. "Edgar laughed and said. "So even if you call me Edgar." After the two shook hands, on their left. This is the encounter with the lady. Twelfth Night, recall that time, I may be the tragedy of the Duke of Seoul Wen Fude time will be staged. "Earl, so soon to the Twelfth Night of tomorrow do not know whether the last time I saw a gorgeous tree tree?" stand next to the Carew Edgar Dayton professor. Edgar from the large stairs, overlooking the tree placed in the lobby Christmas tree. This is the first time with the Li Diya Manan Island in the castle for Christmas. Although the Christmas tree at home with the seats Seoul Wen Fude have quite the quality of the tree, but that they want their own decorations for Christmas trees Lidi Ya, so Edgar can help decoration. Note: Aurora is Li Diya's mother, also a phrase, forget the green paper What is the name. Back to the 200 floor: more bit-part player (supporting role, right?) in Conan the followers of Lupin OVA Battle ... the most recent word is Keroro 320 (that is, the latest episode), because the spoof Gundam W, will battle the Green River. . with vocal (+ beauty?) to Natsumi discharge ... is your mouth Nanoha Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha gun, there's the Green River as the protagonist of OVA (but Nanoha becomes a supporting role) P202 a family with Li Diya , to enjoy happiness, than any luxury tree more beautiful. Although, as professor said, to clean up a bit wasted here, but this is the ancient custom, there is no way to put this tree. "Next year is also longer see the tree, the father," Professor seems to have no father used to call him Edgar, Edgar heard this call will still blush. "That is one, Lidi Ya really happy." Perhaps this sentence also included Professor desire it. Next year, even in the future, I hope Li Diya also happy as now. "I feel happy I should be my son." Edgar such an answer because he was from Li Diya who get too many things, there is no way life may be repaid. "You make me feel embarrassed to say, but Earl, Lidi Ya .. that ... you what she think? Her on your side, you will not feel she was too trivial, unworthy countess .. " Even if his daughter married off, also for her to worry about. Edgar, Professor peace of mind to make, he replied smiling. "There is no such thing. Lidi Ya do not much like Ms. Aurora? Whether to go to where the outsiders have looked at me with envy." P203 "as my wife? Yeah .. there is a little similar to it recently , but will not be too exaggerated to say? Li Diya childhood that she has been very personal. " comes to the topic of his late wife, Professor edge Saotou shy side. "The first time encounter with Li Diya, have felt being with her strong and lovely, beautiful and mysterious qualities, but the people around her did not detect it." Edgar said words very seriously, he really think so. "I am very fortunate to win her heart. Frankly, I was not surprised to Li Diya courtship." "ah ... is the so-called love is blind."

"exquisite beauty of real women, and only know people appreciate know that she's the beauty of this is before the teachings of his uncle, father you know? such as common as jade limestone bears. " " That, in front of you in the Lidi Ya like this? " "Of course. saw She thought a lot of praise of her lines, not pity not told her yet? " Although Professor smile close your eyes, but he praised his daughter was not so malicious. Duke is looking for time, adjourned to tomorrow .... P204 "Yes, father, I would like to ask you about marital relationships and experiences. Lidi Ya ideal marriage, is like her parents did. usually the attention what? "Huh? pay attention to? Well, I do not have to do what, because I like women other than his wife, no fate. " said Professor Edgar may unwittingly hurts the. "ah ... the original is the case, do not have close contacts with other women is the experience. " This is a matter of course, but also Edgar hardest thing to do. "No, I do not mean. " " do not have daily interaction in social situations and particularly stiff is it? " "... this regard, as long as you do not frivolous, then ..." "That is the problem. How to be frivolous, frivolous men and women of knowledge are very different. Why do not you ask Lidi Ya sure, please? " is aware of this before, but did not directly ask her. Edgar before the body is slightly inclined, very seriously ask. professors are upset clutching head. "hoarse ... Lidi Ya, but now I think the ideal is not the same as before it. Daughter of love do not know, but since you choose to marry, she should make parents aware of the model object can not be right? " P205 Professor remark is encouraged, then it seems strange, but Edgar said, if not the perfect husband, well he make Lidi Ya, that's also the way to encourage professors to accept. "Li Diya is not it in the living room?" Edgar suddenly want to see Li Diya. To the island for Christmas, then it can often with his wife, but as far as possible with her inseparable. However, Professor Li Diya wants to talk alone, Edgar did not want to bother temporarily. Although Li Diya very hard every day to make their words more like the Countess, but to the island vacation, she cherished time to spend with loved ones. Not to say that contacts with the nobility that she was tired, but the only father and daughter to return to the kind of easy living. "Yes, I think Li Diya also is time to prepare dinner, so leave the room." little bit of time away from the dinner, Professor of leave to see Li Diya. Edgar continued to enjoy the Christmas tree. Er Wen Fude things I have been buried in the Edgar heart. Whether innocent happiness that does not Wen given situation, and nothing that led to his case ... even though there are confidant in reliance worthy companion letter, but he did not want to share with other people with such a heavy past. Hepossession of these wounds has been fighting to the present. But now is not the same. Lidi Ya not only to bear his pain, and has been supporting him. She is the only make Edgar frankly say the pain of his heart, and the inclusion of his own lonelyMen over women. Edgar told her to become husband and wife after began to feel she may accept his past misfortune. Just think of the future to make Lidi Ya happy recollection of events has become not a difficult task. Manan Island in the year to celebrate not only Christmas, but also to experience the Scottish New Year's Eve (hogmanay). This is the first time together with Li Diya over the winter. Twelve Banquet also let him impressed. Adjourned to tomorrow ... P207 Moreover, a decade ago that Twelfth Night, only one night to become the same as before. At this point of view of his son Edgar, his parents and no marriage, the couple and no quarrel. Even if the father is a strict silence, but his mother is very gentle. However, since Ruiqi Er appears, their relationship began to change, at least the mother is obvious in doubt the relationship between father and Ruiqi Er. Edgar always knew his father's efforts to reach the object, but the mother did not know, and as long as women are not often met, it is not a big problem. However, this problem may be the presence of the mother is very concerned about Ruiqi Er, so that changes in the relationship with his father. Yes, now think of it, I Wen Fude Seoul before the appearance of the Duke family in Ruiqi Er, have fallen into enemy hands. This unusual start the wind blowing in his father's life by Her Majesty the Queen went to Rome in time. Glorious Revolution in the Roman period * discover the exiled king of diamonds taken away, his father ordered this gem back to the UK, then to Rome to negotiate. * Note: that James II

This page was turned for a long time, because to check the Glorious Revolution, James II and the Stewart family ... If, as I do not know these things, I suggest look at these three keyword, look at this page. P208 , but that when the diamonds in return, under the surveillance of his father's stolen. From all the indications of speculation, can constitute a conspiracy theory. James II was taken away by sinking the diamond will not be made public. Therefore, even if the event is not open, there are some elite know this. The diamond is not just the appearance of large, it is a symbol of authority. People who want to take away the diamond is likely to want to plot rebellion. At that time Britain had intended to pass the throne the descendants of James II, and then once again lead to war. Now some people still believe that is the real name of his son heir to the throne. Overtaken by events, James II Stewart family has a long history, even if the family has now established the throne of Hanover, who called James the party group is still around the corner. James has been executed most of the party, but once again aroused the diamond Ruoyin past disputes, the British royal family will be difficult issues. Er Wen Fude home I have a Stewart family lineage. Although the kind of nobility everywhere, but this way, the father of the suspect will be deeper. Of course his father is innocent. Queen are convinced of this, so do not condemn. Just to clarify the suspect was not so easy, then his father was expelled from the court. 304 Building The phrase "suddenly remembered girlhood, I heard the French convent, she is not raw boys "... In fact, I do not understand why this one .... do not understand people who skip the phrase okay .. today adjourned to tomorrow turn slow ... .. II over there, and then say back to Manan Island ... back renrenxin: I use the original have been translated ... Stewart is wiki-based ... Stuart is a dynastic name, so I did not ... As for James, did not read the law much worse, anyway, English is James P209 since that time, the mother is more upset than my father . Mother should find their origin, is the Stewart family in exile in France, the legacy of origin. Suddenly remembered the young girl, I heard that the monastery in France, she is not raw boys. Edgar said his father thought Ruiqi Er may be related with the blood of the mother thing. Because we have the same secret, saw the relationship between father and Rui Qier more intimate, the mother was suspected. At that time, the mother received a letter before her fiance, the father became restless, the relationship between two people in the Cold War, but this is often something noble couple, Edgar agree with this woman's opinion. Although aware of these things taken for granted as long as when, on Buzhi Yu breakdown of the marriage, but this time the Edgar aristocratic bent to maintain the marriage, even if only in form are good. Green goblin version of mine called Ge Buer, right? ... there are coffee table, the original table is heavy ... yes, then move up the table than the table difficult ... not to mention the room like the living room .. so I use the coffee table directly P210 (3) Manan Island Doll's House (whether you are looking for Nicole adults? concubine adults, then brought here.) Lidi Ya hear that sound like the paintings side by side there came from the immediately stopped. She gazed around to determine, in a complex carved on the forehead before, to see who has a messy beard of mine fairy Ge Buer Cha Zhaoyao appear. He told Barton Count Hans Eichel has its roots in, occasionally haunted house in the count. "You know he? I heard fairy beans with him." (Yes, they seemed to enjoy the cache of wine, I now have to enter the castle, not to go? ") "bean in the castle fairy? " (Yes, the Green Knight's concubine to count the words, beans Fairy King will welcome you.) In short Li Diya will go to the castle with Ge Buer. through a long corridor, down the stairs deep, two people soon come to a clean room. the room like the living room, both the furniture, place the middle of the room only table in this coffee table has a green roof on a model house furnishings. P211 a closer look at the model house, making very detailed. Wall tile brick really is, a small glass window is also used to embed. Peep inside, there are curtains hung, another place the sofa and fireplace mantels. "Wow, this doll house ... really powerful ... it work very fine." Lidi Ya do not know the house has such a fine doll house. She looked around the room completely. Three simple buildings, the window display of potted plants, but also like the smoke of the gas emitted from the chimney. Huh? Smoke there? Not it? Ge Buer with stunned Li Diya said. (Oh, we are inside.) "inside? do, here is the bean fairy castle?" Ge Buer entered the building entrance, decorative door knocker sounded the bees.

"Come on, concubine adults, the door has been opened." Back to the 330 House: Then fix: she thoroughly read the entire room again. This should be no language problem it. P212 "But how into this room is so small?" Li Diya just think, that sounds like a toy wooden doors creak open, she has the body in a doll house them. Correct, it should be in a strange building. Covered with blue carpet along the walls of the lobby, you see the stairs. Moment will be able to come to this strange place, it must be magical mischief. In other words, now is known as the fairy castle doll house should be right up. Looking out from the height of the window and saw blue sky white clouds. "Ge Buer, here is where?" Li Diya look around, or do not see that mine goblin, he might want to drink quickly, so the first step. In short, we must quickly find the fairies Nicole and beans. Lidi Ya began to enter the building inside. On the stairs to open the front door and found that there is a dining room. Point out the candle on the table, but also neatly placed tableware, feel like preparing dinner. A closer look, that picture slowly become blurred into another dining room. "Twelfth Night cake to bake it!" After hearing the sentence, to see who is the mother took the cake. Adjourned to tomorrow ... P213 blond hair and blue eyes, Lidi Ya I remember the faces of his mother during his lifetime is the case. Mother was there with a smile. Lidi Ya found here is after her family. Dining room furniture layout wallpaper, curtains and crosses are familiar. Father and grandmother sat in their usual seats often sit. "Lidi Ya, not of Nicole, you sit down quickly and you are not looking forward to this cake?" Li Diya surprised, but to see these circumstances, even heard her mother's voice and feel miss. Corner of the room to play ball with the gray hair girl looked up. "Yes, mother adults!" not bright red hair, yellow-green eyes has not changed, so Lidi Ya see that this girl is her own. Hair disheveled, rarely wear bright red dress, but the bow crooked to one side. "From the start has been so cute before the" Lidi Ya sigh side to side, but seeing girls in the family by the attention, Lidi Ya heart filled with warmth. Lidi Ya finally get rid of from the young Nicole while sighing while finishing the hair was messed up, went to his seat with his legs to sit down. Li Diya was sitting beside her mother. Back renrenxin: actually missed ... make up: P213 blond hair and blue eyes, Lidi Ya I remember the faces of his mother during his lifetime is the case. Mother was there with a smile. Lidi Ya found here is after her family. Dining room furniture layout wallpaper, curtains and crosses are familiar. Father and grandmother sat in their usual seats often sit. This is the former home of the Carew Dayton Twelfth Night. "Lidi Ya, not of Nicole, you sit down quickly and you are not looking forward to this cake?" Li Diya surprised, but to see these circumstances, even heard her mother's voice and feel miss. Corner of the room to play ball with the gray hair girl looked up. "Yes, mother adults!" not bright red hair, yellow-green eyes has not changed, so Lidi Ya see that this girl is her own. Hair disheveled, rarely wear bright red dress, but the bow crooked to one side. "From the start has been so cute before the" Lidi Ya sigh side to side, but seeing girls in the family by the attention, Lidi Ya heart filled with warmth. Lidi Ya finally get rid of from the young Nicole while sighing while finishing the hair was messed up, went to his seat with his legs to sit down. Li Diya was sitting beside her mother. Once posted three P214-216 .... adjourned to tomorrow .. thank renrenxin P214 "Lidi Ya, to choose cake, see if you have not drawn broad bean." eyes in the last scene is the annual Young's Li Diya difficult choice because there are goblins goblins gathered at the table all the cake, so Lidi Ya do not know which to choose. See this Lidi Ya, mother secretly smiled. Chose the cake, after the peace of competition competing to cut it. See the beans out of time, Li Diya joy Fucking. "Why Lidi Ya know which one is a bean cake it?" "This child must be lucky." This is the mother's wishes? mother ... even if one knows that the sound can not spread the illusion of a reunion, But Li Diya also muttered softly. "Mother ... I was really lucky, you can stay with the identity of Dr. goblins like the people around you. hope to hear again the voice ... Lidi Ya think weep here, her eyes full of tears. "how, Li Avandia, you cry? " P215 hear Nicole's voice immediately turned around and saw a vision of the past have disappeared. the door stood a knot of the tie, gray long-haired cat. "Yeah ... Nicole, hate you, the mother suddenly remembered something ... " "ah ... this is like a museum to the memory of Yang. Look, you come in, the room becomes the same as with the Scottish home. " As Nico said, a vision even if the family disappeared, dining room layout is still the home of Scotland's dining room. even if a corridor, but also see the familiar white walls and narrow stairs. "everyone in here, quick point over " but the room actually becomes their home ... Li Diya followed by Nicole avoid getting lost. "Hey, listen

Ge Buer said, here is the bean fairy castle ..." "Yes, it seems like these guys here. But this house has been here from before, as if originally the Green Knight ... Earl of collections may be fairy gave him, even though this thing is not quite in handy. " doll house is more than just that simple. Nicole suddenly stopped, when the museum's atmosphere is different. P216 room has a fireplace made with stone, windows small and dark. The center of the room, saw vague silhouette. girl sitting on cushions on the straight legs. pale blond hair was disheveled, skirts creased, although Li Diya just think that she is young, but in front of a little girl looks older sister . girls school days, once lying down suddenly sat up, even into a bow no matter what. bird gray cat is sleeping on the side. It was Nicole. Lidi Ya think at the same time and then see that Lidi Ya girl's appearance as the mother. tired of reading time, lay yawning girl looked up her eyes to see Nicole back on the lowers, it is satisfied smile. Lidi Ya know, Nicole Ma close Ma's hair with fresh smell of the sun, it is refreshing. are somewhat puzzled Nicole seeing a slightly opened, but seeing girls asleep, he would not want to disturb her, quietly move along. The scene slowly disappear. Lidi Ya will shift our attention to the Mirage to see the same body of Nicole. "... really, because you think of Aurora, even I remember her is not it?" Take the opportunity to tell you an adjusted sentence, is the P214: Because the table has gathered all the goblins goblin cake, so Lidi Ya do not know which to choose. Original sentence is: Table together with goblins goblins, "is this? Or that?" So Li Diya is very confused. As for why not in the original sentence because the sentence is not clear how to write the gathering goblin goblins that Li Diya confusion, and wrote, "is this? Or that?" Is to express what she did not know to choose ... Model doll house that is on the side of not moving. If you look carefully on the coffee table that a model is only one position, then stand, in fact, have seen only depends on three sides + top ... you can not see the side that I have to move ... "read thoroughly" have been included "in order to see the see the place before moving the coffee table side" (and this action may be around the half circle is complete ...) Do not understand, then, to see a simple diagram I drew it: Arrows the direction of Lidi Ya painting may move the place ... Well ... As for this picture ... Do not picky ... because I spend five minutes in the illustrator drawn ... that Li Avandia and doll house ... please make it ... the brain have time to draw a little beauty ... 217 Nicole daze to no one watching the room, while muttered. Nicole is like the mother. "I'm in the end how is it? Obviously monster ... Is a long time to get along with humans, and humans will look back with it?" Only human beings would do, "remembered past" such a thing. But Nicole so saying that he felt close to was a man with sad thing. Lidi Ya hear his throat feel sad. Lidi Ya want whenever there is a close with the human monster. She knelt down without thinking, holding Nicole's hand. "... What is the relationship! You are not hate the human world, right? In humans which have a favorite fairy fairy Dr. ah! Among the many goblins have a gentleman like you is a wonderful thing." Nicole Lidi Ya heard these words, was surprised to face her. "Li Diya." Then lowers swing-up shelf. "Yeah man I like, especially those with a gentleman of human virtue, so I am looking forward to Earl's performance to see if he can not carry out human virtues." Nicole has a problem because of Edgar Li Diya left side. For Edgar choice, Li Diya has been fully accepted, but Nicole has not yet accepted. P218 Although Nicole returned to Lidi Ya, but based on the nature of fairies, of Edgar still be against. Maybe Nicole recalled his mother's side when the most happy. "Edgar is a very good Earl Green Knight, he will not violate the Friendly Elves request." Nicole would like to support Edgar is Lidi Ya so desire. So may one day Nicole will be in the doll house, and Edgar Li Diya memories of the past.

"Look, everyone in the side of the room." Nicole brought Lidi Ya shook his hand, turned in the direction pointing to her room to see. Lidi Ya stood up, holding Nicole's hand to the place where fairies bean rolls. "Boer, has not seen Lidi Ya?" Edgar through a small salon, probe to see Bohr, so ask him. For there is no family Edgar, Pol, like as his family, so Christmas has invited him to come here. Left London, came to this serene land New Year, Ball seems to be fun. Mermaid habitat island, where more of the fairy painter stirred his creative desire, can live in the painting here. to be continued .... P219 now raised his head and stopped writing the Boer, as if awakened. "Huh? Yeah ... Yeah ... What things?" "No, nothing happened." like this, even after he has not found Lidi Ya. While Edgar turned to leave the salon, there was a voice came from beside the sofa. "You do not ask me?" a silver-haired man, sat by the sofa look back Edgar. Monocular wearing goggles in France, although wearing a strange and classical style, but he swore allegiance to Edgar is chivalry. "Francis, you have been in from the nap, right?" "I was called up by followers adults you can tell him not to use such a horrible face staring people right? while I sleep, what more The so-called? " Francis said as he yawned. Levine seems to have helped him put on coat, but his shirt is not buttoned. "This kind of sleep to awake when the difference between the face is also two hours, right? I hope you do not at dinner time spent in this face in front of the Grand Duke as my retainers, not to undermine the prestige of the owner to do." "Prince?" P220 response to a sudden turn Boer. "That, Earl, Duke is it refers to the Rota's ..." "Of course it is Rota's grandfather Guni Mo Grand ah." "heard of Rota will come today, but ..." "... Although her for Christmas is with his grandfather before, but Li Diya said Twelfth Night should be fun point, so invited her to come. " Boer heard, I felt at ease, but then look uncertain to Saotou. "The original is so original ... ah. Hard to Twelfth Night, Duke Rota will not leave one's own past ...." "To be honest, Pol, like the first time you face it with the Great Society? This is not a rare a chance? " Boer hear Edgar said, he was scared to deny, even painting books also fell to the ground. "How could ...! How I may be eligible for it! Duke so respected, is Europe's royal! Rota is also the country's revolution is not a princess ... civilian exchanges between the women sorted out ..." "Well? you think I mean it kinds of opportunities? I just want the opportunity as a painter can only sell their works. " pick up the picture book again fell off. P221 is illustrated P222 to see the panic-stricken because of this prank Boer, Edgar is very interesting to giggle. But Francis is more too. "Bohr had no shortcomings, but a woman's taste really die." Francis smiled playfully against Pol, Pol is standing there stunned. Francis, after the subject. "Well, Edgar, Why do we Lidi Ya? And get her angry?" "Do not talk nonsense. but she did not see it." "But look you find a hurry." "That is of course Now imagine she see, almost an hour I have not seen her. " "Yes ... do not you kind of disturbing spread of sweet talk here. " " How can I waste a lot of explaining it here? I belong to Li Diya's all sweet. " can not continue to waste time here. "Now Li Diya may also want to see me to quickly go to her right." (Yes, this is no shy when Li Diya will show her my love) Edgar think so. Although she will not be shown enthusiasm, but also a very close look at Edgar's eyes. to be continued ... P213 and Edgar with Lidi Ya, like, I feel very happy life now. Whenever we can empathy. Edgar miss Lydie, when Li Diya should also miss him. He quickly left the salon, pick up the pace to find Li Diya. Have looked around, and

still can not find Lidi Ya. Edgar then out into the little building. Into the depths of the building, up the stairs and found the second floor on the corner of the door not closed. Lidi Ya so that the door is not so open it? Edgar is looking forward to rush towards the door. "Lidi Ya," Edgar told the room to see her go after a person at all. Middle of the room stood a delicate doll house. Although the old Barton's Hans Eichel castle, there are many uses of unknown small room, but these rooms were not renovated. With Tomkins said, these rooms may be designed for fairy room. But Edgar is not concerned about the use of this strange room. Turn this child safe when the voice of the Green River all in the brain play a .... P224 "... ah ... what is not here go?" "you're looking for Lidi Ya, she on the inside." clearly room No one actually heard a voice. Edgar look around, find the sound source. Grew suddenly than at this time. Edgar saw him, immediately frown. "What did you say?" "You have to go in, then open the door of that hut on the line, but the door is so small, you can not open is a problem." "Why do not you go? you not to see Lydie elegant and deliberately came to this mermaid space? " "I told them it was incompatible." Edgar Victim glaring Turkoglu than as warning. Turkoglu has been on the Li Diya than have a favorable impression, so Edgar is not really that Turkoglu than help him. Turkoglu is also very happy than to frown. "Even if you kindly tell me, I will not thank you." "Hey, Earl, because you hate me, it deliberately to Merlot with Li Diya island, right?" "You're right." hear Edgar put so sure, Turkoglu bristle with anger than once. "To do this little trick also so arrogant!" e next section is that seats Seoul Wen Fude ... to be continued back renrenxin: Cannian, I did not leak translation, order out of chaos but only (as amended): "Even if you kindly tell me, I will not thank you." Turkoglu is also very happy than to frown. P225 "You deal with this guy, playing some instruments have been enough." when in London, this guy is often close to the Lidi Ya, so Edgar did not want to harass him during the Christmas, and the choice of this place. This island is Edgar's territory, is very impressive castle, is the first time after marriage with Li Diya New Year the best place. "Scared? What did you say?" "You quickly roll here, but my island." known to be out of here, Turkoglu set his emotions than Wen sigh and shrug. "I will go, so small-minded guy here will cool down it. There is a museum reflecting the memories of the past, you should not have the guts to go into?" , "mapping the past?" "Oh, count, even if you no matter how struggle is not incorrigible drug, even if Li Diya she could not save you. In fact, you find that right? " Turkoglu left this sentence than disappeared. Edgar shaken enough to make this statement. Not with his body in the root of evil in the battle, then all will not end. The peace is only temporary. P226 may have their own die, then will be able to solve all problems. Nevertheless, Edgar Li Diya together with the survival of hope. Edgar would like to believe they can overcome the past and destiny, to change his life. Edgar stared dollhouse. Can not cross the pain of the past, let alone to face their fate. It is time for the past suffering to a full stop. Edgar doll house from the front to open the little door. He saw not the past, but his wife's thoughts. Japanese version, then ask oranges, and she posted. Section V of the development will continue ... until now in the fourth quarter of section II is connected. P227 (4) seats Seoul Wen Fude trap teachers new to the family, really, for the Edgar, the first time that he is a hard man to get along. Whether school or at other times, he would say he needs to say, will not chat with people. Impression is very nervous, crooked cross a point he has frown, but he would be happy to discuss the Duke and his wife. Edgar nagging mother to see that he was very surprised, thought he was just a man of few words. Play in front of his father enthusiastic scholars, in front of his mother then loaded into a personable gentleman. No, do not know in the end what is the real him. Dayton took advantage of GE and Edgar see his estranged parents, when close to the mother. Edgar Burton on Ge is so averse to this reason. a large valley in fact I would like to "parallel" manner consistent with the two themes of the story. P228 the other hand, Ge is a thorn in Washington, as Edgar, and Edgar bad he tried to stop the event. "Edgar adults, you know there is a woman named Ms. Norian repair it? If you like her so close, Oh, your mother will worry." Ge Gordon actually said this during school hours and nothing to do with the classroom topics. Rui Qier quite chummy with Edgar, Edgar because she did not look as a child. "Because the senior whore? But Viscount Norian repair because it does not give her a higher status not only with her to get married?" Edgar deliberately Nada's an excuse to joke. GE Burton is perhaps contradict himself hated him. He frowned, pretending gentle and polite lecture on Edgar. "I know you are very familiar with the adult world as long as I think about her reasons for staying home Er Wen Fude, you will understand your mother's concern." "She is not his father's love." Edgar for this Digital Home

scandalous allegations that the teacher to clarify. "I love." Ge Dayton suddenly speechless, although after that Edgar joke head roll, but did not say anything. I said yesterday to talk about the first thing to understand is that I see with the content after the last sentence of the third quarter, "he saw not the past, but his wife's thoughts." Differ ... I originally thought wrong turn, but is not sure ... but Edgar really see the third quarter over the past ... so I think he's "seeing" is not really to see, but he was overshadowed by thoughts of Li Diya his eyes have seen the past ... so-called blind. version will consider amending the phrase blog (although I have not turned the wrong) ... As to why to explain, is the fear you will be like yesterday I saw the same. P229 Edgar had thought his father was having an affair even if the mother still wants to maintain the marriage relationship. It seems mother really think so. But Edgar felt the mother should not hear the joke you just said it, but has the comfort and to please her mother told her not going to Dayton Ge. Anyway, Rui Qier but not for romance but I came to Seoul Wen Fude home. Embedded in a wall during the Cultural Revolution-style paintings, the high ceilings are decorated with Gothic arch material. In Edgar has a front made of marble arches around the doors, that open the door to both sides, such as entertain guests. Doll house that opened the door to see the entrance, while the surrounding environment has changed. And there is the Edgar estate homes in a large memory of Sharon. "So, is the memory image Pavilion ... it?" Edgar absolutely no impression on the hall, but this hall actually appeared in his eyes, felt a little funny. to be continued ... P230 its Houaidege turned to leave the hall. He has been very cool to think that he came here to find Lidi Ya, not look back. Reception room, dining room, white salon, solarium ... Each room has been found, or could not find Lidi Ya. In the hall was constantly blowing in the wind, the wind direction as a relief to find a handrail along the channel. Edgar through this channel, he felt the figure, immediately stopped. That figure is not Lidi Ya. I do not know how many people here on the stairs. Yes, those are the Duke family's relatives. Duke tomorrow to celebrate their birthday and gathered here. Yes, ... that is the day. Although expected to see this day, but Edgar's palm is sweating. Er Wen Fude home soon I will be entering the end of happy days. Relatives gathered here, no one would know. This hall is full of laughing joy of students, about to disappear without a trace. Edgar is now not just the palm sweating, and the body began trembling, as he drove out of there. But the past may unlock Edgar Phantom of the mystery of birth, so he chasing that mirage. Until he saw the mother's presence in the living room came to a halt. P231 white skin, slim, like a ceramic portrait of the mother, with voluptuous, mysterious beautiful woman meet. They looked at each other face to face, the atmosphere became apparent different. But the mother's emotional high than usual, "Do you want to investigate what in the end?" She flushed asked Ruiqi Er. Edgar is a peek at the door before this scene, from which they overheard dialogue. Now upright standing in the doorway in the room listening to them speak, they will not be aware of. Of course, Edgar is now the scene of the past to see the phantom, they are not really standing in front of him. "What are you talking about, Duchess?" "You're not peep my letter and diary?" "Do not be troubled to see will make you?" Somehow, Rui Qier looks prevailed, but the mother very scared of sitting on a chair. "Yeah ... so you really come to investigate me." mothers face covered with both hands. "... I do not know anything, whether it is the Royal Diamond Ye Hao, Ye Hao Stewart family ...." "I am under no obligation to listen to your excuse." o be continued ... For before the enemy was said Ruiqi Er, not really, but certainly big man ... P232 "I never thought of conspiring to rebel! my party does not have any connection with James!" was Edgar did not understand why the mother would be something to the party suspected of James, but it is generally understood that the real purpose of this is Ruiqi Er. Because the theft of his father challenged the Royal Diamond, and Ruiqi Er is sent to monitor the government seats Seoul Wen Fude home. "The Duchess, I just return it honestly. " " You say honestly in return? " blue mother scared face, looked up at Ruiqi Er. "Yes, your ancestors such as the French

nobility ..." "Do you have evidence?" "Now no, but this may be the fact that now the diamond is stolen in under the supervision of the Duke, and you receive anonymous letters, content of the information may be implied rebellion ... " "Please go out!" mother heavier tone with Ruiqi Er said, but Ruiqi Er firm response. "I can not just go out and I was acting on instructions from His Majesty's life. Duke has also allowed me staying here, to prove his innocence. His wife, although I do not know the Duke do you sympathize with the family, but I have to His Majesty announce his to make other plans for future survey. " P233 Phantom suddenly disappeared, only to hear this because of Edgar. Now Edgar recalls standing at the living room before things slowly. In the evening, EGGER parents in his room to hear the voice of quarrel. Although not hear what they noisy, but Bacheng be connected with the Ruiqi Er. His family was suspected of plotting rebellion, Edgar did not believe there is such a thing anyway. He wanted the diamond mystery has been solved, and his father will not lie, nor do sly things, he is both blunt and stubborn man. Thus, the father of the mother due to this being implicated, confused and angry. Edgar listened out of the room, to Ruiqi Er room, trying to convince her not to announce his Majesty about it. Father and mother are loyal courtiers. Furthermore, Edgar is the Duke family's heirs. If you can turn back the clock, the parents will be able to prove their innocence. 545 Building P234 but Ruiqi Er will not listen to Edgar's request. Edgar still feel cold in bed sleeping. At that time, he really is Xinrudaoge, deep wound deep inside the chest. Are changes in the environment, Li Diya in the room look around. Could have been papered with a floral wallpaper of lovely tea room, salon-style room suddenly. Brocade wallpaper into the system, depicting the ancient epic of one of the scenes. Feet covered with colorful Persian tapetum. Lidi Ya no impression of the room, not like the memory of Nicole's mother's hometown museum. (Oh, do not know who is coming here.) (Oh, this room do not become very chic?) table holding two cups of beans fairy said. Lidi Ya looking fairy king and queen, the Li Diya as Nicole's friends summoned her. Bean goblin head, wearing only so much gold and silver palm crown. They promised to go back tonight before dinner time. Lidi Ya relieved, finally able to use them at the banquet. 235 "The memory of who is it?" Nico roll with his head, and Li Diya find that something, suddenly stood up. "May be Edgar! ... Must be so!" "Yeah ... I see the count, he is the only way people live in this luxurious room." "Why did he to enter?" (that's concubine in order to meet the adults you it.) Ge Buer statement said. There may be so, but if Edgar here to see past it ... "Oh!" Li Diya hastily left the room. (Rush to see a loved one, it seems they nice feeling.) Lidi Ya leaving the tea room at the same time, I heard the echo of fairy beans. Lidi Ya now very anxious, she walked like a never-ending channel, also opened a lot of doors, completely disoriented. Even if the number of bent corner, back to the tea are not just good, Lidi Ya still move on. "Edgar, where are you?" P236 only walking shouting his name. I do not know how many up and down the stairs, in the end this room how many stairs it! Edgar finally see it! she stopped panting breath. She stood in the doorway, but Edgar did not find her there, still watching the shadow of the room. Lidi Ya approached Edgar side, as against the air, said: "Here you see only the shadow of a sudden it will disappear!" not as a thing of the past and repeatedly hurt. Edgar slowly back, see Li Diya he showed incredible expression and peace of mind. "I know, Lidi Ya. I'm fine." He slowly encircling Lidi Ya.

He is not to painful feelings, but feelings of mild hand stroking her back, like to determine the presence of Li Diya like hugging her. Lidi Ya relying on him, that he no longer wavered, suddenly relieved. This deep embrace, not only do not feel shy, and feel very comfortable. This time Lidi Ya think Edgar really changed a lot than before. to be continued .. back to the 560 Building: 237 today to P237 has been able to show his soft side like this, because Li Diya received his pain. He carries the burden of Li Diya pursuit of love, and their loved extent, can embrace this feeling. Perhaps Edgar and Li Diya become more stronger. We rely on each other. Indeed, as long as each letter in reliance upon, will become strong. "We go back, Edgar, it is time to prepare Twelfth Night cake, and waiting for it, Mr. Tomkins." Lidi Ya cheerful saying this is to change the atmosphere, this may change in front of the Mirage. "I am looking to put gold and silver bean cake They are Earl generations beans monster." Edgar nodded, slightly relax the wrist, but he did not intend to leave. "Ah, just listening to said Tomkins. Broad bean cake ... really miss. Twelfth Night often a child to put some cake on the table, but I had never drawn a bean cake." his eyes an interest rate between one another toward the distance. His heart on the seats Seoul Wen Fude there. "Never mind, I guess the bean cake never missed this year, certainly in! So we can pray together." Edgar looked at Li Diya soulful, with both hands, stroking her face. Edgar While smiling, but his perseverance will, boarding in his gray eyes in purple. to be continued ... P238 With the will, that he was able to protect the wounded soul alone. Although Li Diya attracted by this soul, but for her keen powers of observation that sad. He hoped that one day forget their heart buried towards the blade, Li Diya started with him taking this path, take some time to forget. "I hope I can get rid of the shackles of Seoul Wen Fude home, as long as you at my side, I believe I can do it. Edgar also wants to change the status quo, so he does not intend to escape this illusion. In this case, Li Diya but can not back on it, she decided to keep Edgar heart with the face of this scene, she slowly look back illusion. a woman lying on the ground bleeding, Li Diya although shocked, but because of Edgar holding her can calmly continue to see the illusion. "Ruiqi Er killed, may she come home I Er Wen Fude purpose has been seen through. She was the Prince of men invaded the home ... " Li Diya who do not know Ruiqi Er, we can only nod to respond. "I can only stand there ... father finally ran, and saw Rui Qier after death He opened the letter found in tapetum. The letter may be Ruiqi Er exchange information with the Government to it. Father read this letter very shocked. " P239 bearded tall man, appeared only for a while in the room disappeared. that person may be Edgar's father. Edgar Li Diya draped over the shoulder, hold her close to his side, and then leave on-site. "night, relatives gathered here. At that time I would like to relatives for help, but into the salon, they all fell. " Edgar open that door, Kuankuo room like everyone died. "there are many drugs, but regardless of what everyone at home, they still did not wake up. " Edgar went west from there to another place. "Whether it is in that room, has bestowed the gift of Her Majesty the Queen and notes recorded the wine. I even parents have never received these things. This is indeed the father know that he never owned these items. Since the prince to make me see the demise of the Duke family moment, there is no need to make me faint. Suddenly smelled an unpleasant odor, is drifting over a distance from the channel. "Fire ...?" Li Diya stopped Edgar nod, then get hold of her. At this time, the famous female ran from the long corridor. This is the last illusion, and this woman has cried Edgar's name. is Edgar's mother, the Duchess of it. She came to holding the boy, like Edgar. The man said his wife beside him. "Hurry to go outside, now the fire spread very powerful." lady holding her son's hand, according to the instructions of the man out, but the young Edgar was alert to the back. "Mr. Leighton Ge, why you can without incident? Actually did not drink that bottle of wine, it is doubtful." saying this boy Edgar, his blond hair and noble qualities, and now have not changed. The only difference is, when you do not have the slightest cruel sharp eyes. Lidi Ya saw that, he just felt a strong sense of justice he was young. "You kill Ruiqi Er?" the man suddenly sneered, and then remove the gun from her. At this time, the guns sounded. Wall murals are also inclined to fall. Li Diya who have seen the tall man, I Er Wen Fude Duke, Edgar is now protected with a rifle. Gunfire sounded again, Lidi Ya know it was just illusion, but she did not dare close your eyes and imagine what will

happen. P241 "You do not have to make unnecessary resistance, and the Duke. ... In a while, entire houses are" family men who like to hear the voice of the teacher. When Li Diya open again when seeing the illusion, that illusion is gone. "At that moment, I may have scared a daze, just remember part of the fragment." Lidi Ya tried to persuade him not to say anything when he no longer think of. Edgar is now faced with Li Diya with his tragic past. This is to convince themselves, then do not affect them right now. "Mother came from the basement to escape wounded, possibly Ge shot of Dayton's men." study room as a corner, hidden in a large mural behind the secret door. Edgar walking along the narrow of the spiral staircase to reach a room like a warehouse. Armor, statues, all kinds of antiquities were randomly placed in here. Is there way sewer? Hear the sound of water. "And then go up the stairs from the front, you will see a shortcut. There came a stream of water from the lake removing the device as long as the switch on that device, you should be able to see a channel, but that the chains are mobile gear cut off the Prince of the organization is really ready and thoughtful. " phantom memories again surfaced according to Edgar. continued tomorrow. P242 Duke, his wife and young Edgar in there. Mrs. Edgar shook hands with the squat, and the Duke very desperate punch walls. "Why would this be the ... ...!" Duke groaned. "Qin Mali, why do you break the family curse to our Duke family to bear?" Duke Renzheshangtong, is sitting gloomily draped over the shoulder of his wife, shaking her body complained. Her skirts infected blood. "My father adult, you stop there." trying to stop his father's boy, his father pushed the body hit the trunk. "Edgar, you steal it? You and those who want the real purpose of the Royal Diamond ..." Duke started unconscious, his head in once, then stared at the rise of young Edgar. "You get to the diamond, it is necessary to destroy the Duke family? Do not joke with me!" Duke rickety stand up with rifles pointed at the Edgar. "You should not be born in the world!" "Darling! all my fault!" hard to protect the young duchess, with her back Dangxia that shot. "Not Edgar's ..." after the illusion has suddenly disappeared. "seems to have lost consciousness after the incident, with the fairy's magic can not see it." Aide De muttered with a sigh. Lidi Ya'm still very afraid, forced hugging Edgar. Conversely Edgar has been very calm. He gently hold the Lidi Ya nearly to his side, and side with your fingers to wipe the tears Li Diya eye. "Never mind, Lidi Ya, I am grateful to God I live in this world, but also to encourage you, even if others deny my existence, I would not feel pain." Lidi Ya nodded, then looked at Edgar. We stare each other after a knowing smile. Edgar's hair gently kiss Lidi Ya. While so many want to maintain a while, but Edgar, even where the illusion is gone, he did not want to stay long in this place. "Let's go. Nicole and Elves in the tea ..." It was at this time ... to be continued ... P244 "with fire Yeah ---!" hear Nicole sounds. Nicole, like rolling down the stairs like a rushing, he saw Li Diya they shouted. "Lidi Ya, hurry to escape it! The museum on fire!" beans goblins, and other goblins came out with. "How is it?" "I have memories of the fire is not a fragment that appears Mirage it?" top of the stairs, but braved the white smoke, and smell the burning smell. "Is it true fire it?" (just drink drink spirits, do not care the wine poured into the heater, so on fire!) Elves want to run into the basement, but there is no way to go. (Yeah! Can not go here!) "So go back upstairs!" Edgar pulled Lidi Ya, with hurried out of the basement. Nicole and beans to go along with them were also goblins. To go back upstairs to the first layer of smoke over it. This layer of smoke to cover up their horizons, to see clear direction. "Here!" P245 is very familiar with the layout of the room to avoid the smoke Edgar to take the lead, come to an end, and then opened the door. Then feel the hot air front, the original front of the flames. "Wow! There are also fire it!"

Nicole exclaimed, goblins are even more panic. Edgar also looked at this with a terrible firewall. "The original is here ..." "Edgar, it appears here can not go." Lidi Ya want to turn when Edgar did not move to stay there. "Last seen ... awareness of the moment response ..." Li Diya also aware that fire has passed out of the men and women. They probably Edgar's parents. He would say it is entangled in the basement after he had, was about to be taken away when it saw the clip. "No hurry, then fire ..." Edgar said. "Do not be silly!" Nicole shouted. Was right. Past the fire is not extinguished. Dead people can not save. can not save even know, but if we see this scene also refused to help, then the future will be more sorry. Lidi Ya determined, as encouraged as he shook the hands of Edgar. "I understand, go to fire it!" "scared? Lidi Ya, you're talking about it!" Nicole is more panic. "Come infiltrated water. Not just to the sewer where there is water?" "But ... can not do it!" as long as this fire is out, Edgar's conscience will be a bit better. He compared his father denied his existence, but we regret because he was killed, while he is Gouqietousheng. "Edgar, so you can save to you, you can be saved." Lidi Ya way back from the original. Smoke became more intense, but not quickly fire can not. Lidi Ya went to the sewer was going to be when Edgar back holding her hand. He shook his head and looked with sad eyes Lidi Ya. "Enough is enough ... I'm sorry, I should at all times to protect you." "But, Edgar ..." He Li Diya's head against his chest, to show what can not speak. After he get hold of Lidi Ya leaned against the wall. Those who smoke so that vision becomes more blurred. This section begins tomorrow ... finally finished the last one had. P247 "front door should have a son." Edgar on the wall to explore, to find the door and told Elves. "Ladies and gentlemen, here, hurry up!" This channel is not covered by smoke, was like all right soon. (Nicole adults, your tail's on fire!) Nicole heard Ge Buer's advice, immediately jumped up. "Hey!! Ah ---!" Nicole first door into the door. "Hate it! Come help me fire! Quickly burned my tail!" Nicole telling them while walking. Front of the narrow path is the gateway to the kitchen, Nicole suddenly said no time to find and then jump out the window. That only hear the sound of glass breaking, it turns the water violently burst into the came. Lidi Ya feel the foot of the water, she hugged Edgar. See the water approaching, they are clutching Li Diya fairy skirt. Water potential decreased abruptly after Li Diya found that she and Edgar had a small room in the Earl family. P248 and the coffee table in front of the doll house, even their own wet. Doll house from where you will also smell a little burnt smell, but it seems the fire has been extinguished. Saw flames before, it really is Edgar recalls that reflected the Phantom? and next to the dollhouse, see Levine standing there holding a large vase. He also did not think Edgar doll house it. Often deadpan Levine, seen by his owner a bit wet panic. Levine holding vase stiff. "Thanks to your help, Levine." Edgar clean hair, he stroked Lidi Ya messed up hair. "At that time, there Lidi Ya, and if you like there." puzzled Levine, Edgar then lucky. P249 (5) Manan Island wish to find gold and silver beans Lidi Ya, she put them into delicious baked Twelfth Night cake, and then end table out there. With this Twelfth Night cake, dinner can also be carried out smoothly. Dining room gathering you feel very comfortable. Baked into a round from the Twelfth Night cakefloated about sweet fragrance. Tomkins is skillfully cut the cake. Which is a bean cake, who do not know. We will be focusing our attention on the cake, take a chance like election cake. "I can freely choose? So I chose this." Rota first election cake, Edgar saw the frown. "Rota, you can politely point? You should let the Grand Duke election, right?" "Grandpa does not like to eat desserts and I can eat one?" P250

"I'm sorry, Earl, although my granddaughter is difficult to integrate into society, but because you have these friends, she can adapt to British life." noble character was named Duke's granddaughter also lowered their eyes, helpless. Rota quickly let's use a cake, while a closer look there are no beans, while saying: "I am not to be okay with Edgar, I prefer to meet with Li Diya." Lidi Ya Rota with each other on "You say you? I will count against you come home Oh." "You should not put it this way is? otherwise I would advise Lidi Ya running away from home." "What did you say? Li Diya is my his wife, there is no reason to run away. " "Well! it is difficult to say, Oh, I was her friend. " " Then we confirm it. Lidi Ya, what a husband and a friend ... " "Edgar, you Do not Zainao of. " Although they often bicker, but Lidi Ya think of the presence of the Grand Duke and his father, Edgar immediately to prevent the kind of sound high-handed statement. "To be honest the Grand Duke, when you come here, boats there shaking it? Noon a strong wind seems to say ..." 2010-7-15 23:18 Reply P251 father to Li Diya the subject. "No, no, I was really a bit of wind to be intimidated, but to this is near the island of calm, it was Earl's power?" "I did not, but the goblin forces. usually I would say with the mermaid, If you see Rota's ship will sink close to it, but today the Grand Duke is also a time, so please protect the ship Mermaid. " " You think I is it! " Rota angry again. "Is not it? You do not like living on a desert island?" "I just feel stimulated, not like it!" "This is like that thing." "With how do you say, but then, not seen my grandfather The steering technology really Alas. " Rota say very confident, but the Grand Duke asserted: "Rota, this will free up." "I wanted to experience it. like a pirate ship ride like that? seems very interesting . " Francis said, laughing. He is talkative dinner tonight who engage in the atmosphere. "Yes, Boer, as you sit back when the boat Rota it." "Hey!? me ... I have it?" P252 Pol more nervous than usual, at the dinner has been silent, suddenly talk to him, scared him jump. "Pol I do not know how many times have experienced." Edgar raised kidding. "Oh ... so it may be. Experienced countless times," of course, Edgar This is to let the Grand Duke to have a deep impression on his friends, it seems to some extent be considered a success. "That ... does not ... even ... only occasionally experienced." Boer even divert attention, the Grand Duke has been looked at him. "Come on, Li Diya has to choose cake." Lidi Ya hear Edgar's urging, began to ring to see all the cake pieces. Want to be able to get her heart to pray for a bean cake. Moreover, this year also hope Edgar drawn. Li Diya choose a cake, we all reach for cake. Edgar election when the cake is very confused. He chose the cake, the Lidi Ya look at each other and with her smile. Edgar in the end thought about how it's Twelfth Night? Twelve he had been the night may have many relatives in more ornate banquet. P253 for him, with his wife, father and friend over Twelfth Night, although not very busy, but he played from the heart to

enjoy the party. Lidi Ya see him feel very at ease. Levine extinguish the fire doll house, maybe even the memory of Edgar also extinguish the fire. In this case just fine. The fire to see what the parents last figure, left out of all was taken away. Edgar has always been very self-blame, feel that they are useless. But he is no longer a useless person, both to perform the duties of the owner Earl, but also protect Lidi Ya. "Come on, hurry to eat it! If there are beans, then you can give me?" Rota immediately folded his cake. "It was Earl something, Do not steal." "Che, only the lucky people drawn ah ..." "This is not enough?" room full of laughter, and Lidi Ya want to give Ed grid over the sad painful courage. Twelfth Night dinner party to become a happy Christmas last night. 755 Building Continued tomorrow .. P254 banquet spaces to move even if there salon, with tipsy laughter endless. Duke and Professor Gordon Carew talk very relaxed, sitting next to Rota and Francis are very happy and smiling. Not far away from the sofa, watching them to see the Boer has been on to talk about. "This just can it?" I do not know when, sitting next to Nicole said. The gray cat for dinner while wearing the dress, holding down the Scottish spirits glass. "What so-called, Mr. Francis is very good conversation with the Grand Duke has a very conversational." "That guy is the man worse than the people who count. " " But as a friend it is a good man I saw Rota so much like so happy, it would be said to have been very satisfied. " "truth?" "is the truth." Why do we need to discuss love with a cat thing? Boer side head to. But Ball said the love itself is not good at dialogue. Tired today ... tomorrow will turn a little more .. P255 Boer did not expect any progress over there, and Rota told him not mean. "Because I am a boring man." "Count to ask about the secret of how to sweet talk?" "would only be counter-productive. Miss Luo Ta is a very special woman, because she was not Edgar's appearance and speech of adults captured the hearts. " This sentence is Levine said. Nicole brought out his food and wine. "Oh, you hear our conversation?" "Mr. Nicole, how to burn the tail? or need painted human medicine?" "Yeah ... that did not burn the tail hit the fire appears to be phantom. may because that guy a fire, just remember the memory of those who hate it. " Nico took his proud tail, very pleased to friction on the cheek. Tim Levine for the Boer whiskey drinker, but Bohr's very shallow to avoid drink drunk incoherent, he must be careful that. "Compared to that, Levine Rota do you think will like what type of man?" Nicole and back to just the topic, he really nosy. "Uh ... that ..." "Never mind, please do not mind my business." P256 that sweet, only count this dude to do the job, Pol is very self-knowledge. Edgar just elated with his wife whisper, and very clever to find an excuse to take her to a private room. In fact, she wanted to talk with their professors and Rota and more for a while, but Earl will not let her leave the room, right up until the morning. "After marriage with Miss Li Diya, Earl is also much more stable. In the past, like walking on a tightrope at him as dangerous, can now face him." "Really? than stable, he seems more motivated the. " " uh ... what have you ... " The attentive Edgar women, with no interest for anyone to make a strong contrast to Pol. But now Nicole Ball is seen from the side of a woman obsessed. Say it is because of his wife, as a man can not help it become stable and reliable? "This season is very easy to make earl hit me, because this celebration, usually with his family enjoy family, Earl will be aware of he did not say how the family ... his mood will be very complicated. Earl finally able to muddle passed last year, but this year there are Li Diya around, so he was very cherish. "So you loved ones were killed with Ed ... grid as ... " Back to 809 & 810 Floor: Fairy answer the two, the first is Bohr, and the second is Nicole, and the third is Bohr ... The first is the Bohr reasons: First lady called Li Diya Levine is not just one, not to mention the description of this sentence is not mine to say ... warm after the contents of the past .... is that Edgar continue tomorrow .. P257 can not be said exactly the same, but at least can understand. Pol think the next test is Edgar alone can bear to. "Mr. Ball was a good man." Levine solemnly say that, so that Pol is very embarrassed. "I was not so ..." Levine is also a family were killed, the only chance of survival orphans. Since then, he wholeheartedly serve Edgar. Boer know his friends like he did is useless, I feel very at ease. "Thank you" whispered Boer, and see Levine rare smile.

Ring around the salon look, I do not know when it has increased. According to Nicole, said the mermaid who came. They are covered with Red Hat, it looks like people with Tomkins. Francis sloppy, still with those who drink. "Hey, Boer, Edgar is not the exclusive Li Diya again ah ..." Rota came with Boer said. "Just married three or four months, right? Not called, right?" "is, in the gold beans, say Tuoli Avandia's blessing, and then wrapped around her." "Rota, you ah beans in silver , make a wish yet? " P258 "Yeah that might be or perhaps grandfather of cake, right? So how should I say ... compared to their own desires, but would like to pray for my grandfather to live long lives. It was only thought of these fact The Wishing hoping to regain Lidi Ya better? " seems to think when she wants to Lidi Ya Rota dwell time, Edgar was taken away, I felt pity. "No so-called, anyway, tonight Boer!" Rota in the usual manner, draped over the shoulder Pol. "Hey, it is better to drink with my room!" "Well ... this ... this is not very Rota ..." Boer very scared to get rid of her, but she pulled back. Cremona Prince heard these words back at them. "Huh? Why? You where I often spend the night in, but I did not do anything right?" Ball has been very confused, afraid to face the Grand Duke. "I join you?" Rota look back to hear the voice of the Grand Duke, Grand Duke knew even hear their conversation, she revealed stunned expression. P259 "Yes, Grandpa great drinker, not a taste, right?" and then look at Pol. "This allows it, Pol?" three together? "law, Mr. Man, it seems that you often make it confusing Rota. " " No ... not the case ... " "can finally talk about with your time." "scared ..." "Come on, go." "Ball is also in trouble." Boer was Luo Tala from the salon, he could only hear Nicole's words back on Salon. Suddenly, including windy snow. Those snow quietly floating down from the sky. Out the window the snow piled up, and Twelfth Night gradually to the middle of the night. to be continued .. P260 "Duke, I do not know that I can not believe this, but you know, I have to write as soon as possible. That is because I think I was in danger as long as written this letter, I dawn will leave here before, please forgive my rudeness. Bong Queen's life, I have to confirm your loyalty to the Queen, and I have investigated the friends and relatives around you. the theft of the Royal Diamond, there is no evidence to prove that you have made any suspicious actions. but I am worried about his wife's family lineage. On this matter, like the earlier told you, she does not know the legend of James party. I wanted to announce his future wife do not pay attention things, but recently received intelligence that there are other rebel groups emerged. place ... you know more about that than any other noble family of authenticity. heard the Duke's ancestral home called fairy country 300 years ago the Earl of close friends. Yes, this Earl is the country with the monster, Hans Eichel Barton figures come home on intelligence , according to that person said that the organization know how to manipulate the problem of evil monster, an attempt to usurp the British throne, he also mentioned to the throne ... that the head of the organization claiming to be descendants of the royal family, but before the fall of Britain's Charles Edward Prince's bastard. P261 which is one hundred years ago things right. But the Prince to get a new body to continue to survive. coupled with the recent capture of the British to plan, he the young man's physical needs. Their goal was the first prince of the next of kin, descent man with Stewart family, so they hesitate to investigate illegitimate genealogy, and thus found his wife, is her son. I also incredible, you may also think so, but this is not my judge, I just report it truthfully. This report may be regarded as a laughing stock of chance, but I want to believe I am on top of the situation is really very dangerous . I found the room of Mr. Dayton Ge engraved signal of Charles Edward Prince heraldic and I think he may have been taken away that coat of arms. If he really is the problem that the organization of spies, I can not successfully reach London, so I will not write any missing details. Duke, I am sure you are Her Majesty's loyal than those in cahoots with the devil, ignoring national life and death are more loyal. before the King to quell the dispute fairy fairy world countries Earl home no longer exists. (this is, most people think of fairy tales, in short, not now contend with the power of a fairy.) "if not now," The message is to give me information of people give me advice again. In fact, I also should not be hesitant to announce his, but that is not that I can judge. ... Only the death of his son, Er Wen Fude I can save the Duke family ... that person is saying. " wrote the Duke of tightly holding Ruiqi Er letter. The basement has a small light above the window, the moon light penetration from here. Because the relationship between wind, smell the smell of smoke less, but much is still going to feel a big house burned down fall look. "Is the fairy ...?" the gap in the side of the gear stuck heard muttering. That person is claiming to be Earl has its roots in the country with the fairy people. Do not know what he said is true, but remember him Duke. I certainly do not like this translation of green paper, because English is Charles Charles, there s sound.

P263 diamond missing after the incident, that person would receive a letter. Just write the letter before the ancestors of the Duke family, and Earl have a friendship agreement, is to be parked in a painting called O'Neill a painter there. Other shows nothing. Duke Duke family has four generations ago from a friend named Hans Eichel has been Barton's paintings, and paintings by painting the same thing with the letter described. O'Neill, who is worthy of the letter in reliance, parked in his paintings there will be no problem. Duke know that picture of that letter that the letter was a hoax, so he followed convention. Fairy countries Earl should have been shattered, but still human relatives, possible for the British secret service bar. Having said that, the evil fairy? Illegitimate prince? they may have been involved in a dispute beyond the common sense of it. Duke back against the wall thought. Whatever the outcome, they are already in danger this is the same. Before being burned to death, Ge Dayton's men may have been the first to break into. Shoulder to rely on the Duke's wife, she just quietly close your eyes, although the trauma of the thigh with the cloth, but still bleeding. We still maintain awareness of each other holding hands. Before the Qin Mali, I had Mary Jane back. to be continued ... . P264 son had been unconscious. He was a boy, and not his responsibility. He is not like Duke was born in this house ... thought of that gun to his son the Duke of regret. But Ruiqi Er's advice has been lingering in his mind, and want to stop the duke wake Edgar idea of his apology. "... If my son to be sacrificed to the UK, I will personally kill him." as long as the bonds of friendship regardless of his son, he would not have mercy. "I'm sorry .... Not knowing their own boys, but to conceal this matter to marry you." Mary Jane murmured. "Enough, I want to marry you." "I am the punishment of the woman, but you andare innocent ..." Even if she was led into the tragedy will not regret marriage with the beloved aristocratic children it. P265 so she said she was guilty. But not only her sins. "Even if I know I will marry you." difficult to imagine life without her, but young, he knew that she had her marriage is still very warm. Mary Jane amiable smile. I slowly opened her blue eyes, begged the Duke. "... Get up and we came to a safe place." she said with a try. Duke would like the other well-planned, easy to escape from their clutches, but for his wife, he chose not to speak his mind. With nothing and die, as according to what she meant to do. He used the power of his legs, relying on his wife's body to stand up. She said that as long as it is possible to find a way out over the wall, Duke agreed, then picked up his son to go in that direction. Out of the end of the basement, see a hidden staircase spacious. While avoiding the fire of flying powder and smoke, while looking for a way out. But Mary Jane wound deepened. P266 to escape from behind and headed for the living room, she has been exhausted. "I beg you ... my dear, you protect the Edgar." finish the sentence, she went down. She may also have breath, but she has been beyond resurrection. And Duke is also unable to help themselves. Those who intend to drive people out of the Duke family. He only hopes one person. "Edgar ..." He leaned over her son in bed. As we have to protect him, and had to take him down. If Ruiqi Er letter said something is true, Edgar will be subject to cruel fate. Results, or personally kill him? found the enemy figure out of the window, holding his son hiding in the cabinet of the Duke of shadows. He stroked her son's hair, hands holding his son's head. "You look like me." shiny blond hair is the genetic mother, but in addition, the Duke and his son Edgar Unlike ordinary bar. Duke only remember him for Edgar's growth and anxiety. P267 no reason he will play this adult, obviously only child, will actually move crooked brains, and like sex. Edgar is in fact not so wacky, but good at socializing. Objectively speaking, this son of the Duke think Edgar is his pride, but he did not frankly say so. This performance is not frank duke genetic bar. Edgar's character touches with the Duke's father, that is, like most of the former Duke. Duke is not good at small to cope with his father, his father was very rebellious. Duke is the former arrogant insolent, idle people, attracted so many fans, very popular. He will defeat the opponent as a stumbling block to hesitate in this society based on an alliance with the gang. Duke did not understand what his

father would like, total awe. Duke does not think his father thought he was frankly not that interesting to children, generation gap with his father so. May also be preferred because the former Duke's brother, Duke Philip, Duke of the damage to the fragile soul. Edgar very much like his father. Because of this, the son of the Duke of fishes cold, do not open the performance of his son's feelings. Duke is not afraid of what Edgar through his good father. Suddenly felt the line of sight, the Duke of aiming a bit. Living room wall is a portrait of his father. Fast over the past anyway, Edgar, on the way to turn a few heads P269. to be continued ... back renrenxin: Philip has ever thought of using, but also a light bulb ... so I called Philips, Philip (with Mandarin reading may feel strange, but the sound of Guangdong is the closest English pronunciation of words) P268 "My father ... we only way adults do." hugged his father Edgar was handsome head, finger pulse was beating his son's neck. Feel the fire has spread to here. Those who started with the fire burned hot wallpaper and curtains. Duke against the side of the portrait as the staring continued. "As long as Edgar inherited the title, I think Leyland will be more prosperous family, he is not Prince Philip, and my son ... his father long adult male, even if you feel sorry, and I think I get this glorious son ... " Duke to finish the sentence that one thing, he thought: [Really, Edgar makes me proud son. But it could also be the root of evil? not possible. He is my son, the heir of the Duke family's good. The feelings of a sudden rise in my chest so that the body was unable to Duke. Edgar, he may be across any cruel fate instead. Now, as the former Duke, then he should not easily yield more than anyone else, with seats Seoul Wen Fude Duke family's honor to survive it. P269 door suddenly opened and someone entered the living room feel. Respectively, will keep his son, the Duke holding his son's hand and said: "Edgar, from now on, you are the seats Seoul Wen Fude Duke, glory of their ancestors is your thing .... Do not forget ..." P269 "Li Diya ...." Edgar usual hand holding Lidi Ya, I find that she is not in the pillow, suddenly awakened. He thought only slept two holding Lidi Ya, 30 minutes, but did not find Lidi Ya got up. He was aiming a bit around and found next to the heater lamp is lit. He saw Li Diya sitting on chairs, lap put a book, looked blankly fire. From Li Diya's side, her head like a delicious caramel with reddish hair off the face, lightly scattered in the chest was covered with a robe. When her cute nose and full lips reflected into his eyes, the Edgar approached Li Diya side. Lidi Ya feel a strange atmosphere, then look back. P270 she opened the mysterious golden green eyes. If the purpose is to survive this encounter with the masters of pairs of eyes, even a decade ago to go through the experience and suffering subsequent years. "Yeah, I'm sorry, is not too bright wake you?" with animals as she would to divert attention, Edgar robe to wear, or Lidi Ya he might be carrying. "Sleep it?" "ah, always feel sleepy ..." "really affected by the strong arm?" "Hey!? you .. are you talking about?" Edgar looked at him like she was positive, So standing in front of her looking down at her. "And also heating it?" Edgar hands stroking Li Diya's face. Her face when in bed with just the same warmth. Heaters may make the fire to her face so warm, but Edgar that his enthusiasm spread to Li Diya due. "I hope have been so warm, because you're not passionate Yeah." he said so, Li Diya and very puzzled frown, but she is too cute. Tomorrow is the turn of the last four of the .. ask, do I need to turn Postscript? P271 illustrations P272 "always wanted to spread my enthusiasm for your skin." Li Diya is very troubled, probably in order to find ways Edgar transfer of the subject. I used to push him and then fled the scene, but did not do so after marriage. This is even more cute. "However, as long as your skin feel a little hot, I melted a will ..." Edgar is very gently with Li Diya kissing, deep kiss for a while after release. Now she can only feel the warmth. Than the desire to achieve, but wants to give her the desire to seek. Edgar slowly encircling her. "Lidi Ya, I first encountered this kind of thing. This unexpected happiness, I feel terrible." Lidi Ya trembling hands to respond to his embrace. Edgar is back feel her warm hands have felt very satisfied. "Edgar, I would like to doll house thing." Edgar looked puzzled after hearing Lidi Ya, and she looked up watching him. "Ah? What happened?" "I am ... in like, the father adults never personally kill you, this is a hard fact, so humiliated when he said only angry words, not the truth." never thought she would say such a thing. and Edgar heard these words, I feel like the fine-line will be pestering him to cut off.

Edgar tried to deny that his father had to own this gun, I believe parents have been rumors of a suicide, but not the last to see where their parents basement. If the illusion that the doll house display is correct, perhaps at the end of the basement of his father, Edgar, and to protect the mother until the end. I suddenly felt very strange. "Ah .. All in all, get irritable temper, his father is totally selfless person. Then listen to the uncle said he too felt that too, a little reflection, but he seemed to not want people to see his reflection look like." He Toutou Xiao, and Li Diya feel baffled. "Thank you, Lidi Ya, if this is the case, then, like his father say, when accusing me as usual. " " He often scolded you? " "ah, often say that [I do not like you son] this is the case. " "You did what?" "ah ... this is a secret." P274 had wanted to change the subject, but Li Diya made redundant back. "Women having an affair with it!" "Hey ... hate, I just was just a child. " " must be playing an early age to understand women! " "Now I just only you." joke at the same time, Edgar hold Lydie Ya head, then kissed her side of the volume. Lidi Ya very reassuring to rely on him. Edgar also feel very at ease. Because Li Diya accompanied this year's Twelfth Night that different from the past. "As long as you by my side, fortune will favor the I and I are first drawn with broad bean cake." "You wish it?" "Sure." "Yeah, great." " You do not promise what I wish to ask? " "ah, because of the desire not to speak out ..." "Lidi Ya, Do you have a desire to want to tell me? " " is ... Why? " After turning, with postscript, heading up your own brain, I turned to see before the story does not have any mistakes, please point out. Have to ask, I will be proofread before being asked to write what the people say the sentence of dialogue (that is, recreation of the sentence) or not to add to? P275 Li Diya trying to turn the body to get rid of Edgar. Edgar saw her reaction, that he guessed, to tease her a little. Edgar would like to learn more about her, but she is not think so, and feeling a bit puzzled. "Since you always have drawn, but also want to smoke in the bar? Than to ask Kelly to see if you have the desire to pray." "... Even so, what is the so-called? I have not able to get." " able to get the luck you can not point the point to me? luck so desire can achieve sub-half, right? " "That's enough, I do not want to hear your wishes." "Hey -! Why? with the desire to tell it . " "Do not." and the two sat next to the heater and continue to have dialogue. "I do ..." "do not need to say coming !.... I will not tell you." "My desire is to want to achieve your desire." "This is ..." Li Diya sudden blush, a little shy bowed his head. Look like this, Edgar thought her wishes must be hoping that he would be happy, no longer asked any longer. P276 "What ... What is it, I am not saying to tell you?" see Edgar suddenly silent, Li Diya puzzled. "I probably know." "Nonsense, what? promise what you think I desire?" "secret." Although not clear what her wishes, but see Li Diya shy look very scared, I felt very cute. "Oh, Edgar!" Edgar will hold up to leave Lidi Ya, fingers playing with her soft hair. Her soft skin and beautiful contours are Edgar's favorite. Dollhouse is about the repair. If the doll house into the future, then this will be reflected on the Twelfth Night scene and two people together to create beautiful memories. P277 postscript for a long time without a short compilation of. The story from Edgar youth, to describe the life of Hans Eichel Barton family wedding (?) Short code, honor you get from these stories fun. So, on to a brief description of it. "Very energetic little devil" Young Edgar's short stories, published in the journal hurried on, the

first to write a short series is this. Start thinking about Edgar from childhood is the way to try to write this story to see, and he would say really sweet young woman played. "Painting in the lovers' memories about the night before a wedding story. If not, then that uncle, Edgar comes to love may still be so casual. In this case, Li Diya may be abandoned ...? P 278 "until the time agreed to honor" is the story of Boer and Edgar encounter. Childhood memories of Edgar was Pol landscaping because of this encounter with it (laughs) "floral when you come back," the wedding takes place in just the time. Saffron, although the blooming season is over, but I want to try to use my favorite flower to write stories. "Beware of cute pets," Turkoglu than the younger brother did not play a long time. Earl's Fairy endless disputes, but know nothing about this fairy family, hope Edgar in this matter can have a good look after the fairy thing. "Thimble is pure oath" to be attracted by Britain's lovely thimble and wrote this story. In a book called "Featured Bride" magazine to see the thimble, and write his wife Li Diya married life is particularly energetic. P279 "will be 12 nights of prayer dedicated to the love of people," the latest book of stories. Er Wen Fude of three seats, together with the new Earl to celebrate New Year's story (?). I want to write about his wife and friends and relatives, all kinds of "favorite people" miss assembled from the story. Is so, do you think? start next volume, want to continue Benpian story, please wait. Hope next time will be here with you again. March 2010 GU Rui Hui

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