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Shloks on Guru

. nimiShArdhArdha pAdAdvA yadvAkyAdvai vilokyate | svAtmAnaM sthiramAdhate tasmai shrIgururave namaH || 1.51 || 1.51 By whose speech, for half a minute, or a half or even a quarter of that time the Atman--Self, is seen and it becomes an established experience, to that guru, my prostrations.

sAShTAMgapraNipAtena tato nityaM guru bhajet | bhajanAt-sthairya-mApnoti sva-svarUpamayo bhavet || 1.85 || 1.85: Guru should be worshipped daily with a prostration touching eight limbs.* By such worship, the disciple will obtain firmness of will and attain svarUpa-sAkShAtkAram-experience of Self-realization.

tvaM pitA tvaM cha me mAtA bandhustvaM cha devatA | saMsArabhIti-bhaMgAya tasmai shrIgururave namaH || 1.54 ||

1.54 You are my father, you are my mother, my relatives, and my God. One who removes the dread of transmigration, to that guru, my prostrations. . tApatrayAgnitaptAnA-mashAnta-prANinAm-ume | gurureva parA ja~ggA tasmai shrIgururave namaH || 1.71 || 1.71 Hey UmA! For the restless souls burned by the three kinds of suffering*, only the guru is the best form of GangA, to that guru, my prostrations.

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