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Body Parts Heart Proverbs Listed in Crystal Absence makes the heart go fonder What comes from the heart goes to the heart A nation without a language is a nation without a heart The hearts letter is read in the eye Faint heart never won fair lady What the eye cannot see, the heart cannot grieve about Home is where the heart is Blood is thicker than water You cant get blood out of a stone A bald head is soon shaved. The tongue talks at the heads cost. Give your tongue more holidays than your head. Two heads are better than one. You should never touch your eye but with your elbow. Dont hold the dime so near your eye that you cant see the dollar. The eyes have one language everywhere. In a cats eye, all things belong to cats. Listed in the LDELC Absence makes the heart grow fonder [listed under absence] The way to a man heart is through his stomach

Blood Head

Blood is thicker than water (get blood from/out of a stone ) Two heads are better than one



Hands A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Nothing enters into a closed hand. A mans hat in his hand never dim him any harm. Adversity comes with instruction in its hand. A dollar in the bank is worth two in the hand. The devil finds work for idle hands. Legs Tail A lie has no legs, but a scandal has wings. It is no use lifting your leg until you come to the stile. A lie stands upon one leg, but truth upon two. The saddest dog sometimes wags its tail. The cow which has the loudest bellowing has the slenderest tail. There is nothing so eloquent as a rattlesnakes tail. The tail wags the dog.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. [listed under bird] Many hands make light work (bite the hand that feeds you) The devil finds work for idle hands to do [listed under devil] _____________ (a case of )the tail wagging the dog

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