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Intuit towards succes intoroduction Bill harris is the executive vice president of intuit in mentro park,california .

He was formly president and ceo of chipsoft,which intuit acquired in 1993. Intuit is a small company which produced and developed software product . Quicken was an extraordinary software product which was produced by intuit. In the initail days intuit was a small company . Intuit was organised by functions,but everything was in one location and everyone knew one each other,which help them to work properly and also helped them to take decission faster related to product ,customer etc.later on they expanded and explored for the betterment of the company and they also started new branches and increased their geographical boundries like chicago etc. Problem faced by intuit at growing stage As they were growing they observed that bigger they become the more being organised by function was a liability Decission making took much more time in the growing stage How coprate entrepreneure helped to solve problem faced by intuit ? The main problem for intuit was minimizing the decission making time in case of product development,product research,customer,market etc The problem was solved as soon as the new ceo arrived last year to help to manage the company growth .but the question still arises how did he manage it ? Ceo decided to bust the organisation apart He created eight seprate business units,each with its own general manager with customer achieving mission.

His main goal was to flatten the organistion and fragment the decssion making process. Each business unit would be made into the original unit size which has been working in past for intuit. Conclusion By doing this he possessed some enterpreneurial stratiges for better result he siad innovation is a risky business and failure is commonplace what he wanted in his organisation and he also said employee should take risk without taking a risk on their compensation or their carrer . How intuit remain entrepreneurial Like one should look outward rather than inward ie to encourage people to ask instruction and get inspiried from the customer rather than from the superiors/bosses .hes thining if we can do that we will remain enterprenurial.since this is an option not a choice because the bussines they are in is very much unpredictable.

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