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Bear of glasses, also call Andean bear, of lined face, ucumari or uyutchine, this bear species lives in South

America and he/she looks like each other more to the giant panda than to the bears of the north hemisphere. Although in the past their primitive relatives occupied great part of North America, the bear of glasses is the only member I still live off the gender Tremarctos. The bears of glasses are small in comparison with the rest of their congneres; the female almost weighs 60 kg and the male about 80 kgs. The head is not very big and the muzzle is not very prominent. The coat is dark, black or brown, spotted of target, cream or orange around the chest, the neck and the eyes. The facial stains are very variable of an individual to other, but they usually surround the eye forming a ring, complete or not, as if it took some glasses (of there he/she comes him their common name). The extremities have five claws, short, sharp and powerful; it uses them to climb to the trees or to destroy them when it looks for insects. Their distribution area extends from Bolivia the Peruvian, Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes, to part of Venezuela and Panama and its habitat is restricted to the highest and rural areas, where cultivations don't exist. He/she feeds of fruits of palm buds, figs, leaves; he/she also ends up eating small animals and insects. Enough time passes in the high of the trees and it builds nests in the glasses to spend the night. The bear of glasses is a noisy animal and it emits different sounds according to his activity or state of spirit. Although it doesn't suppose any threat for the human being, in some areas they fear him and it ends up causing important damages in the cultivation areas. Their distribution area has diminished very quick in the last years due to the human pressure and only in Bolivia it seems that its conservation state is better something. The superstition, the hunt or the furtivismo are other main causes of the reduction in the populations of these animals.

THE ANDEAN, denominated CONDOR the King from the Andes, for their stateliness and capacity of flying until the limits of the perpetual snow. Considered the biggest flying bird in the planet; of black coloration with white contrasts, their destroyed habitat, hunted for peasants and farmers, he/she is extinction danger seriously, for what is indispensable to carry out the biggest efforts to avoid their extinction.

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