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Your past life diagnosis: I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female

in your last earthly inc arnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Canada around the year 1350. Your profession was that of a banker, usurer, moneylender or judg e. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient b ooks. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: Your task is to learn determination and persistency. Youd should not allow to le t misfortunes take influence on your strong will. Do you remember now? Your past life diagnosis: I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incar nation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Alaska around the year 825. Your profession was that of a handicraftsman or mechanic. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others percei ved you as an idealist illuminating path to future. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: You fulfill your lesson by helping old folks and children. You came to this life to learn to care about the weak and the helpless. Do you remember now?

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