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Hei everbody In this time my friends and me will invite you all to join do dancing as to rileks our body.

We will dance poco2, anyone know poco2? Maybe you have known and familiar this song but sometimes someone knows this sing, but can t do dance poco2. This dance from Indonesia but I downloaded yesterday you know I saw foreign peoples were doing this dance. So lets dance together. Before we start lets try first. dance poco2 is very simple it need some movement and then only repeat and change the direction . This dance uses rhythm an I will count 1-8 and we will uses poco2 song. There are 5 point movement. In the first do like this walk when we are doing this movement you stay in your place. Follow the rythrm for the song.or follow my instruction 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or you can count you self. After 8 we will turn left until we are in the same position in the first movement. Second movement Step twice to the right, step twice to the left. step back ward twice start with right leg and Step forward twice start with left leg. You should change your direction counter clock wise and do the same movement Do it over and over 3rd movement same repeat again but have different thing when you step back ward you sould step twice to backward and then step once to the forward and step once in the backward and then step in the forward. Step forward once and step back ward once an then step forward twice. Repeat once again Gerakan ke 5 : basically its samewith second movement but whwn you step back ward in the second step you should lift up you left leg. While you Turn around lift up your right leg and clap you hand. Pada dasarnya sama akan tetapi ada gerakan kombinasi dengan mengangkat kaki kiri terlebih dahulu saat gerakan kedua saat melangkah kebelakang. Angkat kaki kiri,hadap belakang angkat kaki kanan diikuti menepuk tangan. Gerakan ke 6 sama dengan gerakan ke 4 Gerakan ke 7 sama dengan gerakan ke 3. In this season or we can call it s break season, we will to do poco-poco dance Menghadap melangkah ke belakang kembali melangkah e depan. While doing the movement you can also move your hand. Kamu bisa mengunakan tanganmu untuk mengkombinasakan gerakanmu, itu semua kamu lakukan terserah kamu.

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