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Deliberative poll, tracking poll, straw poll, exit poll=fits defn of public opinion poll Literary digest did a hella dope job of accurately predicting elections in 1920 s Lit Digest s errors in 1936 election= oversampled uppermiddle class and rich honkies, respondents=self-selected, poll was a long way away from election day Political solcialization=process where a person aquires political orientations, beliefs, and values Political socialization=ongoing, gradual process College students are generally called on to question the legitimacy of political actions Protestants=most conservative Women= more in favor of democrats Over 65 years old=fastest growing age group South=highest church attendance Political ideology=persons coherent values and beliefs abt purpose of govt Stratified sample polls= most accurate gauge of which nigga finna become prez Nonstratified sampling, lack of info, limited response choices=why polls can be inaccurate If a nigga wants to see if his tactics are working well for him at different times during a campaign, use a tracking poll Sampling error=difference between actual universe and people polled

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