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Artashes Arabajyan (Group A)

Homework 1, IE210

Theoretical Exercises 6, Page 55, A First course in Probability.


= E I ( F U G ) = E I F I G,

= ( E I F ) U ( E I G) U ( F I G)
= ( E U F U G ) \ (( E I F ) U ( E I G ) U ( F I G ))



= E U E = F U F = G UG

Theoretical Exercises 4, Page 56, A First course in Probability.

Property 6 of the second lecture of the Probability Theory states that for any event

P( A) 1.
Also, Property 7 of the same lecture claims that for any 2 events A and B the following equation is true:

P( A U B) = P( A) + P( B) P( A I B) .
As, the union of any two events can be considered as an event as well, using the above-mentioned Property 6 we can state that

P( A U B ) 1 .
Then, by combining given Property 6 and 5 we will get the following inequality:

1 P ( A) + P ( B) P( A I B ) .
From which we can get

P ( A I B ) P ( A) + P ( B ) 1 .
By exchanging A and B with E and F respectively, we will get

P( EF ) P( E ) + P( F ) 1 .

P( EF ) is the same as P( E I F ) .

So, by putting the given values from the problem in the place of letters we will get

.7 .9 + 8 1 , .7 .7 .

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Theoretical Exercises 5, Page 56, A First course in Probability. The the probability of the union of E and F events equals to P ( E ) + P ( F ) P ( EF ) (see Property 7 of the second lecture of the Probability Teory). The only case when any G event doesnt match with the condition given
in the problem is when

So, we should substract P(EF) from the given expression. By doing that we will get

P( E ) + P( F ) 2 P ( EF ) .

Problem 5-c, Page 60, A First course in Probability.

The problem can be easily solved using Venn diagram. The following diagram represents the conditions given in the problem:

For calculating the amoumt of people who read at last one morning paper and an evening paper firstly we should sum up the figures on grey color, 8% + 1 % + 4 = 13%. As the size of papulation is 100,000 we should simple find out the 13% of 100,000. So, 0.13 x 100,000 = 13,000.

Problem 1-01.
As it is number, it could not begin with 0. So the first digist only can be from 1 to 9 (9 digists in total). Moreover, as the consecutive digists should not be the same and the total amout of digistrs is 10, the size of the pool for each next digists will be also 9. So, as in the number we have n digists, in total we can have 9 numbers.

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