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Kanji History

number four, the four directions ("north, south, east and west" or "front, back, right and left")

Kanji Equation:



- , kouHuman being mouth. - , hachiis an ideogram.

" split into 2". It's very easy to represent what you can see and touch i.e. those having a physical shape by drawing. However, expressing an abstract concept can be somehat challenging. It indicates the idea of:

Ideograms were brought into existance for this purpose. For example, in order to express the idea "Above", the ancient chinese drew a long horizontal line as a reference line and then a small one above it.

breath coming out from mouth is scattering.

Word Examples:shikakusquare. four corner four corners

shikifour seasons. four season four seasons

shishiall four limbs. four arm/leg all four limbs

shimenall four sides. four side/surface all four surfaces, all sides

shibundivide into four, 1/4 . four to divide/split to divide into four

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