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INSERTION ACTION THENAR (LATERAL ASPECT OF PALM) Abductor Flexor Lateral side of Abducts thumb at Pollicis Brevis retinaculum, proximal phalanx carpometacarpal joint scaphoid, of thumb trapezium Opponens Flexor Lateral side of Moves thumb across palm pollicis retinaculum and first metacarpal to meet finger trapezium Flexor pollicis Flexor Lateral side of Flexes thumb at brevis retinaculum, proximal phalanx carpometacarpal and trapezium, of thumb metacaprophalangeal capitae, joints trapezoid Adductor Oblique head: Medial side of Adducts thumb at pollicis capitae and proximal phalanx carpometacarpal and second and third of thumb by a metacarphalangeal joints metacarplas; tendon transverse head; containing a third metacarpal sesamoid bone HYPOTHENAR (MEDIAL ASPECT OF PALM) Abductor digiti Pisiform and Medial side of Abducts and flexes little minimi tendon of flexor proximal phalanx finger at carpi ulnaris of little finger metacarpophalangeal joint Flexor digiti Flexor Medial side of Flexes little finger at minimi brevis retinaculum and proximal phalynx carpometacarpal and hamate of little finger metacarpophalangeal joints Opponens digiti Flexor Medial side of 5th Moves the finger across minimi retinaculum and metacarpal palm to meet thumb at hamate the carpometcarpaljoint INTERMEDIATE (MIDPALMAR) Lumbricals Lateral sides of Lateral sides of Flex each finger at tendons and flexor tendons of metacarpophalangeal digitorum extensor joints and extend profundus of each digitorum on each finger at finger proximal interphalangeal joints phalanges of each finger Palmar Sides of shafts of Sides of bases of Adduct each finger at interossei metacarpals of all proximal metacarpophalangeal digits phalanges of all joints; flex fingers at digits metacarpophalangeal joints; extends each finger at interphalangeal joints Dorsal interossei Adjacent side of Proximal phalanx Abducts & flex metacarpals of each finger fingers 2-4 at metacarpophalangeal joints; extends finger at interphalangeal joints


NERVE Median nerve

Median nerve Median and Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

Median and Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve

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