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Talvez fosse um sonho... Ou um pesadelo... Talvez fosse lucidez Ou falta e excesso de zelo Talvez seja vitria...

Ou derrota Talvez seja glria Ou simplesmente desforra Talvez tenha sido um breve pensamento Ou um impulso... Talvez tenha sido um sentimento Ou um disfarado sofrimento Talvez luxria Ou um pecado Talvez penria De um pobre desgraado Talvez meu Ou teu Talvez, no sei Mas repito mais uma vez Talvez, talvez, talvez... The person inside of you and me Can cause disaster or envy Maybe a master or just free The person inside of you and me Can teach us how to live well And find a way to improve ourselves, May increase our hidden power And make us supermans But as I said it can be disastrous Stop us from doing what we must Possibly disappear and destroy us A way To escape from the solitude Sometimes happy, sometimes rude That person can cause good or evil It can be coolor even Its up to us to control it In order to become a better reasonable being What i want is justice; freedom for all Strength to get up in case we fall A society of respect and fellowship In order to support the adversities

And the time trip What I want is hope and clear realism To beat joke and wrongful criticism Brotherhood between all human beings; the end of prejudices and lunatic fake dreams What I want is not what some others want Because if they wanted what I want They would fight for those goals And wouldnt care about the unfaithful among the fools Corao, corpo, mente O que ser que cada um sente? O que cada um pensa... do sentimento Do alento, do desalento Por vezes separados e desinteressados Outrora do ncleo desligados s vezes atentos e afastados Corao, corpo e mente Tomam a fronte e enfrentam O vazio o bafio Mantm-se a crena na esperana Que cada um deles (no frio) acalenta.

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