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Mechanics: English Subject (Grade 1-6) Test One: Write Yes or No on the blanks.

Test Two: Underline the nouns and write P for proper nouns and C for common noun s on the top of the word you underlined Test Three: Write the correct collective noun on the blanks. Test Four: Write the word which means of the following Test Five: Answer the following questions. Read the selection at your selection paper (2pts) Test Six: Distinguish the abstract nouns from concrete nouns. Write A or C on th e blank. Test Seven: Give the plural form of the following nouns Test Eight: Rewrite the following sentences by changing the nouns into their plu ral form. The, make the necessary adjustments in the other words in the sentence . Test Nine: Circle the synonyms in the following sentence Test Ten: How many one-word compounds can you make from the following words? Giv e as many words as you can. (Don't look in the dictionary) Test Eleven: Form two-word compunds using the given words below Test Twelve: Give the missing parts of the following words to form compound noun s.

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