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Family Nursing Care Plan for B Family

Intervention Plan Health Problem Family Nursing Problems Goal of Care Objectives of Care
After 24 hours of nursing interventions, the B family will be able to: 1. Implement the specific measures discussed to maintain a clean surroundings or environment. 2. Perform the proper disposal of garbage or waste.

Nursing Interventions
1. Assess family s readiness for health teaching. 2. Prepare resources/materials needed. 3. Discuss to the family the importance of proper waste disposal and how it may affect their health. 4. Evaluate the family s ability to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings.

Method of Nurse-Family Contact

Family Integration

Resources Required
y Time and effort of

After the nursing intervention: The Goal and objectives of care were completely met. The B family was able to: 1. Perform specific measures discussed in maintaining a clean environment or surroundings. 2. Able to dispose their garbage or waste properly. 3. Verbalize understanding of the harmful effects to health unsanitary environment. y Needs to be followed up.

Improper or 1. Inability to practice unsanitary proper waste environment or disposal due to lack waste disposal of proper practice in terms of environmental sanitation, failure to perceive its harmful effects to health including the diseases it can cause, and failure to see the benefits. 2. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to ignorance of preventive measures.

After 24 hours of nursing interventions, family will be able to maintain proper waste disposal and maintain a clean surroundings or environment.

the nurse and the family y Expenses for the transportation of the nurse y Visual aids and materials needed to improve home sanitation.

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