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[Ver] 25 [WksPlotMenuMRUList] 10 = 33290 Line Series 3 = 33250 Line + Symbol 4 = 33288 Double-Y 5 = 33248 Scatter 6 = 33289 Waterfall 7 = 33290

Line Series 8 = 33271 Stack Lines by Y Offsets 9 = 33333 Spline 2 = 33322 Vertical 2 Panel Version = 1 1 = 33287 Template Library... [Menu_granalys] 1 = fitpeaks 0 Fit Multi-peaks:Pick multiple peaks from a curve to fit Guassian or Lorentzian peak functions 0 0 0 2 = smooth 0 Smoothing:Perform smoothing to irregular and noisy data. 14 0 1 3 = FitLinear 0 Fit Linear:linear regression on XY data 14 1 1 4 = dwt 0 Decompose:1D discrete wavelet transform 14 0 1 5 = deconv 0 Deconvolution:Compute the deconvolution 14 0 1 6 = deconv 0 Deconvolution:Compute the deconvolution 0 <Last used> 0 1 7 = dwt 0 Decompose:1D discrete wavelet transform 14 0 1 [Menu_wksAnalysis] 1 = deconv 0 Deconvolution:Compute the deconvolution 14 0 1

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