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Independent Inquiry Reflection

By: Tenn
My independent inquiry was about: My independent inquiry is about the garbage. What diseases the garbage caused. How much peopele died and how many people got affected. What my difficultys and strengths were: During the research I had difficulty s putting my work on noodlebib and I had to improve my research in my cartoon. My strengths are, I finished my work faster than others because I worked on christmas. But I still had to improve my work. Luckily I was one of the last.

My persuasive essay: My essay is about that the government should improve the garbage system and that they should not let people throw garbage on the floor. How I presented: I made a cartoon for my presentation. First I had too many words Then I made more pages. First I only put the information on the cartoon on one page. I showed a connection to the floods by: In my cartoon I drew some pictures of the floosds. I learned: About the garbage and about the floods/News.

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