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POTATO STEW Ingradients 1. Potato(Medium) 4 2.

Coconut oil little Mustard 1 tsp Curry leaves Savola 1 Ginger cut into small pieces 1 tsp Garlic flakes 6 Gr chillies 6 3. Cocnut milk 2nd ( mix 1Tbsp coconut milk powder to 1 cup of warm water [our big tea cup)) Fiirst 2Tbsp coconut pd to 1 cup water 4. Patta 1 Cloves- 8 Elachi 3 Method ? Peel the potatoes & cut into small pieces & pressure cook adding enough water & little salt. Take the potato pieces only(throw away the water). ? In a frying pan heat oil & put mustard. Then saute onions & curry leaves. Add ginger , garlic,& green chillies. Add item # 4 also. ? Add 2 nd milk , when it boils , add of the potato pieces. ? Smash well the rest of the potato pieces & mix it with first milk & add to the stew. ? Switch off the gas .Have it with bread. 2 pcs

CHERU PAYARU THORAN Cheru payaru 1 cup Garlic - 4flakes Turmeric pd tsp Chilli pd - tsp Salt- to taste Pressure cook the above ingredients adding enough water. When 1or come, switch off the gas . After sometime heat a little oil in a pan & put tsp mustard . leaves also. Then tranfer the items in the pressure cooker to the drain the water fully.Before taking out from fire sprinkle pepper also. PAYARU MEZHUKKUPURATTY PAYARU- cut into required small lengths Green chillies- 3 or 4 Garlic 3 or 4 flKES Salt to taste Onion - ( cut length wise) Turmeric pd a pinch 2 whistles Add curry pan & powder

? Add little water to the above & cook till it is done (don t overcook vegetables). ? Heat a ltttle oil in a pan . Tranfer the above to the pan. Saute a for a few minutes KADALAKKARY KADALA 1 cup Garlic - 4flakes Ginger cut into small pieces 1/2tsp Turmeric pd tsp Chilli pd - tsp Coriander pd 1 tsp Garam masala tsp Salt- to taste ? Soak the kadala overnight. ? Pressure cook the above ingredients adding enough water. When 2or 3 whistles come, switch off the gas . ? After sometime heat a little oil in a pan & put tsp mustard . Add curry leaves also. ? Then tranfer the items in the pressure cooker to the pan & drain the water fully. ( add little cream of chicken soup pd / chicken stock to make the gravy thick.- secret not to be revealed to anybody). As the soup/ stock is salty, don t add too much salt while pressure cooking the kadala. ? Have it with chappathi.

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