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A brief examination of church history

The Christian CHURCH through the Ages

What is the church? Is the church a building? Is it the place where believers gather to worship?

The church is the whole body of Christian believers.

Was there a church of the Old Testament?

Yes! The church was the children of Israel. (Psalm 105:8)

When did God s Church Begin?

God s church stretches from Eden to Eden .

The church of the New Testament received its fundamental beliefs from the Old testament Church. (Mat 5:7)

When were the Dark ages and why were they called the Dark Ages?

By the 6th Century, the bishops of Rome held power over most Christian churches. In 538 the papal power became supreme and ruled for a period of 1260 years as was predicted by Daniel and John in their prophetic books.

Where was the word preserved?

The Mayflower was the ship that transported the English Dissenters.

Roger Williams (1603


William Carey ( 1761 1834)

Adoniram Judson, Jr. (1788 1850)

Robert Morrison (1782 - 1834

David Livingstone (1813 1873)

Robert Moffat (1795 1883)

John Williams (1796 1839)

Rev. Dr. John Gibson Paton (1824 - 1907)

William Miller (1782 1849)

Joshua V. Himes (1805 1895)

Who is the Remnant Church? The term remnant is a Bible word used to describe the church in the last period of earth s history. Who are Gods People anyway? Those walking in the light of his word as well as they understand.

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