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The BMI formula

CHETAN KUMAR Physical Education Teacher S/O Mr. Rajiv Sharma C/O Late Shri Bhag Ram Sharma 7-Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi-110001. /9891922117

Adolphe Quetelet

The Body Mass Index (BMI) formula was developed by Belgium statistician Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874), and was known as the Quetelet Index. BMI is also referred to as 'body mass indicator'. BMI is an internationally used measure of obesity. Body mass index calculation is very straightforward. Calculating body mass index requires only two measurements, height & weight.
BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.524.9 Overweight = 2529.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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