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Jedes Ass 11 Punkte

Jede Zehn 10 Punkte

Jeder Knig 4 Punkte

Jede Dame 3 Punkte

Jeder Bauer (Bube) 2 Punkte

TRMPFE in decreasing order

10 | D | D | D | D | B | B | B | B | A | 10 | K
NICHT-TRMPFE in decreasing order per suit

A | 10 | K | A | 10 | K | A | K

10 die Herz 10 = die Dulle D A

the highest trump die Kreuz Dame = die Alte the two players holding these two queens form a pair das Karo Ass = der Fuchs you win an extra point for catching a fox

The game is called Doppelkopf because each card exists twice. Thus, there are two kings of heart, two jacks of diamond etc. There are altogether 40 cards. Doko is a game of two against two. The partners are determined by chance: the two players who hold a Queen of Club form a pair. But its not known who holds the Queens of Club. So the partners dont know at the beginning of play who they play with. The pairing is only made clear when a player plays the Queen of Clubs. Each player is dealt ten cards. The player to the left of the dealer leads; the other players follow in a clockwise direction. Each player must follow suit, that is, play a card in the same suit as the card played first in the trick. If you cannot follow suit, you can play a trump or any other card. The player playing the highest trump or the highest card in the current suit wins the trick and plays the first card of the next trick. Since each card exists twice, there is the possibility of a tie. In that case, the card played first wins the trick with the exception of the 10 of Hearts where the second 10 wins the trick. For example, when the trick consists of 10 | A | K | A , the player who played the first Ace of Spades wins the trick. When a trump card is played first, each player must play any trump card if possible, regardless of suit. The two partners holding the Queens of club (the Re-party) win the game with 121 points and lose to the Contra-party when they have only 120 points. HOCHZEIT (wedding)

When you hold both Queens of Club, you have a Hochzeit. You now have two options: 1. You can openly announce (ansagen) your Hochzeit. You then will have as a partner the player who wins the first trick. If you win the first trick, the person who wins the second trick will be your partner. If you havent found a partner after the third trick you have to play by yourself! 2. You can also decide not to announce your Hochzeit and thus fool everybody at the table. You play eine stille Hochzeit. You do this because you think your hand is so good that you can win playing all by yourself, by playing SOLO. In a SOLO game, all the regular rules apply. The Hochzeiter is the RE-player and needs 121 points to win.

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