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EOIDNA/NI/ Listening

PART 2 You are going to listen to the BBC journalist Robert Lustig commenting on some photographs from the Magnum photo agency. For questions 1 - 5, complete the sentences with the correct information in no more than 4 words, as in the example. You will hear the recording twice. 0. Why is the Magnum exhibition so dear to Robert Lustig? Because it reminds him of the recent History.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All these images are about .. Most of the pictures talk about suffering; while others talk about The main objective of journalism is .. Journalism teaches us something about . : brutal and brave There are two reasons for choosing the 11S New York series of photographs: a. Those images are powerful and dramatic b. That day ..
(Adapted from

EOIDNA/NI/ Listening

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. war/ conflict/ death/grief/ pain hope/ courage make us(or people) think who we are/ humanity/ what we are like the world changed

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