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Lucky Teeth By Nghi D.


Ideas of Calvin Tan, Dakota Tripllet, Hoa Dinh

EXT. METRO CITY HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING In the middle of school yard, everything is quiet, its early in the morning, everyone is in class, study. The wind blows and the trees bend with the wind. The sun get higher, a few security guard walks through the hall way. Follow the hallway, every class is closed, the sound of teacher, some laugh from the students. In the other side of the school, there is a classroom, next to the Performing Art Center, its quiet. The door is blue, the color is faded a little. But then the door suddenly open and a girl steps out quickly. The girl wears a black sweater and jeans, her clothes look messy and her hair is a little dirty. She looks frightening, her eyes open widely, she is shocked by something, something she never see before. After a moment, she whispers. BERTHA (Slowly, frightfully) I have an A in a math test. Then suddenly a black bag falls on her head from nowhere. She falls, she gets up, rubs her head and look at the bag. Suspiciously, she open the bag. She gasps and say. BERTHA Oh My God ! Money ! So much money. Then she stands up, her hands still hold the bag, then she looks up and mumbling. BERTHA Billy....Bob.... She falls again but then she gets up again. BERTHA Biter Then she falls CUT TO : INT. MATH CLASS - DAY Billy Bob Bitter (18s), about 5ft7, he has yellow hair that cover mostly his ears, he wears a gray pajama, a shirt, a blue sweater that cover his head. He sits in the class where Bertha just steps out from. He smiles, a sharp smile, a smile full of mystery.


INT. CLASSROOM (FLASHBACK)- DAY Billy holds a piece of paper, over his head, reads it. He puts the paper down, his face looks shocked, but then he smiles, INT. MATH CLASS - DAY The bell rings, Billy stands up, get his stuffs, turns to the door, opens the door and steps out. EXT. METRO CITY HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Billy walks out, he sees Bertha, glances at her really quick and smiles at her. He walks away from Bertha quickly and turns right. As he turns, he realizes that Sucka SOPA/PIPA (16s) walks toward him. Sucka wears jean and a black sweater, he carries a books with him. Sucka sees Billy and smiles at him. Billy looks at him and just stares INT. CLASSROOM (FLASHBACK)- DAY Billy sits behind Sucka and they work on a test. Billy whisper to Sucka but Sucka doesnt answer. Billy look angry. EXT. METRO CITY HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Billys eyes are bright, its like he just have some brilliant idea. Billy walks fast as he can and hit Sucka, books, binders are dropped. Billy slowly collects his stuffs intentionally. Sucka grabs a book and hands to Billy, Billy quickly quickly bites Suckas finger and run. SUCKA SOPA/PIPA Ouch ! What the hell dude ? Sucka after got hurt he shakes his head and leave. He walks to his class near the bike parking lot and from nowhere a guy riding his bike hit him badly. EXT. METRO CITY HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Its noon and Billy walks through the hallway, he stops and see theres a girl stands and cries, thats Penny. He come closer to her and his eyes are like asking why does she cry ? The girl looks up and point at the Winter Formal poster. (CONTINUED)



Billy exhales and for a while he keeps thinking. Suddenly he smiles and knees down. Penny is so surprise, she cover her mouth and close her eyes. Billy bites her hand, Penny is shocked, she pulls her hand back. Billy smiles mysteriously and walks backward. Penny follows Billy and she sees a guy bends his knee down and wait for Penny. EXT. METRO CITY HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Suck walks to the hallways and he keeps thinking about revenging on Billy. He stops when he sees Billy with some other girls, they smiles, have fun and walks pass Sucka without noticing Sucka. Sucka is angry and his face looks furious. He wants revenge. Now. He starts to run, slow then fast and he reaches Billy, grabs his hand and bite him. Billy screams out. BILLY BOB BITTER Arghhhhhh !!!!! After get hurt Billy stands up, he feels like he loses something. He breathes hard and then sits down on the ground, he hold his head and after a minute, he grabs one the girls hand and bite it. Nothing happen. He realizes that he lose the super power. He whisper quietly BILLY BOB BITTER Uh-oh !

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