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The District Medical Data Center Based on Cloud Computing

Aim: The Aim of this project is to implement District Medical Data Center in Cloud Computing. Existing System: In the existing system there is lack of information integration. In various medical institutions the clinical information for the patients is scattered, fragmented and isolated; it results difficult to obtain the meaningful information. Proposed System: The proposed system is aimed at integrating information on population in some region, including various clinical diagnosis information and treatment information on patients in the different medical institutions, also covering the various basic information on health.

Modules: There are mainly two modules in this project. They are,

1) Admin : This module is to Maintain the Data. 2) User: This module is to View the Needed Data.

Software Requirements:  Operating System  Web Server  Server side Technology  Client Side Technology  Database : : : : : Windows XP Tomcat Servlets, JSP HTML, JavaScript MySQL

Hardware Requirements:  Pentium 4 processor  1 GB RAM  80 GB Hard Disk Space

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