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Pregnancy Calendar


Table of contents
IMPORTANT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER.......................................................................... 3 FIRST TRIMESTER WEEKS 1 TO 12 ............................................................................................................ 4 WEEK 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 WEEK 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 WEEK 3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 WEEK 4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 WEEK 5 .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 WEEK 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 WEEK 7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 WEEK 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 WEEK 9 ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 WEEK 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 WEEK 11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 WEEK 12 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 SECOND TRIMESTER WEEKS 13 TO 26 ................................................................................................... 17 WEEK 13 ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 WEEK 14 ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 WEEK 15 ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 WEEK 16 ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 WEEK 17 ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 WEEK 18 ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 WEEK 19 ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 WEEK 20 ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 WEEK 21 ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 WEEK 22 ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 WEEK 23 ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 WEEK 24 ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 WEEK 25 ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 WEEK 26 ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 THIRD TRIMESTER WEEKS 27 TO 42 ...................................................................................................... 32 WEEK 27 ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 WEEK 28 ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 WEEK 29 ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 WEEK 30 ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 WEEK 31 ...................................................................................................................................................... 37 WEEK 32 ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 WEEK 33 ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 WEEK 34 ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 WEEK 35 ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 WEEK 36 ...................................................................................................................................................... 42 WEEK 37 ...................................................................................................................................................... 43 WEEK 38 ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 WEEK 39 ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 WEEK 40 ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

First Trimester Weeks 1 to 12

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 1
Having a baby takes 40 weeks but within all pregnancy calendars the first four weeks, which are the cycle from ovulation to menstruation are also included. Obviously if you have your period at the end of the first four weeks, or earlier you will not conceive. Technically week 1 of pregnancy is calculated from about two weeks before the sperm penetrates the egg. In theory there is no baby, just an egg and a sperm that are separated by circumstance. If you are seeing a pink line on a pregnancy test then you are actually four weeks pregnant.


An unhealthy body may have trouble carrying a fertilized egg to pregnancy. It may be lost when you have your next period. While trying to conceive and of course while you are pregnant, avoid alcohol, recreational drugs and cigarettes. Consult with your doctor to see if there are any prescription drugs or over the counter medications that you may be taking that may be sabotaging your efforts to go full term with your pregnancy.

For most women, trying to conceive means making a few smart lifestyle swaps -- o. At least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day can help prevent certain birth defects that affect your baby's brain and spinal cord.

If you have a headache take Tylenol as Motrin or Advil have been shown to thin secretions that help fertilization take place after lovemaking.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 2
In the scientific pregnancy time line, Week 2 is the week that you ovulate and the time during which you can conceive. This is the process where the ovary releases a ripe egg into the fallopian tube where it awaits fertilization from the sperm. It only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg but during the act of copulation millions of sperm can be released during one ejaculation. Your baby is just a gleam in someones eye until this process is completed.


After fertilization, your ovaries start producing more progesterone, a hormone that prepares the uterus to host the newly fertilized egg, or zygote, which will live there for the next 38 weeks or so. Over the next week, the zygote will divide again and again to create a human embryo.

There is no test that can tell if you are pregnant yet. This is because it takes another week for your egg to produce a substance called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is the substance detected by a pregnancy test. The hCG can be detected via a blood test or urine test. The blood test for pregnancy is considered to be more accurate than the urine test (especially the home pregnancy test kits). Both tests may not reveal a pregnancy until you are four weeks along.

Once your body starts revving up its pregnancy hormone production, expect to feel more tired than usual. To fight fatigue, go to bed a half an hour earlier than you normally do.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 3
Your embryo needs to make it through this week or else you will lose it through the normal process of menstruation. This is why most pregnancies are not confirmed until four weeks. At this stage, the embryo is still a ball of constantly dividing cells. By the end of this week it will travel down the fallopian tube where it will attach itself to the lining of the uterine wall. This process is known as implantation.


You may experience some light vaginal bleeding as the egg attaches to the uterus. In fact, spotting that's lighter than your usual menstrual flow is one of the early signs of pregnancy. However if you experience heavy bleeding along with a sharp, stabbing pain or mild cramping then call your doctor. This could be an indication that the embryo decided to implant itself in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.

If you are trying to get pregnant or suspect you are pregnant then it is time to get a good doctor. It can take some time to find a good ob-gyn, which is why it is suggested that you start now. Keep in mind that you dont have to go with the first one that you see. Whoever this caregiver is you must be comfortable in having him or her guide you through the physical, emotional and financial ups and downs of going through the next 37 weeks of pregnancy.

This is also a good time to see a dentist and take care of any problems. You will not be able to undergo anesthesia for the next 37 weeks. Additionally hormones that are produced during pregnancy can increase your risk of developing swollen gums or gingivitis so more frequent tooth cleanings might be in order.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 4
During this week your embryo is no larger than the end of a pin, however as of this week you have officially entered what is known as the first trimester of pregnancy. This week the embryo splits in two. One half will develop into the placenta. The placenta is made of a special tissue that delivers nutrients and oxygen to your baby throughout your entire pregnancy. The other half of the embryo begins to grow cells that will soon become the site of your babys spinal cord, backbone and brain.


This is also the week during which a blood or urine test can accurately detect a pregnancy and not turn up a false positive. An at home pregnancy test kit can still turn up a false positive even in week 4 so you should still schedule a blood or urine test to confirm the pink line. No changes are apparent to your body yet but you should ask your doctor or ob-gyn to recommend vitamins for you to take.

Although it might be tempting to tell family and friends your good news right away it is probably better to wait until you are twelve weeks along when the risk of having a miscarriage drops.

This is the week to drop all of the bad habits. If you are smoking it is time to quit. Doing any recreational drugs is also verboten as is drinking until you fall down. If you have any addiction problems talk to your doctor so you can get help with these issues long before your substance abuse can affect your baby.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 5
This is the week that your baby begins to develop a beating heart. The embryo is now an entity with three layers, an outer ectoderm which will incorporate itself later as the nervous system, the endoderm (inner layer) that twill become the internal organs and the middle mesoderm which will eventually become the circulatory system, muscles, bones, kidneys and reproductive organs.


It is around week 5 that women begin to experience tenderness in their breast tissue. It may feel a bit uncomfortable to wear a bra. Other symptoms include fatigue, bloating, nausea, excess flatulence, burping and cravings for foods. Craving ice cream and pickles is more than just a clich many women actually do experience a strong desire for this food. Also this week you may experience a more heightened sense of taste or smell and some odors may suddenly become inexplicably offensive to you. For instance, if you have always loved garlic, you may now find that the smell repulses you.

If you own a cat then you are going to have to ask someone else to change the litter. Toxoplasmosis, a disease spread through the feces of infected cats, can cause birth defects if passed from you to your unborn child. If you must do the deed yourself, wear rubber gloves and scrub your hands with hot, soapy water immediately afterward.

Your hormones are fluctuating so you are bound to be moody. However, did you know about 10 percent of women experience depression during pregnancy -- nearly as many as those who do postpartum? If you find yourself feeling abnormally sad, sleepless or helpless, be sure to tell your doctor as this is a hormonal problem that can be treated.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 6
In these seven days your baby will triple in size from the size of a poppy seed to a lentil. The heart will also be beating with a regular rhythm. From now until birth, your child's heart will beat about 150 times a minute -- twice the average adult rate. The fetuss basic facial features will also start to form at this time, including the mouth and the beginnings of eyes and ears. The beginnings of a stomach and lungs will also begin to become apparent if the fetus is examined on an ultrasound.


The placenta in your womb that supplies the fetus with nutrients is producing increasing amounts of progesterone. This hormone prevents your uterus from expelling the fetus and also helps create the nest of blood vessels that nourishes your baby in the uterine walls. However the high amounts of progesterone that are produced for the baby can also make you feel very nauseous. This is because it has the effect of slowing down the digestive process. Despite the fact that it is called morning sickness the nausea associated with pregnancy can strike at any time. The symptoms of morning sickness can also vary from woman to woman. Some women just have a touch of dizziness or a headache and others may be so off balance and nauseous that they have to go to bed. The good news is that no matter how bad your morning sickness is you will likely be over it by the end of the first trimester.

During this week you may find it harder to focus on your partner than usual, especially if you are feeling nauseous. However it is important for you to acknowledge how the father of your child might be feeling about the monumentous changes that are about to take place in your life. When you are feeling well this is also a good idea to sit down with your spouse or partner and make a financial plan as to how you are going to handle the expenses associated with having a new child in the house.

If you are suffering from unbearable nausea try taking ginger tea or nibbling on candied ginger. Taking 75 milligrams of B6 a day can also help quell the symptoms of morning sickness.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 7
Even though it is smaller than the top joint of your thumb your baby is developing distinct facial features as well as nubs of tissue that will become arms, hands, legs and feet. The brain has also started to develop and the baby has pinpoints for eyes. The baby may also start making small jerky movements.


If you have not experienced any of the more unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy such as sore breasts, mood swings, fatigue and exhaustion you will probably experience them by this week. It is important to get plenty of sleep as it can also be psychologically stressful concealing the pregnancy from coworkers and friends.

Week 7 is when you should make your first prenatal visit to the doctor. During this visit your doctor will ask about you and your partners medical history, check your weight, height and blood pressure and perhaps perform a pelvic exam. You will also be prescribed a pre-natal ultrasound. This involves having your babys picture taken inside the womb using high frequency sound wave. First-trimester ultrasounds are usually performed trans-vaginally because they provide a clearer picture when your baby is smaller and located closer to your vagina. A slender wand that sends out sound waves is inserted into the vagina and the ultrasound image of the baby is reproduced on a television monitor. At this stage the doctors are checking to make sure that the fetus has a strong heartbeat. It is also at this appointment that your doctor will be able to inform you when your official due date is. You will also be supplied with subsequent appointments during which you will be put through a series of screening tests to detect potential health concerns for you baby such as diabetes or anemia.

Make sure you are organized as it is not a good idea to miss doctor appointments in the near future. Buy yourself a good day timer or calendar that can help you keep track of appointments and also all of the things you are going to need to do for the next 32 weeks to keep your self-care on track.

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Week 8
Your baby has quadrupled in size since Week 6 and now is about a half an inch long. His or her hands and feet look less like paddles and are now forming well-defined fingers and toes. Joint development also begins in week 8 with the growth of elbows, wrists and ankles. Your babys facial features are also becoming more refined and the eyes will develop eyelids. The eyes themselves will also have pigment. The fetuss key organs, such as the heart and intestines, will also continue to grow and get stronger every day.


During Week 8 most women notice that their appetite fluctuates from feeling ravenous to finding food repugnant.

You may want to expose yourself less to situations where you cant control your environment. For instance exposing yourself to a crowded nightclub where you may breathe in a lot of cigarette smoke is not a good idea. This week may not be your best to go out to dinner at a restaurant or at a friends house, as you may not have any control over what makes you feel nauseous.

Nutritionists say that you dont need to overeat in order to support the growth of a baby. All you really need to consume is 300 extra calories a day and preferably those calories come from nutrient rich foods. 300 calories is the equivalent of a blueberry muffin or a 16-ounce smoothie.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 9
This week, your baby develops reproductive organs and digestive organs such as the pancreas and gallbladder. The head of the baby now will tuck down into the chest and the fingers and toes will be growing longer. Most fetuses are about an inch long at this stage.


This week two important tests will be recommended to you. The first is called chorionic villi sampling (CVS) and is recommended to be given between nine and fourteen weeks. A small tube is inserted into the vagina or a thin needle is inserted into the abdomen. A small sample of cells from the chorionic villi are examined to make sure that the baby does not suffer from any chromosomal abnormalities. This test is considered more important once you are over 35 years old. Another, less-invasive test may also be booked for you. It is called nuchal translucency (NT). It is an ultrasound that examines the baby's neck to see if its extra thick. It is also used to indicate Down syndrome, although the test is not conclusive. There are risks to consider with both, and you need to be fully educated with all of these so you can make an informed decision about you and your babys health.

You may find yourself feeling less like going out and more like staying at home, tidying up and protecting your child from energies you dislike such as aggressive people, cigarette smoke and stress of all kind.

If you are still working it may be time to inform at least one other person at your office in case you need to leave in a hurry or develop a health problem.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 10
By the end of this week, your baby is officially a fetus. His kidneys, intestines, brain, and lungs are all in place. Your baby's fingers and toes will also finally completely separate into separate digits this week. Your babys eyelids thicken so they are no longer transparent and tooth buds appear in the mouth. The length of the baby from crown to rump is about 1.5 inches.


You may still be feeling nauseous from the extra surge of progesterone coursing through your body. A pleasant side effect of this is that it boosts your blood volume, which can give you a more dewy complexion. Progesterone also causes your breasts to grow larger and your hair to shine.

Your partner may be starting to get the hint that you are less interested in sex than usual. This is because the increased level of progesterone in your body can lower your libido. It may be important at this time to discuss the reason for your lack of interest in sex with your partner so that he knows it is not personal although some women do not experience a falling sex drive.

Show your partner affection even if you are not in the mood to have sex. Ask for him to touch you by allowing him to massage your back or feet. Letting your partner in on what is happening to you in every stage of your pregnancy prevents him from feeling jealous or left out.

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Week 11
This is the week in which your babys teeth really start to grow. His or her bones also really start to grow. The ears will also move from the joint of the jaw upwards to the side of the head.


This is the week when nausea starts to subside for most women and is replaced by cravings for protein or large portions of foods. Some women even start craving foods that they have always hated. Call your doctor if you start craving some unusual things -- like ice, dirt, chalk, or, yes, even laundry starch. Called pica, this desiring of non-food substances does affect some pregnant women; doctors suspect that it may actually be a sign of a nutritional deficiency.

Your clothes might start to feel a little snug and it may be time to shop for some maternity clothes.

Loop a rubber band into the button hole and around the button of your jeans to give you a little extra breathing room when doing up your pants. Wear a long top over your jean waistband to conceal the fact you cant do up the top button or pull the zipper up all the way.

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Week 12
Your baby is now 3 inches long and weighs about half an ounce. The face continues to be sculpted and nails appear on the fingers and toes.

It is around this time that you may feel your baby start moving or wriggling around for the first time.


Your uterus starts to shift northwards in your pelvis this week. Your belly may look more rounded. Most women also experience a surge in the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which swells the breasts. Your vision may also become blurry. The extra fluid your body retains during pregnancy thickens the outer layer of your eye, which can slightly distort your sight. Your eyesight should self-correct within two months of your baby's birth.

As you are near the end of the first trimester of pregnancy this is an ideal time to break the news to your boss.

Don't apologize or feel guilty when explaining to anyone (including your boss) that you are pregnant. You are entitled to pregnancy leave. Handle the matter like a professional no matter what type of reaction you get.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Second Trimester Weeks 13 to 26

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Week 13
Your babys reflexes are beginning to develop and he or she may be responding to stimuli by bending or flexing. This is also the week during which the baby may first stick a thumb in his or her mouth although he or she may not suck it. The eyelids will fuse together until the thirtieth week so that the eyes can develop. The eyes themselves will have a stronger color such as blue or green or brown.


Levels of hCG, estrogen and progesterone shift again and most women no longer feel nauseous. You will experience an increase in energy and an even further increase in appetite. The blood flow in your body increases that may cause symptoms like a runny nose or bleeding gums.

As you will probably be feeling a little better and more energetic at this stage, this is a good week to tackle your things to do list such as shopping for baby furniture or clothes or planning how to decorate a nursery.

Getting up from your chair and walking around once every hour can spare you from getting the painful leg cramps that are sometimes associated with the weight gain from pregnancy.

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Week 14
This is the week that the babys sex organs become even more developed. A girl baby will develop ovaries and a boy will develop a prostrate. The babys thyroid also starts working and the baby also learns how to suck on his thumb. At week 14 the baby is about 31/2 inches long and weighs about an ounce.


You may start to notice changes to your complexion. Your skin may darken around your nipples, navel, armpits and inner thighs. If you have dark hair and fair skin, you're also more prone to a condition called chloasma. This is also known as "the mask of pregnancy. Areas of skin on your forehead, cheeks, and chin may become darker. Your nails may become stronger and longer than usual.

As you gain weight you may find yourself experiencing back or joint pain. Joining prenatal Yoga classes can help with that. Walking is also excellent.

To stay hydrated drink about eight to ten glasses away. This can help prevent fluids in your body from pooling and causing edema or bloating.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 15
This is the week when your baby first forms a fist. Hair begins to grow on the fetus head and eyebrows are apparent. A fine down, called janugo will also cover the fetus body. The babys skeleton continues to take shape this week, with more bone building and muscle development every day.


This week you may notice that it is harder to catch your breath than usual. This is because you are breathing for two. Take the elevator and escalator instead of exerting yourself on the stairs if you have to. You might also be more prone to yeast infections. You may also have heavier or smellier vaginal discharge or redness or itchiness in the vaginal area. These are easily treated with topical fungal creams or oral antibiotics.

Depending on your age or medical history, your doctor may soon suggest some prenatal tests. The two most common are the quad marker screen and the amniocentesis, both of which can be performed between this week and week 20. The quad screen is a simple. It is a blood test that's about 75 to 80 percent accurate in detecting neural-tube defects like spina bifida or genetic conditions like Down syndrome. An amniocentesis is performed if the above test is inconclusive. The doctor inserts a long, skinny needle into your belly to extract a sample of fluid from the amniotic sac surrounding your baby. Examined in a lab, the amniotic fluid can reveal a number of genetic disorders as well as chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome and neural-tube defects.

Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help if you find yourself short of breath or anxious about any tests.

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Week 16
Your babys diaphragm is now developed and the baby may start to get the hiccups. This can make your belly appear to jump up and own. The baby is now between four and five inches long and weighs about three ounces. He has also developed facial expressions and can squint, frown or smirk. In the girl fetus, millions of eggs are forming in her ovaries.


Your belly may appear to really round out. This is because of the expansion of your uterus, which will have grown as much as 1000 times its usual size by the time you deliver. You can also expect to gain about a pound per week from now until the end of your pregnancy.

This week you may be asked if you want to know whether or not it is a boy or a girl. Certain prenatal tests can reveal the sex if you want to know, such as an ultrasound. This can allow you to buy the clothing or furniture to suit the babys gender.

If you already have a child or two this is a good week to start preparing them for what is coming by telling them about the new baby. This gives siblings plenty of time to adjust to the idea.

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Week 17
Your baby starts get rounder and fatter. The fetus is roughly the size of a large pear and is almost five inches long and weighs nearly five ounces. The babys skeleton also continues to grow.


The main change you will notice is a fluttering in your belly. This is the baby kicking! You may also feel the occasional tap as if the baby is reminding you that he or she is still here!

Now's the time to sign up for childbirth classes with your partner! Ask your hospital about its programs or look on the Internet to find information about classes near you.

Make sure you are drinking your milk. Your babys soft rubbery skeleton is hardening into bone and needs calcium to grow strong.

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Week 18
Your babys sense of hearing develops this week and he or she can hear your heart beating. The brain also continues to develop cognitive skills and the nervous system continues to develop reflexes. The baby may recoil from a large noise.


Your swelling belly may bring along some slightly uncomfortable symptoms, including heartburn. It's caused when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, and causes burning sensation. Symptoms are most common during the second and third trimesters, because your growing uterus may compress your stomach and push its contents upward.

To ease symptoms, you may need to eat five or six smaller meals instead of three large ones. Avoid fatty, fried foods, which take longer to break down, as well as things that are spicy, acidic or bubbly. Dont drink water with meals.

It is one thing to take classes about baby care and yet another to get experience with mothering first hand. Call up a relative or friend who has a baby and ask to spend the day with her so you can learn more about diapering and feeding a baby.

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Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar

Week 19
Your baby's skin is now covered with vernix, a slippery white coating that protects the babys skin. This week your baby becomes more active then ever as nerve cells continue to develop.


This week up and weeks up to 22 are recommended for an ultrasound. A wand with a camera is applied to the stomach area and an image of your child is produced on a television screen. You will be able to see your baby kick, wave and somersault for the camera. This week and in all weeks in the future you are also more at risk of developing urinary tract infections. If you have a constant urge to urinate or burning while urinating then see a doctor. You may also experience dizziness as the result of the lower blood pressure that pregnancy can cause. Many women also develop varicose veins, hemorrhoids and bleeding gums during this week.

If you are buying big items for your nursery like a crib on the Internet or from a catalogue then this is one of your last weeks to order so that the goods arrive in time for the birth. This is because ordering items like fabric, rockers or cradles can take six to twelve weeks.

To prevent hemorrhoids and dizziness make sure you drink enough water during the day. This helps increase your blood volume.

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Week 20
Week 20 is the half way mark in your pregnancy. Your baby should measure about 6.5 inches from crown to rump and weigh between nine and ten ounces. The baby will continue to grow in every way and continue to curl, flex and kick in the womb. It is during this week that the baby starts developing characteristics that would have him or her physically resemble both or either of the parents.


You could feel unwieldy and clumsy and be more prone to slipping or falling. This is because the weight of the pregnancy can place pressure on your spine and throw you off balance.

You may be feeling happy but a little more tired than usual. You might also be dealing with indigestion and back pain. This is definitely the time when you need to be a little selfish and grab a little more rest and pampering time for yourself than you would normally allow.

To prevent back pain, stand up straight when you walk so your hips and shoulders stay lined up. Sitting with your feet slightly elevated and sleeping on your side in a fetal position with a pillow between your knees can help.

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Week 21
By the end of this week, your baby will measure about 7 inches from crown to rump and weigh about one pound. Your baby has developed the ability to swallow but currently swallows amniotic fluid, which is full of nutrients. However the babys main source of nourishment is still the placenta. Your baby's hearing is becoming even better now. In addition to hearing your voice, stomach rumblings and heartbeat, the baby can also hear sounds and conversations coming from the outside world.


You might be feeling overweight, sluggish and tired. Regular, light exercise can help keep your weight in check, boost your mood and energy, and cut down on many of those annoying pregnancy side effects, like varicose veins, backaches, bloating, and swelling. Activities like prenatal Yoga and Aqua aerobics can go a long way to keeping you feeling fit.

This week you may notice that you have no choice but to wear maternity clothing. You may find it difficult to adjust to the sight of your body in the mirror. Keep in mind that times have changed and that it is perfectly acceptable to flaunt your pregnant body in a tight t-shirt.

If you rest you rust. Dont give into a tendency to lie around and eat. Even taking a walk around the block every day can help you feel much healthier and energetic.

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Week 22
This week your babys tongue forms taste buds. He or she may also be growing lanugo. This is a soft downy body hair that falls off before or shortly after birth. If your baby will be born with hair on its head it also starts to appear now.


You may begin to experience what are called Braxton Hicks contractions. These are harmless sporadic contractions that feel like a squeezing sensation. They occur randomly and not in a pattern like real contractions. Some women dont experience these contractions at all.

You are just over the halfway point in the pregnancy and may find working more stressful. Moms to be who planned to work right up until they go into labor often change their mind around this time in their pregnancy as they feeling tired and exhausted. If you are planning to work during this time then remember to take it easy and to do one thing at a time.

The second trimester is the best time to take a vacation. You may feel heavy and uncomfortable during the third trimester. A vacation can help take your mind off of any physical discomfort as well as relieve mental stress. Taking a vacation now is well advised as you will not get another break for some time after the baby is born. Try to go somewhere where there is a pool or a beach so you can do some easy exercising in some water.

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Week 23
Your baby's lungs will grow extensively this week, even though he or she is still fed oxygen through the placenta in the womb. The timing of this is Natures way of ensuring that the baby can breathe if it is born premature.


At this point your baby requires many nutrients. That's why doctors sometimes prescribe iron 30 mg supplements during the second half of pregnancy, in addition to your prenatal vitamins. Contact your doctor right away if you suffer from fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath or dizziness as those are symptoms of iron deficiency.

You are getting larger, your feet may become a concern. If you have not done so already put away any high heeled shoes for now and shop for a sensible pair of running shoes that can support your arches properly while you support the extra baby weight. Dont be surprised too if your foot size increases by a half to a whole size.

Your baby is an aware and feeling being inside your belly at this point so make it your mission to be positive and stay away from unnecessarily distressing emotional or physical situations. Chat with your baby whenever you can as he or she can now recognize your voice.

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Week 24
Your baby has now developed his sense of balance, so he can tell which way is up inside your belly. His or her tissues and skeleton continue to grow thicker and stronger.


Sometime in your second trimester (usually between this week and 28 weeks), your doctor will probably screen you for gestational diabetes, a condition in which sugar levels in your bloodstream are higher than usual. Most women with gestational diabetes deliver healthy babies; the main risks are high birth weight and an increased chance that your child will develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Dont panic if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It does go away right after pregnancy. It can also be controlled with simple lifestyle changes such as cutting back on carbohydrates and getting more exercise.

This is a good week to check how well you are sticking to your baby budget so far and to make changes as needed. Many mothers to be and their partners often find that they have under budgeted when it comes to things like furniture and they need to make a new plan to get them through the third trimester of pregnancy.

It is not a good idea to sleep on your back if you can help it as this can cut off the flow of blood through the placenta. Ask your partner to check on you every now and then to make sure that you are sleeping on your side.

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Week 25
By this week, all of your baby's bones have fully developed, although they haven't finished hardening so they're still rubbery. This week, the babys pushes, kicks, and rolls will likely occur more frequently -- and forcefully.


Most parents-to-be attend childbirth classes during the third trimester. Classes can help you feel more relaxed, confident, and prepared for labor. It's also a fantastic way to meet other expectant parents and make contacts for future baby play dates. These classes are offered at most hospitals and birthing centers, and your doctor or midwife can also recommend good ones in your area.

You may at this time decide to hire a midwife or a doula. The doula is a person who emotionally supports you through the pregnancy although she wont actually deliver the baby. Many doulas also offer postpartum help with breastfeeding, diaper-changing and other basic baby care skills.

Taking one childbirth class is better than none at all. Many hospitals offer one or two evening crash courses specifically designed for busy couples so you can forgo the multi-weekly format. These classes are a good way to make your partner feel more connected to the pregnancy.

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Week 26
This week your baby becomes much more attractive as it develops thick eyelashes and more hair on its head. The lungs and spine also continue to grow. At this stage the babys spine is about the length of the palm of your hand.


After being a little lower for the past few months, your blood pressure should be back to where it was pre-pregnancy (anything less than 130/85 mm/HG is considered normal for expectant mamas). However some women do experience a condition of higher-than-normal blood pressure called preeclampsia. It affects up to eight percent of all pregnant women, and there's not much you can do to prevent it. Women who are overweight or carrying multiples, or who already have high blood pressure or a family history of diabetes face a greater risk than women without these factors. Many women with mild cases do fine with bed rest and regular blood pressure monitoring. But those with more severe cases may need to deliver their babies early because pre-eclampsia can restrict blood flow to the fetus. The main symptoms of pre-eclampsia are bad headaches, swelling in your hands or face, sudden weight gain, blurry vision, or upper abdominal pain. If you experience any of these, your doctor will run blood and urine tests to make a definitive diagnosis.

As the baby kicking or shifting around in your womb several times a night wakes you up you might also find yourself experiencing some bizarre dreams. This is completely normal.

You may be noticing that your stomach seems quite distended and that the skin is very taut. To avoid stretch marks in the future try rubbing cocoa butter cream or lotion on your stomach every day. This will help your skin retain its elasticity once you give birth.

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Third Trimester Weeks 27 to 42

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Week 27
This is the first week of the third trimester! By now your baby is at least 9.5 inches from crown to rump and she weighs just a little over two pounds. He or she will probably gain a half-pound each week for the next ten weeks.


By now you are putting on about a pound a week, which is normal. You are also probably all belly as your ribcage will have expanded all the way up to your belly.

You may find yourself more assertive than usual. This is part of your nesting instinct taking over. Your urge to protect your young one may make you seem bossy to others. As you are pregnant it is okay to demand that you take that seat on the bus if you need it.

Eat whatever you want but eat it in moderation. Pregnancy is not the time to go on a diet no matter how overweight you appear to yourself in the mirror.

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Week 28
The big news is that after being crusted shut for many weeks that your baby will now be able to open and close his or her eyes. The average weight of a baby at about Week 28 is 2.5 pounds. He probably measures a little over fifteen inches from head to toe (when stretched out.) Your doctor will track your baby's growth during checkups by gently pressing on your belly to feel where the top of your uterus is, also known as fundal height.


Your uterus has grown quite large. Normally it weighs about 2 ounces and holds less than half an ounce of fluid; now, it's expanded to house your baby, the placenta, and an entire quart of amniotic fluid. As your uterus expands you may experience side effects such as back pain, swelling in your feet and ankles, heartburn, hemorrhoids, itchy skin and hemorrhoids. Many of these symptoms will go away as soon as the uterus starts shrinking after delivery.

You may have already selected an obstetrician, but you also may want to research for a good pediatrician to treat your baby. The first office visit after a baby is born is usually within a few days of it being born.

Even if it costs you for the consultation it is a good idea to interview or consult with a pediatrician before you choose one. After all this is the doctor that will be taking care of your childs health.

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Week 29
By now all of your babys bones are developed but they are still soft and flexible. You are likely to feel more pushes kicks and rolls then ever.


You may still be experiencing some back pain and heart burn due to the weight of the baby and your rounding belly.

As it is quite possible that you could give birth prematurely (although not likely) this is a good week to pack your bag for the hospital. You should also decide who you want to take with you on that day and develop a plan B and C should your plan A for getting to the hospital fall through.

Childbirth classes are typically offered in a multiweek format (one class weekly for six to 10 weeks or so) or in condensed daylong sessions over the course of a single weekend [or two]. If you're timecrunched, the one-shot-deal is a good option, but go for the multi-week format if you can. They're a guaranteed standing date for you and your partner, and a great way to help him feel connected to all the crazy stuff your body is going through.

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Week 30
This week, your babys five senses are now developed. He can now taste, touch, hear, smell, and see everything going on around him. Your baby will continue to gain about a half-pound every week for the next seven weeks.


Your belly may be dry and itchy. Pink or red streaks called stretch marks may appear on your breasts, tummy thighs, butt and upper arms. These can be treated with creams after you give birth.

People have a habit of telling mothers-to-be nightmare stories to do with labor or birth. If you dont feel like engaging in this type of ominous or negative talk simply ask the person Why are you telling me this? or say, I prefer to be positive right now, thanks.

If you have a pet now is a good time to train it to stay off the beds, counters and out of the nursery so that it does not accidentally injure your newborn.

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Week 31
The average weight of a baby at this week is 4 pounds. The sex organs are also now fully formed. If you are having a boy is testicles will descend into the scrotum. If the fetus is female her clitoris will be fully formed.


You may now notice more hip and lower-back pain as hormones relax the ligaments and tendons throughout your pelvic area. This happens so that the bones can spread to make room for delivery. Your expanding uterus may also be putting some pressure on the sciatic nerves that run from your lower back down through your legs, triggering chronic tingling or numbness. This condition is called sciatica. Your breasts might also leak a type of breast milk called colostrum. This can cause spotting on your shirt. This is a nutrient rich fluid that will feed your baby before the real breast milk forms several days after birth.

If you're planning to go back to work either full or part time after you give birth then it is a good idea to start thinking about securing the right day care centre, or nanny for the job now.

To avoid embarrassment, purchase some nursing pads, which you'll need to catch dribbles from your nipples if you are leaking colostrum. There are both disposable and washable versions, and they fit inside your bra.

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Week 32
If your baby is going to be born premature it is most likely to be this week. This is also officially the week when a baby is called full term even though it can stay in the womb for another eight weeks. By this week all of the babys organs are functioning except for the lungs. The baby will also start to shed the downy hair (lanugo) that has covered his body for the past few months. Your baby, who at this point is about four pounds, is also running out of room in the womb so he or she may move less or kick less.


Currently your body is in a holding pattern. However the signs of early labor are your water breaking, tightening of the uterus, period like cramps, vaginal bleeding, pressure in the pelvic area and diarrhea.

If you are still working consider asking your boss if you can work at home. This can help alleviate some of the physical stress that you may be experiencing.

Although your baby may be moving around in the uterus less, it is not normal for a fetus to not make any type of kick, flutter or movement for more than two hours. If your baby is very quiet for more than two hours call the doctor. At this stage babies dont sleep for more than twenty or thirty minutes at a time.

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Week 33
Your babys eyes become sensitive and he or she may need to close them while sleeping in your womb. Your baby is developing regular sleep/wake cycles. It is very common for babys to give a sharp kick when they wake up from their naps. At this stage your baby should also be somersaulted so that the head is against the uterus. This is why you are feeling kicks against your uterus.


You may have difficulty sleeping. You may also be a bit sleep deprived because you are dealing with numerous side effects including leg cramps, heartburn and the need to constantly go to the bathroom.

This week take the time to buy a car seat and have it properly fitted. You will need this to be ready for your trip home from the hospital.

If heartburn is a problem try eating dinner an hour earlier than you usually do.

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Week 34
Your baby may now be as long as twenty inches, head to toe and weigh around five pounds. This week, the protective vernix (that white, waxy coating that protects the babys skin) begins to thicken. Your baby will likely arrive covered in this, especially in the folds under his arms, behind his ears, and in the groin area.


Your body may feel a little lighter than it has recently. This is called dropping, lightening or engagement. The lighter feeling is an indication that your baby is settling into your lower pelvis. If you see a blood tinged, extra thick discharge then this is a sign that your mucus plug is dropping. The mucus plug blocks your cervix during pregnancy to keep your uterus safe from germs. Many women lose these plugs up to two weeks before their labor begins.

This is the week that you need to put together a birth plan with your doctor. This means making decisions about who will be in the room while you are in labor, what you like to drink or eat and what your preferences are when it comes to relieving pain.

If you are a single mum, consider hiring a doula (a trained birth assistant) to support you during or after labor.

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Week 35
Your baby should weigh at least five pounds by now. The main job of the fetus right now is to plump up with fat. Ninety seven percent of babies are also turned head down in the womb so they are ready for delivery. If the baby is not in place the doctor may manually try to manipulate the baby to turn in the womb using external massage.


As the baby gets heavier you may feel a tingling or numbness near your hips, triggered by her extra weight pressing on your nerves.

During one of your upcoming doctor visits, you'll be tested for Group B strep (GBS), a type of bacteria that's normally found in the digestive tracks of more than thirty percent of women. If you do test positive for the bug, you will be treated with antibiotics as this type of bacteria can harm the baby during delivery.

This is a good week to get a haircut. This way you can look your best in all of those pictures that are going to be taken of you at the hospital!

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Week 36
This week your baby develops layers of fat on the face. His or her ability to absorb food through the act of sucking is also perfected.


It is possible that the breasts of some women may become enlarged and very tender before the baby arrives. This condition is called engorgement. Nursing, pumping or massaging your breasts in a hot shower can help relieve the pain.

Newborns generally need to eat every two to three hours around the clock, and it can be extremely exhausting to have your breasts ready on that kind of schedule. It may be worth your while to buy a breast pump this week so that you can store your breast milk for situations when you dont feel comfortable breast feeding in public, or if you need to have a break.

It is probably a good idea to wear a sanitary napkin from this week onwards as it is very common for you to become incontinent after a cough or sneeze. This is a normal response to the growing uterus pressing down on your bladder.

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Week 37
Your baby is fully developed and it is just a matter of time before he or she emerges into a new world. Nobody knows exactly what triggers the big event but when he or she is ready to emerge your body starts releasing chemicals prostaglandins that thin, soften and dilate the cervix. These trigger your uterus to start contracting and push the baby out of our body. You can experience contractions and still not go through labor. A sure sign of labor is having your water break. However, early stage labor can last hours or even days. It is not time to go to the hospital until contractions start occurring about five minutes apart.


Labor has three stages. It is not time to go to the hospital until you are in the second phase of active labor. This is when your cervix dilates from three to four centimeters to seven. In this stage the contractions last up to a minute or so and are very painful. The pain is felt through your stomach, lower back and upper thighs. This is usually the time when a woman asks for a pain relieving epidural. Eventually you'll progress to the transition phase, which is the end of the first stage of labor. Here, your cervix finishes dilating to 10 centimeters, and contractions are non-stop. The official start of stage two of labor is when you begin to push the baby out of the womb. The babys head will appear near the opening of the vagina but it can take as long as forty-five minutes to finish delivering her. Once the babys head has emerged from the vagina the doctor usually checks the position of the umbilical cord. As soon as the baby emerges, the umbilical cord will be cut -- severing your baby from the placenta. You may ask to cradle your baby right away, and then she'll be weighed and examined by a doctor or nurse. While the baby is being measured and wrapped you will be busy delivering the placenta.

Leave the cell phone at home. You may not be able to make calls in the hospital. Dont forget to bring your camera to capture the first happy moments of your babys life in this world.

Everyone knows that hospital food is lousy. Pack crackers, canned puddings, apples and other nutritious snacks for you to have in the hospital to keep your strength up.

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Week 38
If your baby has not been born yet he or she is probably very happy snuggled in your womb.


If your baby seems reluctant to leave the womb then your doctor might opt to schedule a C-section. A C-Section is also sometimes recommended for babies that are positioned poorly (as is the case with a breech birth where the feet are pointing downwards in the womb) or for multiple births. You may also be advised to have a C-section if the placenta is blocking the babys exit from uterus or if you have a medical condition like high blood pressure.

During the last few days before you give birth your nesting instincts may kick in. You may not be able to stop cleaning. This compulsion to put every aspect of your life in order is perfectly natural.

Although your nesting instincts are telling you to clean, paint and even renovate it is a good idea to stay away from any kind of heavy labor. Also be sure not to expose yourself to harsh fumes from paints and cleaning chemicals.

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Week 39
Babies that reach week 39 in the womb are typically between six and nine pounds and may measure eighteen to twenty-two inches when stretched out form head to toe.


You may give birth before week 39 or later. Only about five percent of women give birth on their actual due dates.

If your baby is taking its time to come out of the womb then it is a good idea to make things simple. Eat lightly but until you are full and get plenty of rest. Take a walk for at least twenty minutes every day to keep yourself in shape and minimize symptoms of back pain.

Many women nowadays are raised to do everything themselves in order to be strong independent creatures. Now is the time to accept all of the help that you can get including allowing people to help you lift things, cook and do laundry.

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Week 40
It is likely that your baby will be born this week. If not then labor may be induced in the next week or two. About twenty percent of babies need to be induced. Discuss your options with your doctor if your baby is reluctant to leave the womb.


After your baby is born and you have delivered the placenta it is time to begin breast-feeding your baby. Your vaginal area may need stitches if it has torn during the birth process.

The next few weeks are among the most important in your life. You are now the proud parent of a new baby or even two or three new babies. Your life will never be quite the same as you prepare to care for and raise your beautiful baby. Nothing can really prepare you for having a new baby, except the experience itself

If you feel depressed, or you cannot emotionally connect with your baby within the first six months after birth then consult your doctor for advice. These feelings could be linked to a condition called post partum depression and need treatment. Remember, always listen to your own instincts, and whatever works for you and your baby is the right thing to do. And congratulations!

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