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Last month our nine-year old daughter was hit by a car.

The man driving the car was drunk at the time and didnt stop at a stop sign. Our little girl was in the hospital for the three long weeks. My husband and I didnt know if she would live or die. It was a terrible time for us. Although today she is alive, we are afraid something like that might happen again. Recently we heard that the punishment for the driver was only a $500 fine. He didnt go to jail and he didnt lose his license. Today he is free to drive and possibly commit the same crime again. Maybe next time he will kill somebody. We feel the laws against drinking and driving should be very strict. Drunk drivers should pay for their crimes. We think their licenses should be taken away. We need stricter laws!

Yours truly,

Kathleen Johnson Philadelphia PA

TASK: 1. Do you think drinking and driving is a serious crime? 2. Which of the following do you think is a fair punishment for drinking and driving? Why? In my opinion a fair punishment for drinking and driving must be lose her or his license, because if the person does not have it, she or he can not commit the same crime again. We know that everyday there are many people who die run over by a car, because drunk drivers are not aware of their acts, so is necesary that the laws become more stric. On the other hand, if the person commit over again this serios crime I considered that get jail sentence would be a better punishment because with this irresponsable behaviour he/she can kill much people.

of punishment people do not but the laws are very mild with those who

Lose license Get jail sentence lose car Pay fine of $500 or more.

3. After completing these tasks write your paragraph on your copybooks for Nov. Monday 28th

The laws are differents in diferent places it would be bad if in some countries are more strictive or nogt

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