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UNIT ONE ASSIGNMENT- Answer the Personal Performance Assessment Survey questions in your own words and submit

to the SURVEY DROPBOX no later than January 22, 2012. There is no right or wrong way to complete the assignment. No reading or research is required. You will receive full credit for simply completing the survey to the best of your ability. PERSONAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/SURVEY: DUE January 22, 2012 1. What is your earliest memory of a performance? What made it different, or special, something beyond everyday experience?

2 .Describe the first time that you can remember that you had to perform for an audience. What positive or negative feedback did you receive?

3. Talk about a favorite teacher (no names, please) who influenced you with their style, content, and/or performance skills. What strategies do you think they used?

4. Talk about a teacher (no names, please) who exhibited poor classroom strategies, who failed to reach or teach you. In your opinion, what could they have done better?

5. How many social roles can you identify that you have played in your life? (e.g. attentive student, cooperative helper, bully, mentor etc) At what periods of your life and in what context?

6. What experiences have you had, either as a performer or audience member, with the so-called performing arts? (theatre, music, dance etc) (Either positive or negative)

7. What experiences have you had, either as a participant or spectator, at sport or athletic competitions? (youth or adult, amateur or professional) (Either positive or negative)

8. How do you feel about various media products as examples of performance? Discuss two or three specific performances that you reacted to strongly, either positively or negatively. (Film, television, recorded music etc).

9. Discuss the style and strategy of working professionals (no names, please) whom you have observed, as a patient, client or bystander. (Doctors, lawyers, law enforcement agents, corporate executives, community volunteers etc) Did they appear to conform to an expected social norm of professional behavior, or did they exhibit a unique or unexpected performance approach

10. How have public performances affected your view of the world? What messages have influenced you, either positively or negatively, that have been delivered by highly visible public figures like politicians, government officials or corporate leaders? How do you detect sincere messages from false or manipulative ones?

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