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The habitat: along the mountain sudamerica, the hills of you walk them.

Characteristic: The facial stains are very variable of an individual to other, but they usually surround the eye forming a ring, complete or not, as if it took some glasses (of there he/she comes him their common name). The extremities have five claws, short, sharp and powerful; it uses them to climb to the trees or to destroy them when it looks for insects. Speed: approximately of 60 km per hour. The means of crias:1 Threats: Their distribution area has diminished very quick in the last years due to the human pressure and only in Bolivia it seems that its conservation state is better something. The superstition, the hunt or the furtivismo are other main causes of the reduction in the populations of these animals.

The habitat: along the Ecuadorian mountain, the hills of you walk them. Characteristic: Considered the biggest flying bird in the planet; of black coloration with white contrasts. Speed: approximately of 100 km per hour. The huevos:1 average Threats: their destroyed habitat, hunted by peasants and farmers, he/she is extinction danger seriously, for what is indispensable to carry out the biggest efforts to avoid their extinction.

The habitat: He/she inhabits the forests of bamboo of the center of China, to altitudes that oscillate between the 1.500 and the 3.000 m. Characteristic: resemblance to a bear, with long, dense white coat and of woolly aspect; the paws, the shoulders, the ears and the area of the eyes are black. The line is wide and short. He/she inhabits the forests of bamboo of the center of China, to altitudes that oscillate between the 1.500 and the 3.000 m. Speed: approximately of 60 km per hour. The means of breedings: The female gives birth to between one or two cubs. Threats: The bear giant panda is considered as a threatened species and the Chinese government is carrying out diverse projects for his protection.

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