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SBM 5.

SBM 5.2

SBM 5.3

SBM 5.4

Level 1:

The school: Has an Annual School Budget ( ASB) aligned with the Annual Improvement Plan ( AIP)

ASB submitted and reviewed by the Division Office. ASB reflecting Maintenance and Other Operating expenses (MOOE) and other sources of funding for AIP programs/ projects procurement plan aligned with ASB ASB submitted to DepEd Division representative ( SDS or District Supervisor) to the LSB Records of representation/ advocacy for LSB support to SIP / AIP made by DepEd representative

Level 1:

The Annual School Budget ( ASB) resulted in the attainment of school targets and desired learning outcomes.

ASB supported interventions/ programs/ projects attained school targets on: Enrolment Drop Out Rate Retention Rate Completion Rate Achievement Level Monitoring data showing judicious execution of ASB

Level 1:

The school manages and controls funds with minimal fiscal authority / autonomy .

Records on utilization of downloaded school MOOE with assistance from Division Office Division Memo granting School Head minimal signing authority on financial transanctions. School Memo designating fiscal staff Designated fiscal staff trained on bookkeeping and disbursement processes

Level 1:

The allocation is: optimally utilized and disbursement of funds is alligned to SIP/ AIP/ASB accounted for.

records of needs analysis (SIP Identified programs and projects) undertaken Records of simple accounting ( O.R., RER, expenses receipts, other supporting documents to vouch transactions) of MOOE and other sources of funds submitted. Annual Procurement Plan prepared and submitted

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