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AP Psychology Online Assignment: Mid-Year Review Between now and Wednesday, January 11th access the Mid-Year Review

on Quizlet at 1) There are several options you have to study the terms/concepts from the first 9 units (chapters 1 through 9) of the AP Psychology textbook. Congratulations! You are half way through the course. You can use the flashcard feature that shows a note card for each term and you can virtually flip the cards over to show the term or the definition. You can also choose the speller feature or the game options. Take as much time as you personally need to master the material. 2) When you are ready, go to the test option. This feature creates a test for you of varying question formats: fill-inthe blank, multiple choice, true/false, etc. Before you begin the test, you need to set your options. Go to the column on the right hand side. Be sure that the following options are selected: a. Be certain that all 3 types of questions (matching, multiple choice, true/false) are selected. b. In the when grading, ignore option, be sure ALL the options are selected. This will prevent the program from telling you that you have a wrong answer because of grammar or spacing issues. c. Prompt With should be set to term. d. The Question Limit should be set to 100 out of 240. Be sure that you change this from the 20 question default. 3) Your score will be given to you at the completion of the 100 question test. It will list the percent of correctly answered questions. 4) You may try repeatedly until you are satisfied with your score. Each time you retake it, the program will generate a new version of the test. 5) When you are ready, you need to print out your score (take a screen shot: while looking at the Quizlet score, hit the Print Screen key, and then paste it onto a MS WORD document and print it), write your name on it and submit it on Wednesday, January 11th. Only one submission, please. You will earn points for your score according to the following table: Points Earned 0 pts./25 points 14 pts./25 points 17pts./25 points 19 pts./25 points 21 pts/25 points 23 pts/25 points Score Below 50% correct 50% to 64% correct 65% to 70% correct 71% to 79% correct 80% to 87% correct 88% to 94% correct

25 pts/25points

95 % to 100% correct

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