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Notice: This guide was compiled for educational purposes.

Any illegal, unethical or other misuse is not supported or condoned.

Deepweb Browsing v1.1

(Deepweb, Deepnet, Hidden Services, Hidden Web, Darknet)
"A friendly guide to browsing the Deepweb"

Notice: This guide was compiled for educational purposes. Any illegal, unethical or other misuse is not supported or condoned.

While the Deepweb can be accessed via typing the .onion address into your address bar or using a simplistic URL proxy, this can and will lead to unwanted attention from multiple places and WILL bring unwanted attention from other Deepweb users with neferious and otherwise ill intentions. To combat both it is recommended you use all viable security and privacy programs and applications. These recommended programs and applications will not only help to keep you safe while browsing the legendary and illusive Deepweb, but will also assist in helping to keep you safer while browsing the Clearnet.

As stated on Tor, anonymous services and proxy will HELP to keep you anonymous, but it is ultimately YOU that can consistantly keep your anonyimity.

Some recommended Deepweb Rules of Thumb: - DO NOT access personal information or log into any social networks, e-mail clients, chat clients, online banking, forums, ect... while running Tor. While Tor does encrpyt the data that passes over it's nodes, the data can still be viewed by the exitnode host. This leaves the ability for the exitnode host to see your TRUE identity and enveitably lead to you doxing. - DO NOT share any personal information with anyone on the Deepweb. - DO NOT instigate a situation. Chances are whomever you've been butthurt by is far more knowledgeable in the deeds of the unforgiving and would dox you merely for amusment.

- DO NOT brag or openly share that you broswe the Deepweb. Nothing travels faster than rumors on the Grape Vine and ends with a visit from the FBI. - DO NOT use Tor, JonDoFox, ect.. while using a torrent tracker or client. It is usually against tracker policy and does not aid in keeping your downloads anonymous. While the data is encrpyted, Tor was not designed for torrenting and the trail eventually ends at you real IP. - ANYTHING you buy or procure from the Deepweb is your business and responsibility. DO NOT invlove others in any transactions or deals. - EVERY 10 minutes change your Tor identity, this will lessen your chances of being tracked sucessfully. To change your idendity, right click the Tor icon in you Notifications Area and click New Identity.

Recommended Downloads: It is recommended that FireFox is used as your browser for additional security.

*Tor: Tor is a system intended to enable online anonymity. Tor client software routes Internet traffic through a worldwide volunteer network of servers in order to conceal a user's location or usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.
(*The Vidalia Bundle is the recommended download version. It contains both Popolio and Tor Button in the download)

Popilio: Polipo is a fast and lightweight, forwarding and caching proxy server and computer software daemon.

Privoxy: A non-caching web proxy with filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers before the page is rendered by the browser.

**Squid: Squid is a proxy server and web cache daemon. It has a wide variety of uses, from speeding up a web server by caching repeated requests; to caching web, DNS and other computer network lookups for a group of people sharing network resources; to aiding security by filtering traffic. Although primarily used for HTTP and FTP, Squid includes limited support for several other protocols including TLS, SSL, Internet Gopher and HTTPS.
(**Recommended if user is going to try run a Gopher)

***JonDoFox: JonDoFox is a profile for the Mozilla Firefox web browser particularly optimized for anonymous and secure web surfing. For anonymous surfing you need an IP changer proxy too. We recommended our proxy tool JonDo but you may use other anonymsation services like Tor Onion Router.
(***JonDoFox profiles can be used in conjunction with Tor, it will assist in reinforcing your anonymity.)


***Recommended Firefox Add-ons:

(***These add-ons will assist in your quest to stay anonymous both on the Clearnet and Deepweb. Search the recommended Add-ons and Extentions under Tools>Add-ons)

Adblock Plus 2.0.1 Cookie Monster 1.1.0 Ghostry 2.6.2

HTTPS Everywhere 1.2.1 No Script 2.2.4 ProfileSwitcher 1.3 Tor Button 1.3.0 Better Privacy 1.68 Flagfox 4.1.11 PrivacyChoice TrackerBlocker 2.1 RefControl 0.8.16 RequestPolicy 0.5.24 User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

**Recommended Browser Settings: Below is a link to a graphic that his beencreated and provided by an unnamed source:
(**Steps 1-5 have already been compeleted, DO NOT follow them. Step 9 is for those looking to configure Tor as an exitnode. This graphic will help in browser settings that will aid in keeping you anonymity)

Additional Recommended Security Steps:

Before setting off on your first expedition into the Deepweb, some users may want to look into adding onto their security. It is highly recommended that ALL users have at least an encrypted file container on their HDD, if not an encrypted HDD partition or wholly encrypted HDD or external HDD. The use of encrpytion is one of the best countermeasures against both physical and electronic attacks. This way any information, files, ect... obtained while in the Deepweb

can be protected and put away. Truecrypt is the recommended software for encryption, this is due to Truecrpyt's reputation and Open Source design. It is also highly recommneded that users utilize Truecrypt's "Hidden Partition" to help even further their security. Instructions for installation and use are located on Truecrypt's website.

IP Anonymity Check: Once you have read over the recommended downloads, decide what to download and use, reviewed the recommended Tor Guide graphic and made the nessesary changes in the browsit is recommended you use these links to determine that you have properly installed and are running Tor and other programs: Use these links to determine you aren't using an exitnode as a hostnode and that the IP address of the hostnode is matched by all three to ensure you're not using a false node. Ensure you refresh IPChicken to ensure you're not recieving a false positive and Tor Check. If the IP's shown do not match, right click on the Tor icon in your Notification Area and click New Identity. Once your identity has changed, restart the above process to check the IP.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Deepweb Services: Torch (Search Function): http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion

Core.onion (Seach Fucntion): http://eqt5g4fuenphqinx.onion/ http://core.onion/ Eliza: http://nel2xugswcy7qv7r.onion/ TriChan (Chan Board): http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/chan/ Anonchan (Chan Board): http://od6j46sy5zg7aqze.onion Buggedplant (Info Wiki): http://6sgjmi53igmg7fm7.onion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Know that accessing the Deepweb is something you do of your own accord. This guide is a listing of recommendations based on learned knowledge and complied information and is not a definative guide complied or supported by any company, government or orginzation. All progams, applications, add-ons, ect... are installed and utilized at the users disgression. Ultimately you are responsible for the use of these services, programs, applications, ect...and any blames rest on you.

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