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Germany Biodiversity

Germany, one of the biggest countries in the Euro zone, and the biologist have divided in four eco- regions, the first one is called the Atlantic mix forest, the second one is the Baltic mix forest, the third one is the central European Forest, and the last one is the mix and thick forest. Germany has only a 33% of land cultivable; it makes Germanys land full of animals and plants, that now Germanys government is trying to protect because many people and factories are trying to destroy it. This country is rich in fauna and flora. Because this country is forested, they have amazing animals and the most important amount of fishes in the Euro Zone Rivers. Also if you want to talk about German fauna you have to say they have wild boards, deers, mouflons, foxes, skunks, hares, badgers, and a little number of beavers. An important number of migratory birds use Germanys land in spring and autumn. National parks in Germany are The Wadden Sea National Park, The Jasmund National Park, The Vorpommern Lake, The Mritz National Park, the Down Oder Valley, The Harz National Park, The Switzerland Saxon National Park and The Baviera Forest National Park. Also Germany is known for its love to the nature, and inside the cities it has a lot of botanical garden, parks, zoos, aquariums and aviaries. The Zoologischer Garten, in Berlin, is the biggest zoo in Germany and it has the largest collection of species in the world. All of these are together with beautiful landscapes located in the Black Wild, a wooded mountain range in Baden- Wrttemberg, in southwest area of Germany, and the most known landscapes in this area belongs to Feldberg National Park, one of the biggest parks in Euro Zone, and also this national park is bordered by Rhine river. This park is full of pines, mushrooms, and deers. This also is an historical place, because there some roman tools inside of the Tabula Peutingeriana, a house that exists since XV century. All the Germans match that go there on winter, and watch the landscape full of snow is the most beautiful thing ever you see. So, German, a natural place to visit.

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