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Ensure Environmental sustainability

The Indian government states that its sustainability policies are rooted in Hindu philosophy and the principle of circular regeneration. This principle prescribes that human beings limit their consumption of global goods to the point that they can be naturally regenerated.

China also refers to its own philosophical traditions Confucianism, Taoism, etc-when arguing that human actions towards other human beings and towards nature have to be mindful of natural balances and common livelihoods.

MDG 7 aims at reducing environmental loss by controlling CO 2 emissions and reducing the use of ozone depleting substances.

China should aim to increase its forest cover due to its larger area.

India & China are water stressed states and suffer from economic & physical water scarcity.

Scarcity of water area wise

Developing a global partnership for development

MDG 8 can be achieved by India by providing aid to Least Developing & land locked nations. India has provided aid to Bhutan, Nepal ,Afghanistan & Africa. On (February 21 2011) India announced $500 million aid for a host of projects in the Least Developed Countries.

India exports life saving drugs worth Rs 35,000 crore to countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Geographically, India also lack behind in providing affordable life saving drugs to its own population.

Large numbers of Indians do not have access to quality affordable healthcare especially in rural India. 39 Million Indians fall below the poverty line each year because of healthcare expenses. 47 % of rural Indians & 37 % of urban Indians finance their healthcare needs by loans or sale of assets. 30 % of rural India doesn t visit hospitals because of high medical expenses. 70 % of all Indians spend all their income on healthcare & buying drugs.

Indias final take on MDGS !

India cannot & will not take emission reduction targets because poverty eradication , social & economic development are first & over riding priorities. - Environment Minister , JAI Ram Ramesh

This shows that India still strives to achieve its poverty reduction & developmental targets. India being a developing nation is keen on its economic growth , but this economic growth should not come at the cost of its own citizens!

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