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Junuury 7, 2012, Chennul: The Instltute of Churtered Accountunts of Indlu huve

ud|udged Shrlrum Trunsport Flnunce Corporutlon Ltd. us the wlnner under the
Cutegory V-Flnunclul Servlces Sector (other thun Bunklng und Insurunce) of the
ICAI Awurds for Flnunclul Reportlng.
The uwurdees huve been selected by u punel of |udges on revlew of
uccountlng pructlces udopted by the purtlclputlng enterprlses ln the prepurutlon of
flnunclul stutements und the pollcles udopted for dlsclosure und presentutlon of
flnunclul stutements und other lnformutlon ln the unnuul reports wlthout regurd to
thelr flnunclul condltlon und operutlng performunce. The uwurd wus hunded over ut u
glltterlng ceremony whlch wus held on Junuury 6, 2012 ut the Chennul Trude Centre
ln Chennul ufter the lnuugurul ceremony of the Internutlonul Conference on
Accountuncy Professlon: Leveruglng Emerglng Chullenges for Incluslve Growth.
On belng chosen us the wlnner ln thelr respectlve cutegory, Mr.
R.Srldhur, Munuglng Dlrector of Shrlrum Trunsport Flnunce Compuny Ltd. suld Thls
uwurd underllnes the robustness und trunspurency ln our process of flnunclul
reportlng, whlch ls cruclul ln uddlng substunce to the lmuge our corporute en|oys.
The teum ut Shrlrum Trunsport Flnunce feels prlvlleged to huve been chosen us the
wlnner umongst hlghly competltlve und esteemed nomlnees ln terms of flnunclul
reportlng by the very notuble Instltute of Churtered Accountunts of Indlu.

About Shrlrum Trunsport Flnunce Compuny Llmlted:
Shrlrum Trunsport Flnunce Compuny Llmlted ls the flugshlp
compuny of the Shrlrum group whlch hus slgnlflcunt presence ln Consumer
Flnunce, Llfe Insurunce, Generul Insurunce, Stock Broklng und Dlstrlbutlon
buslnesses. Estubllshed ln 1979, Shrlrum Trunsport ls toduy the lurgest usset
flnunclng NBFC ln the country und hollstlc flnunce provlder for the commerclul
vehlcle lndustry und seeks to purtner smull truck owners for every posslble need
reluted to thelr ussets. It hus PAN Indlu presence wlth 496 brunch offlces. Bused ut
Mumbul, lt munuges ussets over Rs 38,000 crores und hus u llve customer buse
exceedlng 8,00,000.

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