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The Great Depression

The Stock Market Crashed on October 29, 1929 sending 1 out of 4 to the unemployment line. Use your text (pp 660 - 700) to answer the following questions. 22 marks

1. How did the Hawley Smoot Tariff Act make the Depression worse? (1 mark)


What is the Dust Bowl? (1 mark)

3. marks)

Why did the Hoover Dam benefit America? (3

4. Without a doubt, Roosevelts NEW DEAL helped ease the Depression. Below is a list of NEW DEAL initiatives. Explain how each helped in the space provided:(7 marks) NEW DEAL ACTS How did it Help


5. Other than work, financial aid and Roosevelt, how did America cope with its pain? Use pp 664 5 and 698 to complete the chart below: (10 marks) Americas Favourite Actors/Actresses 2 each please Americas Favourite movies Americas Favourite Radio personalities Americas Favourite Radio programs Do these exist today? In what form? Americas Favourite Novels/novelists Americas Favourite board game? Why do think it is? Activity

Which one doesnt belong?

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